
Showing posts from November, 2022

Between India & Pak Kashmir is not the issue It's Conflicting World-views: Lalit k kaul

Between India and Pakistan Kashmir is not the issue It’s conflicting World-views                                         Lalit K Kaul And, Kashmir is only manifestation of that conflict. Any kind of sustainable relationship that India may desire/plan to have with Pakistan, India should not lose sight of the world-view that gave birth to Pakistan. That’s the bottom line as also the guiding principle that should dictate the content of their mutual relationship. Foundation is more important than the structure built on it: For, the structure once built can be altered not the foundation and for altering/ modifying the foundation the structure has to collapse. The foundation of Pakistan was laid on the world-view of Hindu hatred because they were designated as infidels and the narrative built was that Momeens can’t be ruled by infidels; another dimension that was added to it was that having ruled over Indian Subcontinent for nearly one thousand years there was no way Hindu Rule o

Nehruji's Vilification on his Kashmir Policy: Lalit k kaul

  Nehruji's Vilification on his Kashmir Policy                                                                                         Lalit K Kaul How history can be distorted to earn not only brownie points from prospective voters, but also to project oneself and/ or one’s outfit as the only patriotic one; may be easily learnt from our “Netas” and politicians alike belonging to all political outfits- both regional and national. The abysmal depths of degeneration that our political system has strived to achieve is/has been evident from the fact that even those who led the Indian Independence Struggle from the front haven’t been spared of the ignominy of being defaced by those extant politicians and leaders who don’t measure up to the dust of their feet. Cultural Degeneration: In our country it’s quite ubiquitous to see the most uninformed/incapable ones masquerading as the Critics with absolute knowledge about everything and anything that concerns our country. The langua