Muslims in India Orphaned because of Nasrallah's Elimination by Israel: Lalit k kaul

 The Muslims in India feel Orphaned because of Hasan Nasarallah’s Elimination by Israel

Lalit K Kaul

When it comes to Muslim vs non-Muslim the rationality backed by a sense of reasoning for a Muslim recedes into an oblivion never to be retrieved. Why? Because their religious doctrine indoctrinates them into believing that they are the best because Allah decreed their existence on Earth; their religion is the best because Allah decreed it to be so and their Prophet is the best and most Ideal and Perfect being because Allah declared it thus! And since everything about them is the best, therefore all the people of all other faiths should follow their faith, Prophet and Allah. And in fact, it's solemn duty of a True Muslim to engage in the act of proselytizing both through peaceful and violent means. The history of Caliphates is resplendent with their “heroic" acts of annihilation of civilizations, forced conversions of the conquered ones into Islam and collection of “male-ganimat”. How Meccans ultimately consented/capitulated to renounce their ancestral faith for the new one is very well documented in Seerat Rasoolallah (by Ibn Ishaq). Therefore, if one has to understand Muslim psyche and Muslim politics deeply rooted and governed by “Law of Allah", then their mind-set as stated in short in the aforesaid lines is to be kept in mind.

Israel Vs Hamas, Hezbollah and Houthi:

So, it is one Nation versus three organisations who are unflinchingly committed to be in the “Way of Allah" and, therefore, every act of theirs against non-Muslims is justified and hence any resistance put up against the “army of Allah" is sacrilegious and, therefore, unpardonable; this is the context within which one need to analyse the developing situation in West Asia and its fall out on the rest of the world.

Who started the ongoing conflict/war? It's Hamas. What did Hamas do on 7th October, 2023? It inflicted barbarism on unsuspecting Jews who were holidaying and celebrating their occasion. The numbers don't matter, the barbaric acts do as such acts define a community/nation in its totality that also includes their faith. Did any Muslim Nation condemn this act? No. Did any Muslim leader in South Asia condemn it? No. Why? Because their religious ideology prohibits them from doing it. Any Muslim who dares to condemn the barbarism of 7th October, 2023 shall be handed over a Fatwa by a Mufti seeking “Sar Tan Sae Juda”.

At the same time, the retaliation by Israel (Jews) is being condemned by one and all across the Muslim and Arab world! They are calling the pay back by Jews to Muslims as the act of genocide. In the UNGA while the act of Hamas was not appreciated, the retaliation by Israel was declared as near genocide! The question is: the Hamas having started genocide of unsuspecting Jews, who will decide the extent to which Israel must go in paying back in kind? Who is qualified to put a price tag on the life of a Jew? None except the Jews.

Israel had been warning Hezbollah not to attack North Israel, not to participate in Israel-Hamas conflict. But all that fell on deaf ears because “Law of Allah" was beckoning them to act against the infidels and thus support their co-army of Allah (the Hamas). The incessant rocket attacks by Hezbollah on North Israel prompted retaliation by Israel. And, what a retaliation! Indian big mouths need to learn the science and art of modern warfare from Israel. It shall help in taking care of mentally sick nation-Pakistan.

Israel eliminated almost entire hierarchy of Hezbollah including the one who was declared to be the successor of Nasarallah and that too within two hours of the said declaration!

Likewise, Israel also warned Houthis to keep off, but how could this “army of Allah” not join other two armies to vanquish the Infidel-the Jews! Now, Israel has started paying back Houthis in kind.

No Muslim Nation is talking about unwarranted attacks by Hezbollah and Houthis on Israel. And, this is remarkable as it tells all as to how faith justifies all that is beyond reason in secular world.

The Speech of Netanyahu at UNGA:

The message was loud and clear. No messing with Israel. “There is no place in Middle East and Iran where long hands of Israel can't reach". His speech must have sent many Arab minds thinking about what was to be served on a plate to the Arab and Muslim world by this Jewish state. Such words can come only from a true leader who is committed to uphold the honour and dignity of Jews as a Nation and the geo-political boundaries of Israel. The One who is convinced that a Jew's life is priceless and invaluable and those who kill them deprive this Earth and Israel of as many geniuses. That Israel, such a tiny state, has not only survived many wars imposed on it by Arab collective, but also succeeded in enhancing its geographical reach is only due to its committed political leadership and the people who don't trade their national interests for some petro- dollars, euros or British-pounds.

Indian political leadership and Indians shall stand to gain a lot if they emulate Israelis. The day Indian political leadership realize that Indian lives matter and that every Indian life is priceless and invaluable then and only then they will cease to tolerate anti-National people and their supported terrorist networks and institutions and make a ruthless policy of effacing them from our land.

