“We will oppose/not follow Karnataka HC Judgement on Hijab”, School girls in K’nataka: Lalit K Kaul
“We will oppose/not follow Karnataka HC Judgement on Hijab”, School girls in K’nataka
K Kaul
Asaddudin Owaisi’s Allah (not the
Allah as eulogized in the Holy Quran) became homeless due to construction of
Sri Ram temple in Ayodhya; as per his public statement,” Merae Allah ka Ghar
mujhae lauta doe”. This is Jinnah politics; anybody who has read the speech
delivered by Sri M A Jinnah to Muslim League at Lahore in 1940 will agree to
the observation that Owaisi follows Jinnah in all his public speeches as also
in the ones he makes in the Parliament. He is not alone in being the follower
of Jinnah as there are others too in the same boat and who are not Muslim
politicians. His statement on wearing of Hijab as religious requirement is also
supported by other depraved politicians who are perpetually in the hunt for
garnering Muslim votes. For the sake of debate, let it be accepted that wearing
of Hijab is religious requirement, but then what about other dictates as
ordained by Allah while revealing the Holy Quran to the Prophet Muhammad!
Do Muslim Politicians and Maulanas
including Mamtas & Kejris et al know the following?
1. Islam prohibits
innovation as per Hadith. Innovation (bida) is widely considered
a form of heresy or outright unbelief. The Prophet is recorded as saying:
‘Every new matter is an innovation, every innovation is misguidance, and every
misguidance is in the Fire’ [of Hell]. If purity of religion was to be
preserved then innovation was to have no place in Islamic society. What does it
imply? It implies that Muslims cannot go to educational institutions where new
ways of production and distribution including knowledge of science and
technology is imparted. Therefore those who swear by Hijab and claim to be true
Muslims they must, in the first place, withdraw from modern centres of learning
and concentrate their studies only on the Holy Quran, Hadith and Seerat (The
Life of Prophet Muhammad) which are acquirable in Madrasas. They must learn
only Arabic and no other language because of the ban on innovation. Therefore
will all the Muslim politicians including Moulvis/Maulanas and the
intellectuals/Muslim Scholars obtain discharge certificates respectively for
their children and join them in Madrasa? If not, do they remain “believers”?
2. It is ordained in the Holy Quran that “believers”’ women and
girls cannot go out of the house without being escorted by husband (married
girls) and/or by brother, father or any other known male who is a part of their
family. What it means is that Ms. Mehbooba Mufti including the respectable
wives and daughters of Maulanas and those of the Muslim political leaders like
Asaddudin Owaisi et al cannot move out of their house without an escort.
Stretching it to the practical domain, the women squatting in Shaheen Bagh
violated the dictate of the Holy Quran and Sharia including Hadith because they
had come there without their escorts; post Shaheen Bagh, can they continue to
be the one among the “believers”? Is not it their religious right to refrain from doing all that that violates
the holy dictates?
3. Living on earned interest is prohibited in Islam; that is “soodh
khori” is prohibited. By implication no Muslim can have a bank account or if
they have the one then they would request for an interest free one. Do Mr
Asaddudin Owaisi and all other Muslim politicians including Moulvis/Maulanas
and intellectuals and those who study only in Madrasas have interest free
account in banks? Don’t they have any fixed/term deposit in banks and post
offices? Don’t they invest in share markets? Don’t they trade in share markets?
If they do all that which fetches them income through interest then they cease
to be the “believers”. So, Ms. Mehbooba Mufti Mr Asaddudin Owaisi and others of
their ilk, since all of you have deposits and bank accounts you are no longer
one among the “believers”. Is
not it their religious right to refrain from soodh khori?
