
Showing posts from October, 2020

Nefarious Role of Pakistan with regard to Kashmir (Thousands of Kashmiris liquidated and exiled on the altar of Political Prostitution); L K Kaul

  Nefarious Role of Pakistan with regard to Kashmir (Thousands of Kashmiris liquidated and exiled on the altar of Political Prostitution)                                                                                                                                                     Lalit K Kaul              When seen in historical perspective, it gets unambiguously stated that Pakistan gave birth to what has come to be known as ‘Kashmir Problem’; and thereafter always came in the way of resolving the same. The role of Pakistan is chronicled in the sequel.   Princely State:   The Princely State of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K), was created in 1846 under the Treaty of Amritsar signed between the East India Company and Maharaja Gulab Singh, and remains divided till date. It included Kashmir Valley, Ladakh Wizarat (comprising of Baltistan, Kargil and Leh), Jammu and Gilgit Wizarat (comprising of Gilgit and Pamiri areas). Partition & Standstill Agreement: During partition,