Imran Khan wins Punjab bye elections: Few lessons for Hindus in India : Lalit K Kaul


Imran Khan hits PMLN for a Huge Six in Punjab by-elections: Few lessons for Hindus in India                                                                                                                    Lalit K Kaul

Every political commentator in Pakistan has been proved wrong by the politics of Imran Khan. All of them like, Najam Sethi Rizwan Razi Gowhar Butt Dr. Qamar Cheema, etc. need to go into silent mode for some introspection on where did they go wrong in their political analysis. They were sure of PMLN winning in Punjab by-elections as they thought it was that party's stronghold. But Imran Khan had other plans as his PTI won 17 out of 20 seats contested for in the just concluded by-elections.

What's Imran Khan’s Political Vision?

Imran Khan latched on to his perception that the US had pressurized the Establishment in seeking his ouster from the chair of the PM of Pakistan because he had said “Absolutely Not" to America's demand for a base in his country. Many political commentators ridiculed his narrative and the Establishment was forced to deny his charge. However, from the debates on the media channels, it was pretty clear that the dialectic was between reactionary and revolutionary thought process; reactionary- who want to maintain the status quo anti and revolutionary- who want to change that.

On April 23, 2022, I posted on FB and Twitter my article: “Imran Khan Crushed between two giant wheels: Establishment and US.” Anyone interested in the article may visit my blog spot In that article it was argued that Imran Khan is waging a political battle against the status-quo, for Pakistan to emerge as a truly independent and sovereign Nation State and that's his political vision.

Very Potent mix of Religion and anti- Establishment Narrative:

Imran Khan put his narrative “Absolutely Not” very brilliantly to the people of Pakistan and he did so by combining his direct attacks on the Establishment (read Army Chief) with his exhortations to the people to support him on his sacred aim of making Pakistan a truly independent and sovereign Nation State by invoking verses from the Holy Quran and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad including how Allah had made it compulsory for Momeen to be with the right one and on the right path. He very judicially combined the worldly with the other-worldly to invoke both passion and fear in the hearts of masses to motivate them to be on the “right path" and that “right path" he defined to be the one that leads to a truly independent and sovereign Nation State of Pakistan.

He didn't hesitate to praise India's foreign policy and argued why Americans were not able to pressurize India into following its commands. In public rallies he stated that India had never allowed any power to use her for their geo-political aims and therefore could follow an independent foreign policy.

While his opponents talked about economic collapse that had occurred and the debt burden that had increased during his regime as the PM of Pakistan, Imran Khan canvassed for dethroning of American puppets who had been thrust upon Pakistan with the connivance of Establishment and the US State machinery. The corrupt ones who had bled Pakistan white in their rule of 70 years had to be replaced without doubt.

What point the political analysts and status- quoist missed was that when people are aroused emotionally by invoking a mix of nationalism and religion for restoring self esteem then material considerations take a seat in the oblivion.

Who can forget Sri N T Rama Rao's slogan of “Telugu Pride" that shook the very foundations of Congress(I) in the erstwhile state of Andhra Pradesh and Telugu Desam – a 9-month-old baby- swept the Assembly elections in the year 1983? The people rhymed: Amma bleeding Anna leading. If one can invoke self pride successfully it can move mountains. Both N T Rama Rao and Imran Khan have demonstrated that beyond debate.

Hindus ought to take a leaf or two from Imran Khan’s Book:

The threat of Ghazwa e Hind is real; at least I always thought so. Now, after disclosure of Ghazwa 2047 doctrine, let no Hindu, Sikh, Jain and Bodh; Jews and Parsis nurture any misgivings about it. Be it AIMPLB, AIMIM, IUML, PFI or any other Muslim body (under the garb of social activities); the institutions like AMU Jamia Milia Islamia and their Half Muslim supporters in JNU and elsewhere; the Hindus and other associate religious groups must always bear in mind that the Muslim leaders including their religious heads have been in the process of planning Ghazwa e Hind since the first partition of the Indian Subcontinent.

