
Showing posts from September, 2022

The ‘Haves’ and the ‘Have-nots’:Lalit k kaul

  The ‘Haves’ and the ‘Have-nots’ (From the Knowledge Perspective: A Non-materialistic definition)                                                                                             Lalit K Kaul The Knowledge Question: It is about a civilised society’s inherent ability to provide an opportunity to every individual, comprising the society, to develop his/her knowledge/skills, in the way one desires to, so as to be able to contribute to its development and progress both in the short and long run. Such opportunity cannot be constrained by the factors of race, caste, creed, gender and religion. It recognizes the importance of ‘knowledge beings’ in a society while rejecting the practice of labelling knowledge as inferior / superior and/or scientific / unscientific based on the methods employed by individuals to acquire it. It recognizes different streams (diversity) of knowledge and therefore recognizes diverse ways (methods) of acquiring the same. It rejects the theor

The Political Prostitution - Part 2:Lalit k kaul

  The Political Prostitution - Part 2 (The abrogation of nonexistent Article 370 for creation of UT) alit K Kaul It was an unbelievably swift act coming as though a bolt out of the blue. Entire Nation was sent reeling in to a speculative mode on this sudden action of the central government. A day prior to it the ex Chief Minister of the erstwhile J&K state, Sri Farooq Abdullah, had met the Prime Minister, Sri Narendra Modi. The yearly Holy Amarnath Yatra was called off without giving any reason and without respecting the religious sentiments of the devotees who had gathered at the holy cave or were on their way – some half way, some three fourth way, etc- to the holy shrine having come from length and the breadth of as vast a country as ours expending their hard earned money and valuable time. The whole caravan was brought to a screeching halt only to reverse its direction of expedition. So much for the claims of the Hindutva ideology! This singular act of the powers that be

The Political Prostitution- Part 1:Lalit k kaul

  The Political Prostitution- Part 1 (Traumatizing Kashmiri Society)                                                                                           Lalit K Kaul    Thirty years is a huge time span in one’s life and if it is a witness to complete demographic change and innumerable loss of lives in a region then experiences are too traumatizing to be explainable through words. Both the Kashmiri Muslims and Pandits have been the victims of a kind of political economy that puts humanity to shame. Political economy as engineered by the Muslim leadership without any political response from the Pandits who lacked any community leadership. Both the communities have immensely suffered, each one for its own reason- one inflicted and the other conscientiously ingrained. The inflicted one being ‘Indian Agent’ (political discourse) and Kafir (religious discourse) wherein fitted the Pandit community and the conscientiously ingrained one being ‘the political aim’ of freeing Kashm