The UN need Consult Jews Kashmiri Pandits & Sikhs on Why Islamophobia: Lalit k kaul


The UN Need Consult Jews Kashmiri Pandits and Sikhs on Why Islamophobia

                                                                                       Lalit K Kaul

Pakistan introduces a Resolution on Islamophobia in UNGA and China seconds it! Ostensibly it cannot get more incongruous than that, but the not so visible reason for such a comradeship is the identical Communist and Islam's political ideology.

Communist China is intolerant to all religious faiths as according to communist ideology “Religion is opium of masses" and the communist regime denies free will, free enterprise and freedom of thought and expression to its people. Communist Party of China (CPC)’s crackdown on Uyghur Muslims (followers of Islam) including their places and ways of worship is an open secret known to entire Arab and Muslim world. CPC is supreme and any challenge to it in any form at any level is ruthlessly suppressed.

Pakistan is an Islamic State born from the womb of Mother India through the process of bloody cesarean for the reason that Muslims cannot live in a land governed by “Kafirs" (Hindus) and, therefore, a pious-land be designated for the Momin. So, the intolerance towards non-Muslims was stated quite unambiguously, like communist China's intolerance towards all religions. And, like CPC, this hatred was also implemented on ground post its birth. In fact, all Muslim countries in Indian Subcontinent- Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan- have demonstrated their hatred towards non-Muslims as the following figures would suggest, as far as reduction in Hindu population is concerned:

Pakistan: from 21% to 1%; Bangladesh: from 30% to 5%; Afghanistan: from 12% to 0%

Islamic States are governed by the Divine Dictates as laid down in the Holy Quran, the Hadith and Seerat Rasoolallah. The Ulema may adjudicate in cases where no guidance is available from the three sacred books of Islam. Any Muslim dare not question anything that's laid down in the Holy Quran as Divine Dictate. If one dares, he/she is charged for blasphemy and executed. Therefore, no freedom of expression/speech/thought. A non-Muslim is given an option: convert or face death. Kidnapping of teenaged non-Muslim girls followed by forced conversions and Nikah are naked facts in Pakistan, while administrative machinery looks the other way. Because, if administrative machinery intervenes it shall be charged with blasphemy and its personnel made to face death.

So, it's rule of terror both in Pakistan and China and hence the unbreakable comradeship.

Why and How Islamophobia was coined?

Because Islam was sought to be characterized as “Moderate" and “Radical". The thesis developed is that while Islam professes peace and brotherhood yet some overzealous Muslims “Islamists” had brought bad name to it by their inhuman acts against non-Muslims. If this thesis is valid then what does one make out of the decree “Whole world is a Mosque" and that it's bounden duty of every Muslim to establish Darul-Islam (house/abode of Islam) across the Globe! Since every religious community has its own places of worship, what does “Whole world is a Mosque” mean? The “Rightly Guided Caliphs" went about conquering the world, why did they force the conquered ones to embrace Islam? It was to obey the Divine Dictate of establishing Darul-Islam. The British, French, Spainish, Portuguese and the Dutch together colonized the whole world of nations/ civilizations, looted their resources and disfigured their socio-political and socio-economic regimes, but didn't by force convert them to Christianity. While down the line Muslim rule in India and the Ottoman Empire looted and plundered the wealth of conquered nations-like the European colonizers- for filling up the coffers of the Caliphs, they also annihilated the faiths of the conquered ones. In India, due to sheer numbers and resilience of Hindus, they failed to achieve a 100% conversion. The combined rule of Akbar and Jehangir slaughtered 15 lakh Hindus during the tenure- as proudly documented by their historians- for the reason that those Hindus had refused to accept Islam! The enormity of the task and compulsions of governance Darul-Islam was modified to mean the dispensation which consisted of Muslims and non-Muslims with the latter living as Dhimmies (protected persons subject to fulfilment of certain conditions as laid out by the Islamic rulers).

If there was anything like “Moderate" Islam then how did the three Jewish tribes in Madina vanish? The barbarism let loose by Hamas on unsuspecting Jews in Israel on the fateful day of 7th October 2023, why it hasn't been condemned by any Islamic country -Arabs and Muslims? No condemnation from any of them including the religious leadership of Muslims in India points to the fact that there is no “Moderate” Islam existing anywhere that would be like a beacon of tolerance towards non-Muslims. It's not as much about the Palestinian cause as it is about enforcing the Divine Dictate that Jews have no right to exist because the Jews in Madina refused to accept Muhammad as their Prophet even though in their scriptures a prophecy about a new Prophet had been made!

So much about “Moderate" Islam.

Religiophobia /Islamophobia: Kashmiri Pandits and Sikhs:

Religiophobia is defined as: A fear or hatred of religion, religious faith or religious organizations. Replace ‘Religi" by “Islam" and what we have is Islamophobia. The Sikh and Kashmiri Pandit community have historical reasons for inculcating Islamophobia. From being a 100% population in the Kashmir Valley until 4th quarter of 14th century CE, reduced to mere 3% in 1991 and to near 0% in 2024. The recorded seven exoduses of Kashmiri Pandit community were due to barbarism inflicted by the Ideologically motivated Muslim rulers who were led by the Divine Dictate of establishing Darul-Islam which didn't countenance a heterogeneous religious society.

