
Showing posts from April, 2022

Relational Dialectics in Pak & Threat to India: Lalit k kaul

  Relational Dialectics in Pak & Threat to India                                            Lalit k kaul Relational Dialectics: It's an interpersonal communication theory about close personal ties & relationships that highlights the tensions, struggles & interplay between contrary tendencies. Muslim Societies across the Globe are going through Relational Dialectics; it started immediately after the fall of the Ottoman Empire & adoption by Turkey a secular and democratic dispensation. This Dialectics was innate to the philosophy, ideology that   created Pakistan & continues to pull Pak society in 2 opposing directions. On one side of the spectrum were thinkers like Syed Ahmad Khan who wanted Muslims to learn Western Science & Technology so that they could play a significant role in the future world & on the other side of spectrum were Ullema, Moulvis et al who wanted Sharia to be imposed across the Globe with India as the launching pad, post the

The Ultimate Farce: SC to resume hearing on Art 370 in July 2022 : Lalit k kaul

  The Ultimate Farce: The SC to resume hearing Art 370 in July 2022                                                   Lalit K Kaul Farce: An event or situation that is absurd or disorganized. In regard to Art 370 the situation is absurd. With the SC of India resuming hearing on an non existent situation since more than half a century, the Black Coats will make lots of money to demonstrate their capabilities to play with the words as found in English Dictionary; their Lordships will display their keenness in delivery justice for a non existent cause. The drama shall go on because 1) the politicians have lots of money to spare that they made in their political career and 2) because Politics is the “Art of The Possible”. Enlivening the Dead and Buried Horse : The dead are decreed to rise from their graves on the “Day of Judgement”, but here the attempt is to do it before “Qayamat Kae Roz”. We are told that only Allah can enliven the dead, but in this scientific world the

Imran Khan: crushed between 2 giant wheels- Establishment & US Lalit k kaul

  Imran Khan: Crushed between the two giant Wheels- Establishment and US                                                            Lalit K Kaul It’s no secret that in Pakistan without the Establishment's backing no leader of any political party can become the PM even if he/she may have backing of the people in Pakistan. Despite political parties and conduction of elections, it is innate to the Pak's political system that the PM shall be selected and not truly elected. That is to say a political party shall win in the elections if and only if the Establishment has selected its chief to be the next PM. The tenure of a PM in Pakistan is also subject to his/her total submission to the Establishment; the countdown for exit of a PM starts the moment he/she defies the authority on some policy matter(s). Historically no PM of Pakistan was able to complete the term of 5 years because the front-end of Establishment, the Army Chief, is the real boss and no PM could live up to t

Stone Pelting at Hindu Religious Processions- Cultural Depravity or Religious Dictate: Lalit K Kaul

  Stone Pelting at Hindu Religious Processions- Cultural Depravity or Religious Dictate Lalit K Kaul Stone pelting on Hindu religious processions have been reported from Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Delhi; the media is full of such reports. One sees a deafening silence on such barbaric acts from the “Jinnah in the Making” politicians like Kejriwal, Mamta, Sonia Congress et al; no condemnation from them. Of course the Moulvis/Maulanas/Muftis are not supposed to condemn such acts on the part of the “Believers”; the leading “Jinnah in the Making” politician Asaddudin Owaisi has not only desisted from condemning such acts, but has questioned Hindus on their right to take out a procession! The swords brandishing “Believers” raising frenzy of “Allah O Akbar” (does anybody recall Kashmir!!) go on the rampage and initiate riots in Delhi while others amongst them continued to rain stones. Not seen Hindus pelting stones at Muharram procession or vandalizing a Mosq

The All Devouring Monster In Pakistan: Lalit k kaul

 The All Devouring Monster In Pakistan                                                              Lalit K kaul Who ? The one & the only one: Establishment  1. Constitution of Pak: Establishment  1a. Violating Constitution: Establishment  1b. Upholding Constitution: Establishment  2. Cabinet Formation: Establishment  2b. Appointing PM:  Establishment  2c. Removing PM: Establishment  3. Minister's Portfio: Establishment  3a. No Confidence Success: Establishment  3b. No Confidence Failure: Establishment  4. Judiciary Control:  Establishment  5. Press & Media Control: Establishment  6. Police Functions: Establishment  7. National Assembly: Establishment  8. Provincial Assembly: Establishment  9. Nation: Establishment  9a. Establishment: Nation 10. Election Commission: Establishment  11. Foreign Affairs: Establishment  12. Business Ventures: Establishment  13. Wealth Accumulation: Establishment  14. Jihadis: Product of Establishment  15. Civil Society: Establishment  16. Colon

Awam Ki Awaz Invites AAP to Kashmir Lalit K Kaul

 Awam Ki Awaz Invites AAP to Kashmir                            Lalit K Kaul When the "mainstream" and "separatists" were engaging youth in stone pelting @500/- per day, Awam Ki Awaz was finding ways and means to dissuade youth from such acts ; counseling such youth was the activity the organization engaged itself in; it also tried to take care of the needy in terms of providing medical help; during Corona times, as evident from its FB posts, it tried to reach people to provide them relief in terms of making things of daily needs accessible to them; though in the process many criticisms poured in regarding its way of working, etc; but then criticisms as are the accolades are earned by only those who choose to take up some responsibility . Social Activity:  It kind of relieves the government of the day from its responsibilities towards its people and encourages politicians to have a greater share in tax payers money for personal usage; the money that should have been

It can happen only in Pakistan : Lalit K Kaul

  It can happen only in Pakistan                                                                       Lalit K Kaul The Home Minister, Sri Sheikh Rashid, pronounced that army should intervene in the ensuing anarchy and political instability, in order to restore order. On the day when no-confidence motion was to be moved (put to voting), the Deputy Speaker reading from a prepared text declared that the no-confidence motion was being moved by the opposition leaders at the behest of foreign powers and hence they were traitors to the cause of Pakistan and therefore he wouldn’t allow the proceedings leading to proving the strength (or lack of it) of the ruling party in the National Assembly; thereafter he got up and ran towards the exit of the premises. The opposition parties moved Supreme Court of Pakistan where the case has gone into coma. Who rules/ has been ruling Pakistan? There is this Ghost called Establishment; nothing specific is defined/known about it as ghosts can’t be s

Curative Petition in SC by ‘Roots in Kashmir’ & Bitta Karate in Sessions Court: Politics behind it? Lalit K Kaul

  Curative Petition in SC by ‘Roots in Kashmir’ & Bitta Karate in Sessions Court: Politics behind it? Lalit K Kaul The most ridiculous basis/ground stated by the SC, that more than 27 years had elapsed in the matter and evidence is unlikely to be available, for dismissing the Writ Petition and Review Petition filed by ‘Roots in Kashmir’ on July 24, 2017 and Oct 25, 2017, respectively is a landmark one in that it punctures the “Independent Judiciary” balloon and clearly brings out the unspoken Truth that there was a political consensus on the pre-meditated exodus of the Pandits from the Valley; obviously the SC dare not question the morality of such consensus as it is inseparable part of the very “democratic” set up that conspired to make Pandits homeless and rootless. Evidence was always there only SC didn’t choose to see it:   The “honourable Nyaymoorties” ought to know that there exists a procedure for collection of evidence. The easiest thing the SC could have done was t