4. Mr Asaddudin Owaisi Mrs. Mehbooba Mufti and other Muslim
political leaders who have founded political parties and/or who are members of
such parties and take part in the Parliamentary and State Assembly elections
are directly in violation of the dictates of the Holy Quran which are “known”
to have been directly revealed to the Prophet Muhammad by all pervading, all
powerful, all merciful and all knower Allah. Islam calls for consensus; all the
decisions taken for the people should be by consensus. Islam shuns majority Vs.
minority opinion doctrine; that is to say that a Muslim cannot be a part of a
democratic process that thrives on majority/minority concept; that is to say
that 50.0001 shall rule over 49.9999 and this is forbidden in Islam because
every opinion has to be given a weightage in coming to the final conclusion and
this is the basis of consensus. So, in view of this consensus doctrine, can the
Muslim politicians who participate in elections have any claim to being a “believer”?
No. Is not it their religious
right to refrain from being a part of the democratic process?
5. Painting, playing music and singing is prohibited in Islam.
Since making picture of somebody is disallowed, in modern times it implies that
photography too is disallowed and that the believers cannot appear in a video.
A Muslim cannot have an ID card, as it requires a photograph. Quite to the
contrary one finds males with long beard (without moustache) and a cap appearing on TV
channels and Muslim females belonging to well to do families appearing on TV
without Hijab/Burqua. The Indian film industry is full of Muslims contributing
in all dimensions of film making! How can they claim to be “believers”? Is not
it their religious right to refrain from doing all this?
The point that is sought to be made in the aforesaid lines is that while Muslims violate all the holy dictates as prescribed in the Holy Quran and Hadith, how only wearing of Hijab (not dictated in the Holy Quran) becomes a religious right?
The Politics of Balkanization of
It is not about Hijab as it was not
about CAA and NRC as it is/was about promoting Jinnah politics steadily and
surely to aim for appropriate dividends in decades to come. The self styled and
self proclaimed protectors of Islam are the worst of depraved people and every
immoral act is their indulgence. Such of those Muslims who want to live a
decent life and want to provide for a bright future for their children have been
since long migrating from areas infested with Moulvis and depraved benefactors
of Islam to newly developed residential colonies.
If the likes of Owaisi are “believers”
in the truest and right sense of the term, they should shun all that the modern
world’s technology has given to people and live the way as prescribed in their
holy scriptures and that they shall never do because they know it is not
possible to live the way the Arabs lived in Prophet’s time.
Hidden behind “Hijab controversy” is
a political agenda and therefore the anti India campaign is not going to stop
though it may not be always overt, this anti India campaign was explicit in
anti CAA mischief. Those with Jinnah mindset are not going to sit idle without
being engaged in designing nefarious activities only in the attempt to break
The Hijab controversy that was
raised at the most opportune time ended up paying the dividends in that the BJP
recaptured power in UP with much reduced numbers. The BJP lost nearly 39 seats
in the Assembly, in comparison to its 2017 count.
The Mamta government in W Bengal and
the Communist one in Kerala are arguably the most volatile regions where Muslim
separatism can anytime burst like a volcano. The political ideology of
Communists that matches with the political ideology of Muslim parties in Kerala
is a deadly mix for repeat of Kashmir unless a political revolution in Kerala
marginalizes both the outfits.
Mamta government in W Bengal has all
through been inimical to the religious sentiments of Hindu community; she is
known to have disallowed the final ceremony related to Durga Pooja celebrations
and her jumping like a monkey on hearing “Jai Sri Ram” including the fact of
her not following corona regulations for the fear of annoying her ideologues-
the Moulvis/Maulanas and the State terror that she let loose against the BJP
workers are ample indications of her political bent of mind and which is
politics of separatism. Many a times she has violated Indian Constitution and
yet gone scot free!
The onus is on true Patriots for
protecting Integrity of India:
Therefore it is the nationalist
elements in India who have to be always in a state of alert because even BJP is
no different from other political parties when it comes to strategizing for
elections. That the BJP places more value to capturing power in States than the
integrity of the Indian State was evident from the GOI inaction in regard to
Shaheen Bagh because of impending Delhi elections and unilateral withdrawal of
the Agri laws by the PM without convening the Parliament because Capt. Amrinder
Singh offered the BJP an olive branch in the impending Punjab elections. It is
a different matter though that the people gave BJP the hardest slap ever both
in Delhi and Punjab.
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