
Showing posts from August, 2020

Joint Movement for Special Status of Kashmir: Opportunists closing Ranks

  The Gupkar II Declaration (Joint Movement for Autonomy/special status of Kashmir: Disjoint Opportunists closing Ranks)                                                                                                                       Lalit K Kaul Dishonesty personified politicians in Kashmir have decided to come together to once again mislead the people of the UT of J&K to create unrest and turmoil. The political paradigm has shrunk from the autonomy/special status of J&K to that of only Kashmir. This is political chicanery at its best for, the shops exporting unrest must continue despite extant global political realities. The motivating factor may be the China-Pakistan-Turkey axis that by their utterances continues to display gross ignorance about the political dynamics as it evolved post accession of the princely state of J&K to the Union of India. The political credentials and sense of responsibility of the votaries of autonomy/ special status are well known,

Pets cannot be Masters (Always at their feet)

  Pets cannot be Masters (Their place is always at the feet of the master)                                                                                                                                               Lalit K Kaul In emergency days he was given a name: Ghulam, Nahi Azad. He and others like Anand Sharma belonged to Sanjay Gandhi brigade. While N D Tiwari and Ghulam Nabi Azad were known to have picked up Sanjay Gandhi sleepers, Anand Sharma as the President of NSUI and his goons earned enough notoriety in 1984, while on a journey in train from Delhi to Bangalore, for Indira Gandhi to summon them back to Delhi having reached only Nagpur. All these including Ambika Soni became Rajiv Gandhi loyalists after tragic death of Sanjay Gandhi, each one seeking a slot for most favoured pet. Congress always felt orphaned without a member from Gandhi family leading it. So, immediately after assassination of Indira Gandhi- without even calling CWC meeting- Rajiv Gandhi was decl

The Abysmal Decline of the Indian Political System - Part 2

  The abysmal decline of the Indian political system – Part 2                                                                                               Lalit K Kaul The fall of V P Singh government that was formed under the banner of Janta Dal saw its splinter group Janta Dal Socialist coming to power with Sri Chandrasekhar as the Prime Minister. He was supported by the Congress party headed by Rajiv Gandhi. This was another act of opportunism that exposed the leaders like Chandrasekhar who had tooth & nail opposed Congress policies & emergency. However Congress withdrew support in less than six months even before he could face the Parliament. Thereafter he remained a care taker Prime Minister until elections were held in 1991. No party got absolute majority in 1991 Lok Sabha elections & Sri P V Narsimha Rao of Congress headed a minority government. While the Kamandal politics had given the BJP 122 seats in the Parliament, the Mandal politics had divided the votes

The Abysmal Decline of the Indian Political system - Part 1

The abysmal decline of the Indian political system – part 1                                                                                                                               Lalit K Kaul Every political party in our country claims to have an ideology distinct from the other ones and that within the paradigm  of their respective ideologies they strive to serve the people with the sole intention of facilitating their growth ensuring prosperity and peaceful co-existence without discriminating on the basis of cast, religion and gender. It implies that in order to ensure prosperity and development of a society and to arrange a peaceful dispensation, the methods employed by each one should be different from others. Post independence, new political parties were born gradually, whose aim was to challenge the Congress because they believed that the system that was put in place by the Congress was not in the interest of ordinary people. So they went to the people and presented to th

Panchayats need Free themselves from the Clutches of Political parties

  Panchayats need Free themselves from the Clutches of Political Parties                                                                                                                                  Lalit K.   Kaul For a genuine and vibrant democratic system to establish itself in this part of the world it is imperative that the Panchayats rid themselves of the iron grip that the political parties have over them. It is a well known fact that the freedom movement leadership, across the spectrum, were not only highly influenced but also held in awe the European philosophies that claimed to emancipate the common man. Therefore it had been settled that the Indian masses that had been driven to the state of unprecedented misery and loss of dignity by the British rule could be liberated from the extant state by adopting 1) Socialism, 2) Communism and/or 3) Capitalism. All these ‘isms’ were alien to the natives who had been robbed of everything that they owned before being colonized.

The Ever Ready Rioting Gangs of India

  The Ever Ready Rioting Gangs of India (Real threat to Indian Social Fabric and its Integrity)                                                                                                                                                                    Lalit K Kaul It is very amazing that the anti social elements among the Muslim community are always ready with their arsenal of stones, bricks, petrol bombs, swords and knives; ready to strike at the asking of such Moulvis who declared 1) Jihad against Kafirs, 2) Ghazva e Hind, 3) digging graves for Kafirs, etcetera ( videos shown on TV channels like India TV and others) post formulation of CAA through an act of the   Parliament of India; supported covertly by leaders like Asaddudin Owaisi and his followers, Kejriwals and Mamtas; of course Communists are always there along with so called intellectuals from JNU, Delhi; AMU and Jamia Milia Islamia. How long the list is? Heaven Knows, perhaps. The anti CAA protests, Delhi riot

Evolution of State Subject in erstwhile princely state of J&K

  Evolution of State Subject in the erstwhile Princely state of J&K. For all those who blame Pandit Nehru for everything related to J&K. Excerpts from an acknowledged piece of original research work by a Historian. Must read for all those who don't want to distort history.

Cleaning of the Ganga River: A question about Civilisation

Cleaning of the Ganga River                                                                                                                  Lalit K Kaul The question to be asked is not, “Why river Ganga is not being cleaned”, but why did river Ganga become unclean? Why did river Ganga become unclean is the question if asked raises questions about the civilization itself; whereas what is being asked and protested about accepts the present civilization – its world view and hence its governing institutions and the concomitant ethics and logic, the establishment and concomitant politics governing them all; the accepted dichotomy between the spiritual and the secular world like two banks of the river Ganga; development being synonymous with growth in consumerism and growth rate being synonymous with limitless exploitation of natural and human resources; etcetera ; etcetera- and lays the blame at someone else’s doorstep for non   completion of works . Mother Ganga! How could mother