The PFI and Muslim Brotherhood And the RSS: The Political Divide:Lalit k kaul
The PFI and
Muslim Brotherhood And the RSS: The Political Divide
Lalit K Kaul
Islam is not single
dimensional; it is multi dimensional for, it encompasses religion, economics,
social behaviour, criminal jurisprudence, and POLITICS. If political Islam and
its ideology is to be understood then at the outset what everybody need to
ingrain in their minds is that there is nothing like “moderate” and “radical”
Islam; there is only one Islam which every Muslim is to follow as per the
dictates of the Holy Quran; conduct oneself like Prophet Muhammad, as
documented in Sirat Rasoolallah and consult Hadith for getting to know
additional preaching to his close disciples by Prophet Muhammad. There is no
need for anybody to be apologetic about it because the way political Islam’s
doctrine was preached by Prophet Muhammad amongst Ansars and Mohajirs in Madina
and then to all Muslims in Mecca and practiced in His lifetime, enabled Muslims
to rule over most of the world for nearly 1200 years.
“Islam Khatrae Mein” also
needs to be understood. The Q is: when was this phrase coined? Not when Ottoman
Empire was in existence, but after it ceased to be. It implies that whenever
Islamic rule is on the verge of a collapse and/or wherever it’s non-existent
(like in India) then that’s a situation calling for “Islam Khatrae Mein” and
that’s not what Prophet Muhammad had bargained for. Hence the bounden duty: Islamic
rule is to be re-established in all such places where it’s non-existent for,
that’s the dictate of the Allah and His Messenger- the Prophet Muhammad.
Before discussing PFI, it’s
useful to first get a peep into Muslim Brotherhood insofar as its political
ideology is concerned. In the sequel are the excerpts from the research works
of two Muslim scholars in which very lucidly the ideology, and the rise and
fall of Muslim Brotherhood is treated; but excerpts relevant to this article
have only been taken.
Excerpts taken from: “The Truth About Muslim
Brotherhood” Author: Abdel Monem Said Aly, Cairo Review 29/2018
“Alongside Sunnism and
Shiism, a third political tradition emerged within Islamic thought arguing that
the power should not be vested according to the bloodline to the Prophet, nor
should power be given to those who could rule through force. Rather political
power is the prerogative of God alone, and those who don’t rule by the words of
God are infidels. Adherents of this tradition became known as Khawarij, or rebels. Belonging neither
to the Sunni or Shia sect of Islam, the Khawarij
coalesced into a dissenting third party which established the doctrine of Al-Hakimia
– a political creed which emphasizes that political power belongs to none other
than God. As the word “Khawarij”
denotes, it is a group that rebelled against that political order that emerged
both from Sunnism- the Caliphate- and Shiism- the Imam.”
“It was this third strand of
Islamic political thought that would constitute the ideological basis for the
emergence of the Muslim Brotherhood in the wake of the ideological and
political vacuum left after the dissolution of the Islamic Caliphate in 1924
after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. Four years later the Society of
Muslim Brothers was born in Egypt espousing the fundamental tenets of Khawarij the paradigm of power and
authority not only for Egypt, but for the entire Islamic world. Since then,
this development has formed the basis of the ongoing clash between the modern
state model and the religious “Khawarijite”
or Kharijite state model in Egypt and
across the wider Muslim world.”
Note: And,
it’s very well known that “words of God” are nothing but as revealed in “The
Holy Quran”. And, the acts as ordained by God (Allah) are documented in Sirat
Rasoolallah and supported by Hadiths like Sahi Bukhari and Muslim. The above
ideology forms the basis for all Muslim organizations operating across the
Globe including the ones in our country like, the PFI, the AIMIM, the AIMPLB
and others like Madrasas, because political power held by the mortals (no
matter to which religion they belong) can stand no chance in standing up to the
political power wielded by God (Allah), if His True followers dedicate
themselves to the “Cause of Allah” by willing to be sacrificed in the “Path of
Allah”. And, this is unflinching faith!