The Response of Muslims in South Asia and Elsewhere:

Muslims are politically motivated socio-religious group; it's a Monolith. It is driven by One Divine Ideology. Therefore it's very natural that their “Army of Allah" barbaric acts against communities of other faiths don't get condemned by their Moulvis Maulanas and Muftis and politicians. Their “educated" class and the “intellectuals” too don't. There was this much adored painter, adored by communists and Muslims, M F Hossain who took pride in painting Hindu Goddesses nude. I would have adored him had he painted his mother, wife, sister, daughter, etcetera nude. By his paintings he pictorially depicted the Divine Law- dehumanize the people of other faiths.

The Muslims across the world didn't condemn the barbarism inflicted on Bangladeshi Hindus that was tantamount to genocide; the Muslims irrespective of their country of residence didn't condemn the genocide of hapless Kashmiri Pandit community in Kashmir; the icing on the cake is that up until today no Kashmiri Muslims who lays claim to be secular and Indian has condemned the genocide. But if one Muslim is lynched for cow slaughter the whole Muslim community rises as one Monolith.

The simple question is: what have Kashmiri Muslims and other Muslims in India to do with Hassan Nasarallah and Hezbollah? The answer: They see in Hezbollah an “Army of Allah" with a potential to decimate Israel and fulfil one of the Commandments of the “Divine Law”.

What have Mehboobas Abdullahs and Owaisis including their supporters to do with Hezbollah? What message does Farooq Abdullah want to convey when he says, “Kashmir can become Gaza"? Why Pakistan is mourning for Nasarallah? If this question is to be answered then all the mentioned players can't be separated because they have one common goal- Ghazwa e Hind. The “armies of Allah" nurtured by Pakistan and “Hum Kya Chahtae Azadi" having lost steam as on date, Hezbollah is perceived as a Hope to strengthen Islamic Jihad against India and the world and that can materialize only if it comes out triumphant against Israel. For, a victorious Hezbollah would stimulate various Islamic forces that are lying dormant for now to join hands for a collective assault on modern civilization to take it to pre-Stone age and impose Nizam-e-Mustafa because that's The Imperative for “Aakhirat" -the Day of Judgement- to descend and transport faithful to Jannah to be in the company of Hoors and enjoy “Life Hereinafter”. This Divine faith/dictate is itched deep into the hearts of “True Muslims".

Jihad in India and Hezbollah:

“Har Ghar Sae Niklega Hezbollah”, declared a teen aged Kashmiri girl! “A Kashmiri Muslim boy declared, “Agar koi temple bana toh hum tod dengae"! Proclaims a Pakistani Muslim belonging to TLP in Pakistan, “Quran pak mein 14 baar likha hai ki jo Allah uske Rasool aur Islam ko nahi manta woh gandi naali kae keedae sae battar hai"! One can see a connect based on religious faith and dictates. And that precisely dictates Muslim politics. If Jews have no right to live, the Idolaters are not an exception.

If one browses through the news about stone pelting on Hindu religious processions by Muslims, desecrating temples, mixing urine with fruit juice and spitting on each and every flower used for garlands to be used in Hindu religious functions then one can find that not only have such incidences increased in past three years, but innovative means have been developed to dehumanize Hindus. This is 2nd stage of Jihad and instigating riots against Hindus in pockets of Muslim majority is 3rd stage and the final stage is genocide. If the Hindus and Indian State ignore such inhuman and repugnant acts then it would be at our own peril.

All the noises made by a cross-section of Kashmiri Muslims in regard to their Indian nationality and secular credentials are an illusion because they stand no chance against the “armies of Allah".

Hezbollah is darling of Muslims in India because it's parliamentary wing of the Jihad Council and its meaning is “Party of Allah”. So, this Party of Allah being a constituent of the Jihad Council, its political aim is to wage Jihad across the world. And the Muslims in India are busy preparing grounds for Jihad so that when Hezbollah intervenes in India and that's their Wish and Hope, the ground shall be fertile for it. Declared a Moulvi, “we have enough numbers to wage Jihad across India". Seen in this context the proclamation “Har Ghar Sae Niklega Hezbollah” means that each family in Kashmir is a constituent of the Party of Allah whose religious duty is to wage Jihad.

What can save Indian/Sanatan Civilization from Jihad by the “Armies of Allah"?

Surgical strikes within India; in Kashmir and in such pockets of India where demographic changes have created mini Islamic states. The incidences of stone pelting and others as enumerated in the aforesaid lines are not the acts of miscreants/anti-social elements or “misguided" youth. Such activities are carried out by a highly motivated Muslims who believe, by their faith, that the only way to find a seat in Jannah in the life hereinafter is by annihilating “infidels" if they don't accept Islam.

The threat is India’s sovereignty is more from within than without. Indian State may be able to thwart China's expansionism and decimate Pakistan, but to deal with such cunning foxes who while greeting “infidels" with a smile are planning their genocide is a stupendous task. The surgical strikes need to be done on Moulvis and Maulanas including Muftis and Muslim political leadership from the likes of AIMIM who instigated their community members against the concept of India. The Madrasas and Mosques where young Muslim minds are instigated against “infidels" and have become centres of fake currency generation.

One may not go with the political dispensation in China, but China has shown the way as to how to deal with such forces who threaten her integrity and value system. India can't afford to ignore.


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