
Zakir Naik defines the Place of a Female in a Society: Lalit K Kaul

  “Islamic Scholar” Dr Zakir Naik defines the Place of a Female in a Society Lalit K Kaul He could have done so only in Pakistan. It’s quite possible that he was invited to defile the very entity called Woman/girl. What with TTP avowedly working towards imposition of Sharia Law in Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Taliban government having imposed it since the day they came to wield political power in Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, the Pakistani government under pressure from within and without may have chosen Zakir Naik to initiate the exercise of letting females know their place in an Islamic society. For the civilized Pakistanis- who anyway are very hard to find- their sensibilities have been hurt beyond words, as one finds it in Pakistani digital media. But they don’t matter in Pakistan where the organizations like TLP LET HM ISIS Al Qaeda etcetera are nurtured and revered. Another purpose which Zakir Naik was to serve just before the SCO summit was to embarrass India as the

J&K-Happy Days Are Here Again:Lalit k kaul

  J&K: Happy Days Are Here Again Lalit K Kaul The secessionist forces have come to wield political power once again in the UT of J&K. Democratic process is victorious at the cost of India’s geographical integrity. The election results have shown an unambiguous Hindu-Muslim divide. Of the 33 Hindu majority constituencies in JKUT, the BJP won in 29 constituencies; in the remaining ones, BJP rebel candidates registered victory in 2 and Hindu candidates fielded by JKNC won in the remaining 2. In the 57 Muslim majority constituencies in the JKUT, no Hindu candidate registered victory in any one of these. The final count is: NC-Cong (48), BJP(29), PDP (3), AAP (1), CPI(M) (1), PC (1) and Independents (7). Thus it's 29 versus 61 and that's quite ominous because AAP, NC-Cong, PC, CPI(M) and PDP have been professing the narrative of PAGD gang that was set on 6th August, 2019 and that is to restore Article 370 and 35A for the sake of redeeming “dignity and identity” of those wh

Muslims in India Orphaned because of Nasrallah's Elimination by Israel: Lalit k kaul

  The Muslims in India feel Orphaned because of Hasan Nasarallah’s Elimination by Israel Lalit K Kaul When it comes to Muslim vs non-Muslim the rationality backed by a sense of reasoning for a Muslim recedes into an oblivion never to be retrieved. Why? Because their religious doctrine indoctrinates them into believing that they are the best because Allah decreed their existence on Earth; their religion is the best because Allah decreed it to be so and their Prophet is the best and most Ideal and Perfect being because Allah declared it thus! And since everything about them is the best, therefore all the people of all other faiths should follow their faith, Prophet and Allah. And in fact, it's solemn duty of a True Muslim to engage in the act of proselytizing both through peaceful and violent means. The history of Caliphates is resplendent with their “heroic" acts of annihilation of civilizations, forced conversions of the conquered ones into Islam and collection of “male-ganim

JKNC and JKCONG to jointly fight with "Communalistic" BJP with Conditional Support from JKPDP: Lalit K Kaul

 JKNC and JKCONG to jointly fight “Communalistic" BJP with Conditional Support from JKPDP! Lalit K Kaul Those whose hands are soaked in the blood of Kashmiri Pandit community (KPC), disfigurement followed with dismemberment of their womenfolk, genocide and exile are declaring to take on “communalistic" BJP in the upcoming Assembly elections in J&K. Those who led by example the uncivilized act of desecrating and demolishing places of worship (temples) of KPC are laying claim to being “secular". Those who allowed the entire state machinery to be used for ensuring ethnic cleansing of the KPC from the Valley flaunting banners of Islam supported by frenzied calls to the KPC by the Moulvis from mosques to either adopt Islam or face death claim to be custodians of a civilized society! Those who institutionalized female prostitution in the Valley for satisfying the biological needs of their foreig

Reason Why KP community Boycott J&K Assembly Elections: Lalit k kaul

 Reasons Why the Kashmiri Pandit Community Should Boycott Assembly Elections in J&K Lalit K Kaul Democracy is characterized by a government that's “Of the People By the People & For the People". But in our country, India, it's characterized by a government that's “Of the depraved Netas By the depraved Netas & For the Chosen Castes and Minority Group". It's also governance for votes consolidation. Therefore, more the numbers in a caste and minority-based categorizations, the more that caste and minority centric governance. This kind of governance has put such a dispensation in place which inhibits bringing culprits and criminals to justice and justice delivering system itself is conspicuous by its absence. Because the Police has been reduced to being a handmaiden of political outfit in power; the voters/goons/supporters of a political outfit in power are declared to be above law and, therefore, beyond the reach of the police force. The investigatin

B'desh Pak & Indian Muslims-Islam First Nation Last: Lalit k kaul

  B'desh Pak and Muslims in India: Islam First Nation Last Lalit K Kaul The Muslim Clergy holds the iron grip over Muslim societies and their political leadership. Religion and politics are inseparable in Muslim societies because the political leadership is ordained to establish Nizam e Mustafa as decreed in Al Quran. Because Al Quran is declared to be the final word on secular matters like economy, culture, criminal and civil jurisprudence, rights of men and women and their place in the society, etcetera. Further because it's decreed in Al Quran “whatever existed before Al Quran was revealed was Jahaliyat and whatever one tries to do outside of the dictates of It is Kufaar". The aforesaid sentences are not my invention (Bidda), but learned sermons from the Moulvis and Maulanas of Pakistan (the Pious place for Muslims) including those who are protagonists of TTP TLP, etcetera, and my addiction is that I love to hear them as they inform me that Al Quran has all the

Jamaat-e-Islami (Kashmir): Intent to Fight Assembly Elections! What’s New! Lalit K Kaul

    Jamaat-e-Islami (Kashmir): Intent to Fight Assembly Elections! What’s New! Lalit K Kaul Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI) has expressed its intent to contest upcoming Assembly elections if the Government of India (GoI) lifts the ban imposed on it. First time it was banned in 1990 when it chose to be a part of the armed insurgency against Indian State started by the local JKLF unit with logistic support from Pakistan; it did so for the fear of losing its support base to JKLF for want of participation. Although the Jamaat held the view that Kashmir was disputed territory it had continued until the late 1980s to insist on using talks, rather than armed insurrection, to resolve the issue. Thereafter, in 2019 it was banned for a 5-year period under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act. Then again on February 27, 2024, the Ministry of Home Affairs in India extended the ban on it for five more years. JeI’s Political Stand in regard to Accession of J&K Princely State to India: Af