Deport Rohingyas and Bangladeshis from India: Lalit K Kaul


Why Need to Deport from India Mynamar and B'desh Muslim Illegal Immigrants?

                          Lalit k kaul

India needs to learn from experiences of Europe, UK and Canada when it comes to problems created by Muslim migrants- legal and illegal. These migrants who fled their countries of origin -due to reasons internal to them, and faced with hunger and unemployment- to land in Europe, UK and Canada in search of employment and shelter have ended up demanding on par status for Sharia Law with their legal system and, in some cases, there have been demands for replacement of native legal set-up with Sharia- the “Law of Allah”. What has compounded the problem is their much higher rate of population growth in comparison to that of natives. For, example, scientific research in Germany shows that by 2050 the native population would have reduced appreciably while the Muslim migrants’ population would have substantially increased posing a threat to the extant demography.

The following excerpts from research reports tell all the tale.

1.       Christine Schirrmacher:  The Sharia Law and Order in Islam; Culture and Science Publ. Dr. Thomas Schirrmacher, Bonn, 2013

The history of Islam in German began in 1961, when the first contracts were concluded to recruit Muslim workers from Turkey. Largely untrained workers – even in part illiterate – came as Gastarbeiter (guest workers) from Anatolia to Germany. From the German as well as the Turkish side it was assumed that the time Turkish workers would spend in Germany would be a matter of several years.

With a higher birth rate in comparison to the German population, and through refugees and immigrants from various Islamic countries (above all from Bosnia-Herzegovina, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and several Arab countries such as Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Tunisia, and Morocco66), who had fled from wars and crises, as well as by those seeking asylum and economic migrants, the number of Muslims in Germany has grown to what is currently an estimated 3.2 million people.67 One can add to this number an estimated 500,000 to two million people illegally in Germany, a part of which is Muslim.

With the influx of families, in particular in the 1970s and 1980s, came the first visible indications of Muslim life in Germany: Turkish stores opened, religious festivals were celebrated in city areas strongly influenced by Turkish inhabitants,…, culture centers and more mosques (not only in rear courtyards and factory buildings) were opened, the amplified calls to prayer or the height of minarets at times became the subject of law-suits, young girls were often married off in Turkey or a rural bride brought to Germany.

…. On the other side, and in the shadows of mosques, political networks arose which aggressively questioned the values and foundations of West-ern society. These political networks often openly rejected the values and foundations of Western society and used their influence to warn Muslim believers about the “Godless West” and to make a call to distance oneself from ‘unbelievers.’

Aside from immigrants, it is thought that about 10,000 to 12,000 Germans have converted to Islam (some Muslim organizations report larger numbers) …. German Islam is characterized by its Turkish expression. Turkish Islam is basically characterized by laicism. Kemal Ataturk, the ‘father of Turkey,’ accomplished the official separation of state and religion with the removal of the Ottoman Empire and the founding of the Turkish Republic in 1923/1924…….  Nevertheless, there are also political groups within Turkish Islam. The largest group considered to be Islamic extremist by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Milli Görüs, has just under 30,000 members. Islamic groups frequently call upon their members to separate themselves from German society.

……On the other hand, it should not be overlooked that Islamic groups and umbrella organizations which are political in nature are trying to prepare the soil for the presence of the Sharia… the apolitical majority of Muslims in Germany, who, …, often make up a silent majority.

An initial survey was directed at a non-specified group of the Muslim residential population… answers from over 1,700 Muslims were taken into account in the analysis. The educational level of those participating ranged from Muslims in non-college preparatory high school to the university level, and the age range covered the entire spectrum beginning at 14 years of age. ..the result when viewed against the backdrop of earlier studies was that the majority of Muslims in Germany are closely tied to their religion in theory and in practice. Individuals who consider themselves to be religious or very religious has risen over the past years. Over 85% of the Muslims in Germany label themselves as ‘devout’ or ‘very devout.’ The number of individuals who go to a mosque at least once per week rose from 30.7% to 41.6% between 2000 and 2005. Of those participating, 89% either ‘completely’ agree or ‘rather’ agree with the statement, that the Koran is the revelation of God. A directly political-fundamentalist tendency… it is also the number of individuals advocating the wearing of headscarves by women: In 2005, 46.6% agreed that women should wear a headscarf in public, whereas only 27.2% answered in the affirmative in 2000. Also, among younger Muslims in Germany, the number of individuals who have visited a Koran school is notably higher than among older individuals. About 44% of people agree either ‘completely’ or ‘rather’ with the statement “Muslims who die for the faith through armed battle [enter] into paradise,” i.e., are rewarded by God for their acts. “Just under 40% consider that “the use of physical violence as a re-action to threats to Islam by the West is legitimate.

