Remembering Jan 19 1990 and Aftermath:Lalit k kaul
Remembering the Jan 19 1990 and Aftermath: Lest the World should
Forget It All
Lalit K Kaul
What is being penned in the following
lines is nothing new, but repetitiveness becomes the imperative because certain
events in the history cannot be allowed to recede in to the oblivion. They need
to be recalled and restated ad-infinitum. And, the process of dehumanizing the
Kashmiri Pandit community (KPC) in the Kashmir Valley that started in the year
1986 and culminated in January 19, 1990 is one such historical event that needs
to be narrated repeatedly for all generations to come within and without the
KPC. It is important for two specific reasons. One, to call their bluff on their
claims of “Kashmiriat" and that of “democratic and secular" India. Two,
to deeply engrave in the minds of our generations next and impress upon the
Indian political leadership that our emancipation lies only in achieving the
object of our Homeland; because it's only in our Homeland that we, as a
community, can uninterruptedly uphold our culture, belief systems and religious
faith. Therefore, we have no other option but to publicly speak and write about
In the aftermath of January 19, 1990 two unforgettable
things happened. One, continued targeted killings of the members of the KPC and
second, the unpardonable indifference of the successive central governments and
their associated political out-fits towards the refugee status of KPC.
Post 1991 Targeted Killings:
The link below gives a near detailed
account of killings of the Hindus in the Jammu region and KPC members in the
Kashmir Valley by the ideologically motivated groups (the ideology that denies
the right to exist for people outside of their faith). Some incidents related
to the killings of the members of the KPC are listed as under.
March 21,
Sangrampura Massacre: In Sangrampura, a village 20 miles south of Srinagar in Jammu &
Kashmir state, gunmen burst into homes of Hindus, took away seven men and
killed them.
January 25,
Wandhama Massacre: The most shocking of the massacre of Kashmiri Hindus took place in
Wandhama, a village near Srinagar, on January 25, 1998. The two dozen-odd
terrorists dropped in for tea, around 2030 hours. The tea was served and they
left a little after midnight. When they arrived, the foothill village of
Wandhama, 30 km outside Srinagar, boasted four families of Kashmiri Hindu
Pandits, numbering around 23. When they left, there was none. Not alive, that
August 9, 1998
This was followed by two more massacres,
one at Khurhama, Ganderbal in which four members of a family were
September 17, 1998
The third massacre took place. Five male
members of a minority community family and close relatives of a
counter-insurgent were killed after being dragged out of their houses at Dagapora
in Ganderbal late last night and shot them in cold blood
March 24,
Nadimarg Massacre: At 2:30am on March 24, 2003, minority Hindus in the village of
Nandimarg in Kulgam-Shopian belt in southern part of Kashmir Valley, 70 km away
from Srinagar, were pulled out of their homes, assembled under a Chinar tree
and mowed down by bullets sprayed by Islamic terrorists. The 10 to 15
terrorists who posed as Security Forces, disarmed the 9-member Police Guard and
killed all but two Hindus, the latter escaping with injuries. Among the 24
persons killed were two children aged 4 and 5 years, 12 women and half a dozen
elderly people.
The incidents of targeted killings related
to the KPC in the Kashmir Valley post abrogation of non-existent Article 370
are too well known.
The Abject Indifference
of Successive Elected Lok Sabhas and Central Governments:
کھڈا ہوں آج بھی روٹی کے چار حرف لئے"
"سوال یہ ک کتابوں نے کیا دیا مجھکو
"खड़ा हूँ आज भी रोटी के चार हर्फ़ लिए
सवाल यह कि किताबों ने क्या दिया मुझको"
I coined a couplet based on the above one
that questions India’s response to the refugee status of Kashmiri Pandit
community (KPC). And this I do with due
apologies to “desh bhakts"
کھڈا ہوں آج بھی ہند کا ترنگا
سوال یہ ک ہند نے کیا دیا مجھکو
खड़ा हूँ आज भी हिन्द का तिरंगा लिए
सवाल यह कि हिन्द ने क्या दिया मुझको
were two reasons, as explicitly stated by perpetrators of our genocide, for cleansing
the Kashmir Valley of her aboriginals. One, that we had no right to exist as
per their ideology and two, that we were Indian agents. That we were Indians in
anti-India Kashmir is beyond debate. That we had/have the right to live is not
for debate, but what is open to debate is the ideology that denies right to
life for people outside of their faith.
