
Showing posts from September, 2021

India Afghan policy needs to be independent of the US: Geo location the Imperative: Lalit k Kaul

India Afghan policy needs to be independent of the US: Geo location the Imperative Lalit K Kaul The Afghan “problem” may be as complex as mind perceives or as simple as again the mind perceives. Whatever be the problem, ultimately being on the path to its resolution unravels its complexity or simplicity. More than the resolution - or lack of it - of the problem, the critical starting point/question always remains: to venture or not to venture on to the unknown (not fully known) terrain that may lead to desirable destination. Some quotable quotes from Sri Henry Kissinger may help in taking a decision on such a dilemma.    Quote 1: “America has no permanent friends or enemies, only interests” History is the witness to this quotable quote. In the context of Afghan situation under Taliban rule the interests of America – post withdrawal – may not/cannot have anything in common to those of Indian interests. If the emergent situation in Afghanistan is the direct outcome of the American interv

Taliban China Communist Party (CCP) and India: Lalit K Kaul

                                          Taliban China Communist Party (CCP) and India Lalit K Kaul The CCP and Taliban are natural allies in that both have similar political ideologies, one based on the belief in Allah and the other in negation of that belief, though. Both believe in the rule by iron hand over their subjects that results in a sociopolitical dispensation which does not entertain human rights, right to freedom of expression, speech and dissent. The rule by iron hand relegates free citizens to status of subjects (slaves) who are mandated to conduct/function like pre programmed robots. The success of such a regime is invariably ensured by publicly setting such cruel and dreadful examples that inculcate very deep sense of fear in the minds of the subjects that ensures compliance with the powers that be. Indian sociopolitical dispensation is 180 ⁰ out of phase with that of both the Taliban and CCP in that her citizens demand unlimited freedom in everything they may

Syed Ali Shah (SAS) Geelani the “Bub” of the gullible: Lalit K Kaul

                                          Syed Ali Shah (SAS) Geelani the “Bub” of the gullible Lalit K Kaul It is said that “Politics is the art of the possible” and SAS Geelani experimented with this unchallenged dictum unabashedly. He, sure, was not the first one to do so as there are many such cruel instances in the history of the world; some led by ideological framework, the others by religious doctrine and yet others by nationalism/racism. All ended up inflicting only miseries on the unsuspecting masses and dehumanizing societies, as, indeed, did SAS Geelani. Art of the possible:   At the tenth India Today Conclave held on March 19, 2011, the Saturday, SAS Geelani demanded “freedom from India’s forceful occupation”. In making that demand – which had been his political narrative- he thoroughly exploited widespread ignorance of the people insofar as history was concerned. His political endeavour would not have survived on the basis of the historical facts and so he chose to

Omar Abdullah seeks clarification on GOI’s take on Taliban : Lalit K Kaul

                                Omar Abdullah seeks clarification on GOI’s take on Taliban  Lalit K Kaul Mr. Abdullah is worried and why not? His family’s paymaster’s position has become very tentative because Taliban does not seem to live up to the expectations of Pakistan. Pakistan was rejoicing at the prospective Taliban’s rule in Afghanistan because of the assumption of the intimacy between the two, but Taliban – the progeny of Pakistan – seem to have grown too big for the Pakistani blanket and too political and pragmatic to be just bounded by the shared religious doctrine. According to the Pakistani media, this unexpected attitude of the Taliban towards Pakistan has come as a shock to her political leadership. What rubbed salt on the wound was the invitation by the Taliban to the GOI for a meeting in Doha; first time an officially declared meeting took place between the two. Prior to such meeting, Pakistan leaders had been rejoicing because according to them the enthroning of