
Showing posts from February, 2024

Restorative Justice- In Context of Kashmiri Pandit Genocide:Lalit k kaul

  Restorative Justice- Truth & Reconciliation (Is it possible in case of Kashmiri Pandit Community?)                                Lalit k kaul “... Restorative Justice recognizes the importance of Truth and Reconciliation...”. In the context of the Genocide of Kashmiri Pandit (Not Hindu) Community led by the religious and political leadership of Kashmiri Muslims (supported by Muslim leaders and organizations in other parts of India) encouraged by the political consensus at the National level, the quoted statement needs to be analysed. Reconciliation : It means (Oxford Dictionary)- 1) the restoration of friendly relations and 2) the action of making one view or belief compatible with another. The second meaning is more relevant. The respective Vedic and Islamic World-views are not compatible with each other. The form...