
Showing posts from January, 2021

The Farmers Movement: the Political Message is Loud & Clear Lalit K Kaul

  The Farmers Movement: the Political Message is Loud & Clear                                                                                                                         Lalit K Kaul What Farmers’ movement in the 80s & thereafter stood for, is of no relevance; what Sri M S Tikait, Sharad Joshi, Prof. Nanjundswamy, Sri B S Maan, etc stood for and what were their demands are declared irrelevant today; the reasons why Dr. Swaminathan Report came into existence and what the farmers’ unions demanded based on the report is not relevant today; because all these have been consigned to the dustbin of history. The trade unionism of farmer community (the numerical strength does not matter) seems to be approaching THE END while transforming itself into a political movement origins of which lie in the disillusionment with the extant democratic political dispensation. The call is loud and clear: Don’t have any faith/trust/confidence in what laws get enacted in the Parliamen

The FIR Game & Fooling People : Lalit K Kaul

                                                              The FIR Game & Fooling People Lalit K Kaul So the people of India can move on now because FIRs have been lodged against those who were seen bringing disgrace to our Motherland. What about the invisible ones? What about the FIR against the HM who despite all the inputs allowed tractor rally? What about FIRs against Prashant Bushan, Kejriwal, Rahul Gandhi & Co? Too big for an FIR!!! Actually FIRs are a safe passage for all the high class criminals to live their respective lives without any kind of fear or apprehension as the judiciary, the lawyers & the police combine continuosly strive very hard to ensure that these 5* criminals stay on bail till they breathe their last. Ahmed Patel died having lived the way he did while "law was taking its own course". Similarly the Gandhis the Chidambaram