Between India & Pak Kashmir is not the issue It's Conflicting World-views: Lalit k kaul
India and Pakistan Kashmir is not the issue It’s conflicting World-views
Lalit K Kaul
And, Kashmir
is only manifestation of that conflict.
Any kind
of sustainable relationship that India may desire/plan to have with Pakistan, India
should not lose sight of the world-view that gave birth to Pakistan. That’s the
bottom line as also the guiding principle that should dictate the content of
their mutual relationship.
is more important than the structure built on it:
For, the
structure once built can be altered not the foundation and for altering/
modifying the foundation the structure has to collapse. The foundation of
Pakistan was laid on the world-view of Hindu hatred because they were
designated as infidels and the narrative built was that Momeens can’t be ruled
by infidels; another dimension that was added to it was that having ruled over
Indian Subcontinent for nearly one thousand years there was no way Hindu Rule
over Indian Subcontinent would be acceptable to erstwhile rulers. The pull of
the hatred against the infidels was so irresistible that poet Iqbal who had
penned “Saarae Jahan sae accha…” became the leading ideologue for creation of a
pious place for Momeens- Pak-sthan or Pakistan.
Even while
Relational Dialectics surfaced between the two sections of protagonists for
creation of Pakistan – one seeking/aiming to make Pakistan a powerful nation by
imparting modern education to Muslims and the other nurturing it as a pure
Islamic State based on Sharia that comprised the Law of Allah (the Holy Quran);
the teachings in Hadiths and Sirat Rasoolallah and this divide was carried over
to Pakistan right from the day of her birth. This ideological struggle within Pakistan
continued to be and, as is evident, today the one professing for Islamic State
of Pakistan have succeeded in wielding enormous clout on the Pakistani society to
the extent of nearly marginalizing the other.
The rise
of Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and other Islamist outfits is such that
they are feared for having acquired the capability of engaging Pakistan army if
they are resisted on their path to establish Sharia Rule (in KPK to start with)
in entire country. So, instead of neutralizing them, they are engaged in
negotiations while the Baloch and POK residents are subject to inhuman
treatment. It’s also very well known that the minorities in Pakistan have been
annihilated and the residual is subjected to unparalleled indignities; the
treatment meted out to minorities is in line with Sharia Rule. Let no policy
maker in India have any apprehensions about the truth of Sharia Rule.
embarking on the path of dismantling terror networks and terrorists, post 9/11
the US think tank decided that the first step in that direction was to
understand 1) who the Americans are supposed to fight and 2) what motivated the
Americans were sure that their fight was not merely against this two-legged
specie, loaded with arms and ammunitions, who had been trained to kill, but
against that ideology that motivates him/her to go on a killing and bombing
spree. So, the first step they took, to uncover this secret, was to do a
serious study of The Holy Quran, the Hadiths and Sirat Rasoolallah. That study
led to bringing out a report for war against terror strategists and this Jihad
was uncovered in all its various forms. Few excerpts are reproduced here for
ready reference:
[ The
Enemy’s Stated Threat Doctrine
overwhelming majority of individuals with whom the United States military is
engaged states they are fighting “Jihad” in the “Cause of Allah” in order to
establish an Islamic State (Caliphate) under Islamic Law- known as Sharia. In
order to accurately understand what this means, our professional duty is to
know how Jihad is understood by the enemy when mapped against “Jihad” as
defined in Islamic Doctrine, and to understand what Islamic Law is and what its
role is in Islam. Without this knowledge, we cannot accurately identify, target
and defeat the enemy.]
[IX (e). Jihad as warfare must be fought when the Muslim community has
the ability to do so. Even when this is not possible, a standing requirement
exists to wage Jihad via the pen or with words. At a minimum, however, all
Muslims are under permanent obligation to hate and despise the non- Muslim rule
(Jihad of Heart)]
IX(e) is the basis for creation of Pakistan and what was done to
Kashmiri Pandits in Kashmir starting 1986; including the utterances of Muslim
political and religious leadership during anti- CAA hooliganism. The venom
spewing public speeches made by leaders of AIMIM and some of the Moulvis
Maulanas and Muftis draw their motivation from IX(e). The Indian government and
its political leadership too need to do a study like the Americans did if the
government – leadership combine has to successfully bury the political
objective of Ghazwa 2047 and establishing Sharia Rule in India. The easier way
out is to follow the American study.
The Question:
Will Pakistan make a transition from being an Islamic State to a Secular
Democratic one? No. Why? Because that, in the first step, would require dismantling
a State (Theocratic) within the State that’s a poor caricature of a democratic and
secular one. There is another State (Establishment) within the one that
pretends to be secular and democratic even though the minorities have been
annihilated as a matter of routine since 1947. The National Assembly, the Courts,
the Electron Commission, etc. are mere captives of the Establishment which is
So, the Pakistan’s political leadership and the associated government have
an astronomical task at their disposal if Pakistan has to emerge, over the
years, as a genuinely secular and democratic country; and the task is to
marginalize the Establishment and annihilate TTP and other Islamist outfits. While
it may manage to marginalize the Establishment, but to annihilate TTP and other
Islamist outfits is to negate and dismantle the rationale behind its birth. And that is tantamount to re-laying the
foundation which would mean bulldozing the existing structure. It would also
mean negation of rationale that motivated Pakistan political and religious
leadership to lay claim on Kashmir.
Genesis of “Kashmir Problem”:
“Kashmir is a Muslim majority region therefore it had to be part of
Pakistan”, is Pak’s claim based on commonality of religion. Therefore, Kashmir had
to be a part of Islamic State as that would relieve the Momeens of Kashmir from
the rule of infidels in India.
There is another dimension to Pak’s claim on Kashmir and that’s to keep
the never-ending war on infidels going, as ordained by the Allah’s command. And,
Allah has guaranteed victory over the infidels only if the believers persist in
the “Cause of Allah”. In fact, if Momeens face defeat it means Allah is testing
their perseverance while being in the “Cause of Allah”. What can be more
motivating for a believer than the command of Allah! So, the Holy War (Jihad)
on infidels must go on even at the cost of one’s own annihilation. This is
proved beyond debate by Pakistan; even when it’s on the brink India has to be
maligned internationally (Jihad with Words) on Kashmir. Since Muslims are under
permanent obligation to hate and despise the non- Muslim rule (Jihad of Heart),
therefore Pakistan must enforce it by whatever means even if the employed means
may lead to dehumanizing a pluralistic society. This “Jihad of Heart” comes
through in speeches of the leaders of AMIM and the Valley based political
outfits like JKNC JKPDP and PC, etc. And Muslim religious heads don’t lag behind
in this type of Jihad, as was evident during anti-CAA hooliganism and during
Corona times.
Will “Kashmir Problem” Cease to be?
Not until Pakistan transforms itself from being religious based set-up into
a Secular and Democratic one. That would end the conflicting World-views between
India and Pakistan.
Else, Pakistan disintegrates into smaller countries which won’t have the
wherewithal to challenge India on Kashmir and Pro -Pak elements in Kashmir would also run
out of their steam.
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