
Showing posts from January, 2024

Remembering Jan 19 1990 and Aftermath:Lalit k kaul

  Remembering the Jan 19 1990 and Aftermath: Lest the World should Forget It All                                                                                                                                Lalit K Kaul What is being penned in the following lines is nothing new, but repetitiveness becomes the imperative because certain events in the history cannot be allowed to recede in to the oblivion. They need to be recalled and restated ad-infinitum. And, the process of dehumanizing the Kashmiri Pandit community (KPC) in the Kashmir Valley that started in the year 1986 and culminated in January 19, 1990 is one such historical event that needs to be narrated repeatedly for all generations to come within and without the KPC. It is important for two specific reasons. One, to call their bluff on their claims of “Kashmiriat" and that of “democratic and secular" India. Two, to deeply engrave in the minds of our generations next and impress upon the Indian political lead

Elections in J&K shall be a Precursor to Resurgence of anti-India Movement:Lalit k kaul

  Elections in the UT of J&K shall be a Precursor to Resurgence of anti-India Movement                                                                                     Lalit K Kaul The SC of India has suggested that elections to the Assembly of the UT of J&K be held by October 2024. The “mainstream” (PAGD) has been asking, “If situation is normal in the UT of J&K then why elections are not being held”. What is the urgency and why the PAGD conglomeration is so desperate for holding the said elections? The democratic process that continued since 1947, what did it achieve and how did it benefit the people of the erstwhile state of J&K? The answer is that those who swore by the accession of the erstwhile princely state of J&K to the Indian Union, surreptitiously planned insurgency against the Indian State alongside of the avowedly anti-India forces like Hurriyat Conference that culminated into a dehumanized Kashmiri society and the forced near complete exodus o

Migration from Green to Saffron in Kashmir is Unprecedented: Lalit k kaul

  The Migration from Green to Saffron in Kashmir Valley is Unprecedented                                                                                                   Lalit K Kaul On the political canvass of Kashmir Valley new pictures are emerging; pictures that were prohibited even in the realm of conception are being drawn unhesitatingly. Pictures that portray the impossible-merging of the two banks of a river-defying the law of Nature. The “politically untouchable (Saffron)” in Kashmir Valley is being hugged by “sacrosanct Green". Is it a mirage or reality! Is it a pointer towards the beginning of the rise of Indian Nationalism in the Valley or a Subterfuge? Or, is it mere opportunism that harbours subterfuge?   The Political History of Green in J&K: The Green has the history of being anti-India; the ostensible demarcation between the “mainstream" and “separatists” as far as their political leanings were/are concerned was only for consumption of Indian p