BJP is on the Rise in Kashmir Valley
No body kills an innocuous being. If one smells a threat from the other, either it leads to an offer for talks or straight attempt at elimination of the other.
From a position of 'ZERO' presence three decades ago to a position of being recognized as a political adversary is a huge leap forward. The effect of metamorphosing from a 2 MP party in the Parliament in to an absolute majority ruling party, on the Valley politics (that had anyway degenerated to abysmal depths of political chicanery) had to be there more so for the reasons that the NDA government at the Center has either delivered upon its promises or is in the process of doing so.
Political 'Touch -me- Not' branded communal even though there is/was no record or evidence of it having engineered any communal riot; has come a long way and grown up to be a political giant the combined opposition is struggling to grapple with; thanks to the political vision of Sri Atal Bihari Vajpayee.
BJP flags fluttering in the Valley!! The Abdullahs ; the Muftis; the Congress and the Moulvis are unable to believe their eyes. The historical and prehistorical 'Batta' was always labelled as 'Janasanghi' in addition to being Indian by thought, culture and faith and therefore detestable in the eyes of Jamait-e-Islami and their supporters; not that Abdullahs and others were any different, but the Jamaitis were a bit more honest and vocal.
While the local populace was continuously being indoctrinated about the imagined ghosts of 1) RSS, 2) BJP and 3) Mukhbirs (the Indian elements in the Kashmiri society); the BJP surely and steadily made inroads in to the Valley. The murder of BJP workers/leaders has been going on for some years now and that implies that a political force is rising to be reckoned with and its rise can only be retarded by killing its leaders/workers so that none dares to join it locally.
Bengal and Kerala tried it and tried very hard because like Congress, the TRC and Communists declared long back that they are only for Muslims of India and that Hindus don't exist for them. Like, Sri Ram is a myth ... & all that stuff. Congress leaders in Maharashtra in coalition government declared publicly so in a press conference sometime ago! Despite all the killings BJP won very impressively in the Parliamentary constituencies of West Bengal. Kerala may not be far away!
That is the beauty of a democratic dispensation. If it could defeat a Colossus like Smt. Indira Gandhi then what's not possible.
The very colour of BJP flag must be sending jitters in the radicalised youth/elders etc of the valley and so it would not be surprising to hear killings of some more Pandit families (Jana sanghis).
The torch bearers of intra community hatred programme need to understand that politics is about winning hearts of people for serving them through governance; and good governance is good political economy; the rise of BJP is due to obnoxious political economy of the local leaders of all hues and shades and BJP is emerging as an alternative.
If Kashmiri Muslims desire to check mate BJP in its political ambitions then they need to throw up a political alternative and not make use of guns and bombs for, guns and bombs can be easily handled by brute force, but an emerging political alternative can only be countered through a thought process, an ideology; through a PEN.
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