The Sikh Gurus were subjected to unprecedented barbarism by the Muslim rulers because they refused to accept Islam. Of the total ten Sikh gurus, two, Guru Arjan and Guru Teg Bahadur, were tortured and executed, and close kin of several gurus (such as the seven and nine-year old sons of Guru Gobind Singh), were brutally killed, along with numerous other main revered figures of Sikhism (such as Banda Bahadur (1716), Bhai Mati Das, etc. The beheading of Guru Teg Bahadur caused his head and body to fall apart and they lay at two different locations. The orders of Aurungzeb prohibited cremation of slain body. Two “low caste" Hindus dared to cremate two parts of his body in their respective huts by setting them on fire, while those who claimed to be his followers fled the scene and didn't dare to come anywhere near the slain body. The place where his head was cremated, a Gurudwara by name Sees Ganj stands tall and Gurudwara Rukub Ganj Sahib stands tall at the location where his body was cremated.

In view of such historical facts as brought out in preceding paragraphs, how could one expect the Sikh and Pandit community not to harbour Islamophobia. And, why wouldn't Hindus- as one religious’ entity- harbour the same again for the historical reasons. Even if most of them may not have read history yet the acts of terrorism, calls for balkanization of their Motherland and the various Muslim organizations working towards it; the Moulvis Maulanas and Muftis spewing venom publicly against the Hindus; are reasons enough for them to harbour Islamophobia including desecration of Hindu temples in Muslim majority areas. More for the reason that those who vouch for “Moderate" Islam have never shown the courage to stand up to “Radical" Islam and say that whatever “radicalization" is done by Moulvis and Maulanas under the banner of Islam are traitors to the Faith- Islam.

Can UN eradicate Islamophobia?

UN has never served any purpose in regard to ensuring peace in any part of the world by finding way out to avoid conflicts. Right from its inception, it remained a handmaiden of erstwhile colonial and the then emerging world powers. The UN can't override the direct experiences of races and communities who have suffered at the hands of Islam and its ideology.

However, the UNGA adopted a resolution in 2022 proclaiming March 15 as the International Day to Combat Islamophobia in the wake of the 2019 mass shootings in two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand that had killed over 50 people. What about 408 Hindu temples which have been destroyed in Pakistan since 1947 and near extinction of Hindu community from it? What about temples in Kashmir which have been desecrated and destroyed by followers of Islam? These two examples bring out the existence of the UN which is laughable. Another laughable request came from Pakistan, the sponsor of resolution, which “requested UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres to appoint a United Nations Special Envoy to combat Islamophobia”

The present resolution the countries which abstained from voting for it are 44 in number which include India, Brazil, France, Germany, Italy, Ukraine and UK. All these countries have suffered religion driven politics of Muslims. These Muslim immigrants in UK and Europe who were emaciated, half naked, jobless and persecuted in their own Muslim countries were given shelter and allowed to earn their livelihoods while having freedom to practice Islam. They multiplied in numbers faster than the natives and developed websites that preached establishing Sharia Rule and hatred for non-Muslims, have become a threat for Europe and UK insofar as native culture, religion, belief system and civilization is concerned. One should read the research works of native Europeans to understand the kind of threat Islam has come up with. India has been a victim of it since centuries; faced partition and has been combating terrorism since decades. So, obviously they all abstained. Can UN do anything about it? No. Because it has no sovereignty over sovereign nations and it can't override the direct experiences of races and communities who have suffered at the hands of the Ideology that denies Right to Life of non-Muslims.

Why did Pakistan move the Resolution?

Domestic compulsion and Israel Hamas conflict. Pakistan is in a very bad shape economically, socially and politically. The Pakistani political leadership and Establishment listen to the dictates of religious leadership because in its Jihad against “Kafir" India and creation of Taliban it heavily depended upon the madrasas headed by religious leaders. Pakistan has positioned itself as the “saviour of Islam and Islamic world” as it has in its arsenal nuclear weapons. Israel Hamas conflict in which the very foundations of Islamic Jihad are being shaken by the Jews, the annihilation of Hamas and possible Israel takeover of Gaza strip is being attributed to Islamophobia. The argument is: All Palestinians are not Hamas like “All Muslims are not radicalized" and therefore Israel is committing genocide on Palestinians. They don't talk about 7th October 2023 because Jews lives don't matter as per the Divine Dictate. The resolution is for the purpose of feeding its highly religiously polarized society that Pakistan is leaving no stone unturned for protection of Islam.

How Islamophobia can be eradicated?

Not by any resolution of the UN. Not by breast beating. Not by playing victim card. Because history doesn't support all these dramatics. Not by the military and economic power of Islamic nations because they are a 100% dependent on Europe UK and the US – in terms of technology and ammunitions and arms supply. The Arab and Muslim world has to accept that neither Caliphate nor Ottoman Empire can be reestablished, no matter how hard Turkey and its associates may plan.

It can be eradicated only if the Muslim world engages itself in deep introspection and accepts the truth of their faith without getting in to trap of “Moderate" Vs “Radical" Islam. Whatever be the Truth of their faith, it's only Muslims and Arabs who know it for sure. They need to decide whether they want to integrate with the technologically driven world which is essentially secular and therefore doesn't see any role of God/Allah/Ishwar in worldly affairs or become an unapproachable Island in the comity of nations by living according to the law that doesn't fit in with the international law of commerce, economics, politics and logic. The Muslim and the Arab world need to think what lays in future for them, if they embark on the policy of establishing supremacy of Islam over other religions. Once they decide by consensus that all religions are deserving of same respect as Islam and that no religion is inferior or superior to any other, Islamophobia shall cease to exist. Will they? Only Time shall tell.











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