wouldn't be too tall a claim to make if we say that we ended up being refugees
because our loyalties were/are for India as a nation/country/state. And for
that reason that intolerant ideology was invoked to dehumanize our community;
instill fear in to our minds by carrying out killings of menfolk and children
and raping and killing of our womenfolk and by displaying banners and
announcements from mosques asking us to either convert or face death. All this served
as a stimulant for near total forced exodus of our community only to save for
posterity our religious faith, belief systems, culture and honour of our
womenfolk. And, the state machinery looked the other way. That was the
compliance of the state government with anti-India, anti-social and religious
bigots. That the then central government (GOI) and its political leadership was
in approval of the barbarities inflicted on our community was subtly conveyed
by the then PM of India, Sri V P Singh, who replied, “Who Pandits" when
informed by a press reporter about our forced mass exodus from the Valley to
other parts of India. The BJP and the Left who were supporting his government
from outside never questioned him on such an irresponsible and callous response.
it Sri P V Narsimha Rao, Sri AB Vajpayee, Dr. Manmohan Singh and Sri Narendra D
Modi none of them thought it necessary to discuss the genocide of KP community
and their exile from the Valley in their respective Lok Sabhas. No questions
were raised in the Zero Hour. No private member or party-based bill was
introduced to debate why and how of our exile if only to come up with lasting solutions
for our community's future in the Kashmir Valley. For the Parliament of India,
the community called KPC didn't/does not exist within the framework of
“democratic and secular" India. Nothing explains the character of our
political system better than its indifference to the lives, honour and dignity
of a people exiled by the religious bigots. And, the character is that our
political system is depraved. By ignoring our community, the political
leadership including the PMs of India have dishonoured the Indian Constitution
and in particular its Directive Principles.
rub salt in to the wounds of the KPC, the GOI has come up with the plan of
rehabilitating us in the Valley by housing us in ghettos/pigeonholes in certain
demarcated zones within the Valley-wherein a few thousand families would
co-habitat! Remember concentration camps! It is acceptance by the Indian
political leadership of its surrender to the ideology that denies co-existence.
And, yet the tall claim is that in India there exists a “democratic and
secular” dispensation!
don’t live by Food and Shelter Alone:
as a social entity are rooted in their culture, belief systems and religious faith.
And, it's a combination of these that defines their food habits and shelter architecture.
For, these define their identity and segregate them from others with a
different culture, belief systems and religious faith. The whole world recognizes
this fact of the existence of human societies. No matter how many temples the
exiled KPC may build outside of the Kashmir Valley, they can be no substitute
for Kheer Bhavani, Hari Parvat, Shankracharya temple, Jeethiar, Sun temple,
Amarnath shrine and others in the Valley. Because our heart, mind and soul connect
with our shrines in Kashmir. That's where our roots lie. That's where our Home
is. And, the modern Indian dispensation has schemed to deprive us of our Home and
thus disconnect us from our roots.
all the big talk of “unity in diversity", one dimension of that diversity
is being systematically effaced by ensuring that the KPC becomes incapable of
holding its culture, belief systems and religious faith intact. Even
Zain-Ul-Abadin (Badshah) allowed the KPC its freedom to live by its faith in
Kashmir not out of any kind heartedness, but out of his very personal compulsions;
the present Indian political leadership boasting of “democratic and secular”
polity does not seem to have any compulsion to restore the dignity and honour
of the KPC by conceding to its demand for their Homeland wherein it can
unhesitatingly follow their culture, belief systems and religious faith.
the Pandits may chant “Bharat Mata Ki Jai” vociferously only to restate their
allegiance to India, they need to internalize the fact that their Mother
Kashmir has been snatched from them by “Bharat Mata Kae Spoot” and that collectively
certain things need to be done to reintegrate us with our Mother.
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