Excerpts taken from: “The Rise and Fall of Egypt’s
Muslim Brotherhood” Author: Khalil al-Anani, Middle East Journal, Vol. 69, No.
4, 2015
“The Muslim Brotherhood,
founded in 1928, is a conservative movement. The Brotherhood firmly believed in
gradual reform based on bottom-up approach that would start with spreading
religious values to individuals and small communities at the bottom, and then
proceed to capture and Islamize the state at the top.”
“Since the 1980s, the
Brotherhood expanded its social network by creating several medical service
clinics, educational centres, and Islamic schools throughout Egypt, in urban
areas as well as the country side. Deprived and disillusioned by Mubarak’s economic
policies in the late 1980s, many Egyptians found shelter in Brotherhood’s
social and economic services. Unsurprisingly, the organization’s social
constituency grew exponentially in the 1980s and 1990s, which subsequently
helped the movement enhance its political and electoral gains.”
Note: The
social service combined with the political aim of establishing Islamic rule
based on Sharia is the brilliant way of enlisting support of masses; the social
service part alleviates their day to day difficulties and religious
indoctrination prepares them for the final assault on the modern state governed
by the mortals. As it will be seen that the same modus operandi was adopted by
PFI supported covertly by “mainstream” Muslim organizations much the same way
as “mainstream” Valley based political outfits covertly supported and
facilitated “separatist” agenda leading to the exit of Pandits- the aboriginals.
PFI Objectives, Structure, and Funding:
Excerpts from: “The Popular Front of India: Looking Beyond Sensationalism” Author: Mohammad Sinan Siyech
“The PFI’s constitution was drafted in 2010 and last updated in 2014. According to this 24-page document, the PFI has an 18-point agenda which includes issues such as promoting national integration and social harmony, upholding the country’s democratic and secular order, working for peace, advancing the cause of minorities, protecting civil and political rights, and speaking out against human rights violations.
“…, the group purports to follow Islam and does not specify which tradition or sect it adheres to…, the PFI makes no distinction between any Muslim who shows interest in becoming a member, so long as they pray regularly and observe what they consider basic Islamic rituals. The group membership includes Sufis, Tablighis, and even Shias (although not Ahmadis). The political arm of the PFI, the SDPI, is even more open and allows non-Muslims to join, including Christians and Dalits (the “untouchable” cast). This diversity indicates that the group is interested in unity among Muslims as well as among traditionally marginalized communities in India. Thus, at least on the surface, the PFI’s appeal is not limited to any single religious community, which likely helps the organization garner a broad base of support.”
Note: Follow which Islam? Political or religious or both! PFI has never made it clear. Whose political, civil, and human rights are being violated? Naxals and terrorists & those who profess from open platforms disintegration of India; imposition of Sharia! “Advancing cause of minorities”? Maulanas encourage Muslim kids to study only in Madrasas; they oppose modernization of Madrasas and their up-gradation to full-fledged schools. Allowing non-Muslims to join is only to gain strength in numbers; if it ever came to implement Sharia, the non-Muslims would be given a choice to either convert or face death.
Excerpts from: Eighteen & disenchanted — why a college student, now a successful Delhi lawyer, joined PFI – The Print 29th Sept 2022, Bismee Taskin
Eighteen years old, upset about the condition of Muslims, and eager to
contribute to his community, the college student sat in a restaurant in his
Rajasthan hometown listening in on a riveting discussion on the communal
situation in India. What he heard persuaded him to volunteer in an organization
he had never heard of until then —PFI. The lawyer agrees but adds that people
have joined the organization because of its anti-RSS and anti-Hindutva stance.
initial work of new members is to mobilize support — spread the word of the
PFI, the
message of Allah, and invite others to join discussions on perceived
“anti-Muslim policies” of the government, the lawyer said. This is initially
done by putting up posters and forwarding messages on chat groups.
