The Migration from Khoda to Allah has been Catastrophic (The trauma of Kashmiri Society): Lalit K Kaul

                              The Migration from Khoda to Allah has been Catastrophic

(The trauma of Kashmiri Society)

                                                                                    Lalit K Kaul

Sri Nazm Sethi, highly respected and well known political commentator in Pakistan, whom the author follows near religiously, was recently asked: What is Pakistaniat? His reply betrayed pain and anguish within him for what Pakistan as a Nation has come to be. He said,” Pakistaniat that he grew up with is conspicuous by its absence and the extant one did not augur well for Pakistan” If the author was to be asked about Kashmiriat the reply wouldn’t be much different.

Negation of Roots:

Pakistan went through a transition since the then President Zia Ul Haq declared her to be an Islamic State in that it zealously started negating its thousands of years of cultural, historical and civilizational connect with the Indian Sub Continent and instead started locating its roots in the land of Mecca and Medina very assiduously. So, if Sri Nazm Sethi during his scholarship never witnessed any conflict between different sects of Islam, he was to have this traumatic experience of inter sect violence stimulated by Wahabi ideology (Sunni sect) as followed in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. While Mohammed Ali Jinnah had sowed the seeds of poison between Hindus and Muslims, Zia Ul Haq sowed it within the sects of Islam, while making that place that much more unsafe for non Muslim minorities; no wonder forcible conversions post abduction and rape of non Muslim girls continue unabated till date. What positives did the Pakistan as a Nation achieve may be a matter of debate, but that the society is devastated is beyond debate.

The situation within Kashmiri society is not much different from that in Pak society; is a statement that may be much to the dislike of the apologists of Kashmiriat, but the reality/truth of the situation need to be faced squarely. The abduction of Sikh girls their forced conversion and then Nikah is a script from Pak that was unimaginable/ inconceivable before Kashmir was sought to be converted into an Islamic State with near 100% Muslim population; post event response of the girls too was  similar to their unfortunate counterparts in Pakistan. The director of the show from across the border scripted a nice inhuman drama, but then sick minds can’t do better.

In appreciable numbers the Muslims in Kashmir have been indoctrinated to be intolerant to everyone except Sunnis and this is no accidental development but instigated and well executed by the philosophy that for every Momeen, the roots are in the Land of Mecca and Medina. So, how could they be a part of that Kafir Land “India”? As far back as 1920/22 the first Education Minister of India, Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad, had publicly stated that India is not a pious place for Muslims and hence they must perform “Hizr” to Afghanistan! He was the ideologue and is known to have written a book on it. His name suggests that he was madrasa educated and influenced by it. For historical reasons, the Kashmiri Muslims had remained free from this poison, but the Devil took command in due time.

So, the first targets were to be the Pandits as they were the biggest minority in Kashmir. What the “Hum Kya Chahtae Azadi” leaders accomplished was a one huge step (leap) towards realization of Islamic Kashmir and that was de facto Azadi. As their luck would have it the Home Minister of India was a well known poison spewing communal being- Mufti Mohammad Sayeed and who played a very subversive role in the political dynamics of Kashmir. Having accomplished 95 % forced exodus of Pandits, over the years the Momeens slaughtered many of those families who had been spared in 1990. The brilliant posture of the Kashmiri Muslims, post act of genocide and mayhem, was to be in the denial mode and lay the blame for the exodus at the feet of the Pandits and all the more brilliantly transferred this blame onto their generations next!! That religious fanaticism blinds reason, was proved beyond a pale of doubt, as the Momeens forgot a basic truth of human life: evolution upwards and that nobody would give up his/her comforts to voluntary opt for a Slum dwellers life sustained by the doles from the government. By Momeens I mean those who planned this onslaught under ‘Operation Topac’ and executed it to the perfection and their followers because they remain convinced that on the Day of Judgement 72 Hoors stand booked for them in the Jannat and that they would be received by Rasool!!

Sikhs too became target in some places and the other sects within Islam are not sure of their next morning/evening insofar as the author’s information goes; the denials notwithstanding.

The situation is that the Pandits are on the verge of being extinct species insofar as Kashmir is concerned and the miniscule numbers staying in the Valley are not sure when and how they would be sent packing from Kashmir. The noises made about Kashmiriat, notwithstanding.

From Khoda to Allah is to be from India to Mecca and therefore Rootless:        

“Ha Khodaayo Rahem” & “Pushrao soroiy Khodayes” when translated in to English mean: O God have mercy & Leave all to God. In Kashmiri language Khoda means God. For Parsis it is Khuda and for Arabs it is Allah. How many Momeens know how the word Allah evolved, should be an interesting exercise to do. How to refer to the Almighty is an integral part of a society’s culture and civilization. Language defines a culture and also civilizational aspects of a Race and therefore ethnicity. Religion does not define all this. For example, in Kashmir we have had predominantly Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam over the centuries of evolution of Kashmiri society. Between a Kashmiri Muslim and a Pandit the only differentiating factor is their ways of worshiping the Creator; their culture is same; they belong to same civilization and they belong to same Race. What differentiate Kashmiris from other communities are not their religion, but language and culture and therefore to define a Race, a culture and a civilization solely based on religion is an irrational act of astronomical order. While religious affiliations can be transitory the cultural and linguistic identities remain immutable.

Like Afghans, the transition from being 100% Hindu to predominantly Buddhist to 100% Muslim does not change their race, ethnicity, language and genes. That the Afghans were never subjugated has nothing to do with a religion it is in their genes that define their Race. As Buddhists they fought Islamic incursions and attacks for nearly 200 years, as I read it.

From Khoda Hafiz to Allah Hafiz does not make Kashmiri Muslim an Arab; but only traumatizes the society.

While every individual/community/Race may have this right to a specific political affiliation that may be anti the country of their birth and domicile, yet the roots cannot be disowned. Kashmiri Muslim can’t be a Pashtun or a Punjabi Muslim a Jat or a Sindhi; he remains a Kashmiri. The Arabs call Muslims of Indian Sub Continent as Hindi Musalmaans thereby emphasizing on the roots. It is amazing that some Kashmiri names have come to have Arab descent!

Lessons to learn:   

All should fight their own battles and not as planned, programmed and executed by others because by fighting others’ battles, the fighters remain only pawns forever. The Momeens fought the war for Pakistan (Pak – Sathan: Pious Place!!) against the Kafirs land and traumatized their own society.

Always be proud of Roots because that accords not only respectability but also an immutable, non erasable identity in the world of humans.

Humans are not one dimensional being and therefore religion is only one of the many dimensions of human life and may be transitory.

The mental faculties are not dictated by religion it’s all about genes and Race; like if Jews were to adopt Islam/Hindu/Bodh that would not affect their mental faculties.


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