2.       Sharia Law or ‘One Law For All’; Denis MacEoin, Civitas: Institute for the Study of Civil Society, London, June 2009


In 2007, the think tank Policy exchange published a detailed poll of Muslim opinion. Examining cultural attitudes, the researchers asked the Q: ‘ If I could choose, I would prefer to live in Britain under Sharia Law rather than British Law’.

Response: 75% of those over 55 preferred British Law, though this figure went down as ages dropped: 75% of 45–54-year-olds, 63% of 35–44-year-olds, 52% of 25-34 year olds, and only 50% of 16-24 year olds. This reflects a trend towards extremism on the part of young Muslims in general.

… more importantly, there is a visible trend from greater tolerance among the older age groups to an increase in hardliner attitudes among young people, particularly the 16–20-year-old age band.

Fully 37% of 16–24-year-olds prefer sharia; 56% agree that a Muslim woman must not marry a non-Muslim; 57% agree that a Muslim woman cannot marry without consent of her guardian; 52% agree that a man may have up to four wives, a woman only one husband,..

A similarly wide-ranging survey carried out in 2006 by GfK NOP Social Research for Channel 4 Dispatches, Attitudes to Living in Britain – A Survey of Muslim Opinion, reached similar conclusions. Of 1,000 Muslims surveyed, 30% said they preferred Sharia Law (34% among 18–24-year-olds). If we extrapolate from this figure, assuming recent figures of two million Muslims living in UK, we may calculate that some 60,000 Muslims would prefer to live in Britain under Sharia Law. A not insignificant number- 19%- said further that they would willingly move to a country ruled by Sharia; but this figure went up hugely to 46% of those who said they preferred Sharia.

A variation on this is a desire on the part of 28% for Britain to become an Islamic State. This may be unrealistic, but it undoubtedly forms intentions, especially among those who favour Sharia, 45% of whom expressed this hope.

If this is worrying, it is also a matter for concern that a full 23 % of those who prefer Sharia said they would not vote in elections. 26% of those who favour Sharia said they would withdraw their daughter from school rather than send her without hijab, and an equal 26% did they would just send her wearing hijab anyway.

Belgium Sweden Canada France & Poland:

The situation is no different in Belgium, Sweden, France and Canada from that in Germany and UK. While France has put in place laws to disallow propagation of Sharia, Polish government has simply barred entry of Muslims in to Poland. Belgium and Sweden are still in the process of making laws to deter this Muslim menace from exploding. For want of space, the details can't be furnished in this piece. Those who want to establish Sharia in Europe and UK, the best place for them to go to is Afghanistan, but they will not do so as they want to avail all the amenities provided by ‘Kafir’ West till their long-term plan of implementing Sharia materializes only to oppress womenfolk.

Remarkable Network:

That 2nd and 3rd generation migrant youth is more inclined towards Sharia law indicates the kind of network they have established through various Islamic websites wherein they indoctrinate young minds against Western value system and culture; they intelligently exploit freedom of speech and religion as afforded by secular dispensations, in a peaceful manner, to achieve their goals as dictated by the “Law of Allah”. They will wait for their population size to grow to a size where they feel empowered to take on the “Kafir" dispensation.

India must Implement:

The basic premise of Muslims is that they don't accept nationality of a country they live in, earn their livelihoods and raise families because Islam does not recognize any nationality and national boundaries. Those who led anti-CAA hooliganism are no different from the ones professing Sharia rule in Europe and UK and that's why they come in support of illegal immigrants from B'desh and Myanmar as that adds to the strength of overall Muslim population in India. And, these immigrants are fertile grounds for indoctrination against the secular Indian dispensation. Therefore, it's not only necessary to implement Uniform Civil Code, make laws for implementing CAA and rigorously implement population control measures, but also deport Bangladeshis and Rohangiyas from India, for India to survive as a secular and democratic nation that boasts of diversity in cultures and religions.











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