
Showing posts from June, 2020

The Kashmiri Society is on the Brink

The Kashmiri Society is on the Brink (Coping with the clash between two schools of thought)                                                                                                                          Lalit K Kaul The threat by TRF is nothing new. The Chairman of All Party Hurriat Conference (APHC), Sri Syed Ali Shah Geelani, gave a public statement (that appeared in print media) some years ago that Kashmiri Pandits won’t be allowed to come back to Valley. This self styled leader who otherwise never moved out to any part of the erstwhile J&K state to campaign and solicit support of the people for his secessionist agenda made it a point to shuttle between his place of residence to the Pakistani Embassy in New Delhi whenever summoned. His other companions in the APHC had the same sort of commutation history. Essentially a mohalla / street / mosque centered individuals were projected as mass leaders by the Kashmir based so called mainstream politicians and the r

Enslaved Minds Empowered by Guns and IED

Enslaved Minds Empowered by Guns and IED (Shah Faesal is Hybrid of Mainstream and Separatists)                                                                                                                  Lalit K Kaul Condemnation of the killing of Ajay Bharti (Pandita), Sarpanch, will not help; denouncing it as a dastardly/cowardly act will not help because this kind of rhetoric have been going on for decades now. Ironically most of the times the perpetuators of the crime are the first ones to denounce it. It is not difficult to pin point politicians who have a double face; one for the external world and the other for internal world’s scheming to create panic, mayhem and disorderliness in the society. What adds to their strength is that only the executor of their plans is punished while they go scot free. Like, those who shot at Indira Gandhi were punished, but those who planned it to perfection were not. Security forces may find the killer and execute him, but those who

What Is Ailing Kashmir?

What’s Ailing Kashmir? Lalit K Kaul It is criminal parenthood. Yes, the last thirty years can be likened to a situation where a parent agrees to put his children on the chopping block in exchange for assured grand lifestyles. The local Kashmiri Muslim (couldn’t have been a Hindu) leadership (of two kinds: mainstream and separatists) in the valley bargained with the lives of gullible Kashmiris for their (mainstream) assured grip over the highest chair in the erstwhile state and the other kind (separatists) for assured incomes and protection from both sides of the divide. It has been an amazing transformation from being a fun loving Kashmiri to a thoroughly indoctrinated, like a well programmed robot, venom spewing inhuman and thoroughly communalized one. Indeed from being an individual who would run at the site of a CRPF cop (may be throw a few stones from a distance that would fall well short of target) to the one shouldering AK47 out to kill anybody (on orders), is a remarkabl