
Showing posts from March, 2024

The UN need Consult Jews Kashmiri Pandits & Sikhs on Why Islamophobia: Lalit k kaul

  The UN Need Consult Jews Kashmiri Pandits and Sikhs on Why Islamophobia                                                                                        Lalit K Kaul Pakistan introduces a Resolution on Islamophobia in UNGA and China seconds it! Ostensibly it cannot get more incongruous than that, but the not so visible reason for such a comradeship is the identical Communist and Islam's political ideology. Communist China is intolerant to all religious faiths as according to communist ideology “Religion is opium of masses" and the communist regime denies free will, free enterprise and freedom of thought and expression to its people. Communist Party of China (CPC)’s crackdown on Uyghur Muslims (followers of Islam) including their places and ways of worship is an open secret known to entire Arab and Muslim world. CPC is supreme and any challenge to it in any form at any level is ruthlessly suppressed. Pakistan is an Islamic State born from the womb of Mother In