The trends in the last few months are giving a clear signal that the Jihadis are field testing the steps that would lead to establishment of the Sharia and by implication Islamic rule in Bharat. How armed their cadre is, is quite evident now. A Naqvi, a Shahnawaz Hussain, a hard-working Muslim artisan/mechanic/small time vendor are of no consequence, because they too shall be on the sword of Islamists nurtured by the Muslim organizations as mentioned in the aforesaid lines. It's the Owaisis, Moulvis, Maulanas and Muftis supported by half Muslims that are threat to the very existence of Hindus and Sanatan Dharm.

Here is where, to counter Ghazwa e Hind and dump its schemers and planner in the mortuary of History, Imran Khan's methodology shows the path; to begin with, that is.

Hindus and Srimad Bhagwat Geeta:

We, the Hindus, too should be on the right path as defined in Srimad Bhagwat Geeta. And that right path is to be always in the service of Hindustan  and ever vigilant to protect her from the swords/bombs/guns of barbaric people. Srimad Bhagwat Geeta and no less Acharya Chanakya profoundly define duty, duty towards one's society and Rashtra. And in performing that duty one is advised to be ruthless.

For us, the Hindus, to be on the right path is not to demolish other's religious places and behead them, but it is to be in the service of Rashtra. The greatest service that we can render to Hindu Rashtra is to defend her against the onslaught of pan Islamism; and in doing so there can't be a better guide to Hindus than Srimad Bhagwat Geeta and the life of Acharya Chanakya.

If enemies of our Rashtra can invoke their religion to establish Sharia, nothing stops us from invoking Lord Sri Krishna and rally around his teachings to push back the Islamic zealots into their ultimate destination where they would be questioned on “Qayamat Kae Roz”.

Ahimsa is not the Ideal that can be realized without annihilating Himsa. If that was possible Mahabharata wouldn't have happened. If diamond cuts a diamond and a thorn in the flesh can be taken out only with a thorn and a scorpion is to be killed before it strikes a fatal sting; then the act of barbarism can't be replied to by a banquet of flowers and/or with a profound philosophical reasoning. Implying that the nefarious political designs being developed and nurtured by Islamists against Hindustan can't be countered by the doctrine of assimilation in the mainstream and it has been proved beyond debate since anti- CAA hooliganism and recent spate of beheadings, looting, arson and destruction of temples.

The Role of Hindu Organizations:

Insofar as the integrity of our Rashtra is concerned, no purpose is served by demanding restoration of Krishna Janm Bhoomi, celebrating Krishna Janm Ashtami and doing kirtans/bhajans as a purely religious activity. Time has come when each religious gathering should be a place for political indoctrination backed by the concept of duty as elucidated in Srimad Bhagwat Geeta and institutionalized by Acharya Chanakya. In such gatherings the threat to our Motherland by the Islamists should be spoken about and discussed because every citizen is not politically conscious.

The Hindu Organizations like RSS, VHP AND Bajrang Dal are best suited to do political orientation of Hindus in regularly organized gatherings; any socio-religious gatherings and on religious festival's gatherings. The Hindu Organizations can depute their volunteers to each and every Panchayat in India, thus covering people at the village level, to politically orient them against the Ghazwa e Hind doctrine. By political orientation is not meant anti – Muslim narrative but anti- Islamist one and anti such institutions and public figures which promote Ghazwa e Hind doctrine.

The volunteers of Hindu Organizations should also be trained like spies to keep vigilant eyes on the institutions and leaders which promote implementation of Sharia. It is simply mind boggling the way Acharya Chanakya spread his network of spies and how he institutionalized a system to select and train people for spying. An efficient spying network is indispensable to the internal security and integrity of a Nation.

Hindus have to be aroused on the doctrine of Dharm, if our Hindustan is to exist for eternity; and nobody can do this job better than Hindu Organizations because they are equipped to do it.


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