The PFI, he said, works primarily on four broad frontiers
— education, economic relief, legal aid, and protesting against anti-Muslim
policies. Agendas are laid out every month and campaigns are formulated. It’s a
rule for PFI members to meet up in the party office at least once a month.
the message of Allah”: The
message of Allah, as detailed in the aforesaid lines, is to establish Rule by
Sharia. And, what are those “anti-Muslim policies”? Not to allow free run of
Jihad against “Kafir” India; crackdown on terrorists and those engaged in
anti-India activities. Abolition of Triple Talaq! Passage of CAA bills in the
Parliament! Why India should be a Dharamshala for such Muslims who are
persecuted in their own Islamic Nations? For encouraging increased number of
prospective jihadis in India!, as experienced by Europe and UK; the Indian
Muslims should know that in the whole world India is the safest place for
Muslims to live in; but No Sharia Rule and no opposition to Uniform Civil Code.
RSS: It’s up against Political Islam
So, the lawyer made it clear that PFI is founded on anti
RSS and anti Hindutva agenda. And, therein lays the entire anti-Hindu,
anti-Bharat and anti-National doctrine. PFI and other Muslim organizations see
in RSS a Hindu Identity consolidation and in Hindutva they see a major obstacle
in their nefarious political designs of imposing Sharia rule in decades to
come. If any apologist of these organizations comes to their defense he/she
should first explain Ghazwa 2047. According to Muslim Doctrine establishing
Sharia Rule is direct path to Jannat (making merry with Hoors) and establishing
Hindu Rule are Kufr and therefore their solemn religious duty to oppose it. Not
doing so would tantamount to violate “Allah’s Command”.
Muslim organizations incessantly work towards
consolidation of Muslim group as one entity to fight the “Kafir” as ordained in
their religion, but they object to Hindu consolidation and label it as
“communal”. Gujarat riots of 2002 are remembered whenever BJP and Modiji are to
be labeled as communal; but prior to the riot, burning of the train
compartments by a Muslim that housed Kar Sevaks are never spoken off because
that’s being in the “cause of Allah”. The forced mass exodus of Kashmiri
Pandits from Kashmir is never condemned by any Muslim Organization or leader,
but one Ikhlaq is made into a National issue, because Momeen’s life is precious
and “kafir” life is dispensable. Babri Masjid becomes the issue, but temples
can be vandalized and destroyed. By no standard that structure was a Masjid,
but even if it was, let the Jihadis in India know that Saudi Arabia demolished
a mosque which was built by Prophet Muhammad! When “Sar Tan Sae Juda” gang was
active, no Muslim organization/leader condemned their acts and on the contrary
got on to Nupur Sharma who had only stated documented facts- in public domain-
about Prophet Muhammad; and the whole blame was put on BJP/RSS for
communalizing the society! While the Moulvi’s pervert comments on Shiv Ling was
to follow “Allah’s Command”!
The RSS in all its naivety or false hope talks about
common DNA; somebody need tell the RSS Chief to refresh his knowledge about
Khilafat Movement that not only ended up in Moplah riots engineered by Muslims,
but also acted as Spring Board for creation of Pakistan. When Sri M K Gandhi
was asked about the riots he said, “Muslims have acted as per their religion”!
Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad proclaimed that India was not a pious place for
Muslims to live! When Sardar Patel was asked as to what he thought about
nationalism of M. A. K. Azad, Sardar replied, “Skin deep”!
It’s time that RSS and other Hindu organizations including
the GOI realized that they up against political Islam and ensure that Kashmir
is not repeated and therefore appropriate strong measures be institutionalized
(by Constitutional amendments, if required) to nip this menace into the bud
before it grows into an all devouring monster that would only be capable of
inflicting barbarism on one and all. Only
one step has been taken, banning PFI, many more are urgently required to be
taken to bury the Monster once and for all.
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