Pakistan on the brink of implosion: Lalit k kaul


Pakistan born out of an Irrational World-View is on the Brink of Decimation                                                                                                                 Lalit K Kaul

The people who always drew their lineage and cultural heritage from invaders like the Turks, Afghans, Pathans and Moguls and take pride in naming their country's important installations after those who are known to have inflicted barbarity on the girls and women of their Hindu ancestors- at the instigation of “Sufi Saints"-  only to produce first generation Muslims and thus ensuring increase in Muslim population  (Ref: M A Khan- Islamic Jihad A Legacy of Forced Conversions, Imperialism , And Slavery) and who never drew inspiration from Raja Dahir, Maharaja Ranjit Singh, Guru Nanak, and Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev and are ever in a denial mode about Sindhu-Desh Sabyta; their pious-land (Pakistan) is on the brink of disaster and decimation. A nation founded on irrational world-view is chaotic beyond repair; a venomous ideology that was capable of inculcating only hatred, that very hatred has grown into a Frankenstein that's out to devour its Mother- Pakistan; having completed genocide of Hindus and other minorities since its birth on August 14, 1947. The ideology of intolerance, culminating into venomous hatred, towards people of other faiths has finally made a huge U-turn and permeated so deep into the psyche of the followers that it now envelops political dynamics, military establishment and various Muslim sects. Who is in command? The defense and finance ministers say “Allah Tala sab theek karaega". But Prophet Muhammad always advised his followers to put in their sincere effort first and thereafter leave the matter in the hands of Allah!

A Uniquely Formed Country!

A conglomeration of people who disowned (or, were forced to disown) their culture; no language of its own because Urdu was declared as national language while Sindhi, Punjabi, Gujarati and Pushto were banned to be spoken in public discourses; Urdu is an Indian language as it was born in India. Pakistan name itself is derived from the synthesis of ‘Pak’ (derived from Urdu/ Persian/Arabic) and ‘Sthan’ (derived from Sanskrit). Its founder Sri M A Jinnah was a 2nd generation Sufi-Shia Muslim and therefore according to Sunnis a non-Muslim and to be persecuted and annihilated as much as the other ‘Kafirs'. The ongoing vandalism has finally brought the Sufi-Shia to justice by ransacking Jinnah House and looting things worth crores of Pakistani currency. The Ahmediyas who led the movement for creation of Pakistan were declared as non-Muslims only to be annihilated. Imran Khan appointed an economic expert from the US – Pakistani Ahmediya- but couldn't retain him as he was a ‘Kafir'.

The geographical area known as Pakistan is the one where Muslim League never governed before partition; Sindh was annexed by manipulating Sri G M Syed's vote (the Jiyae Sindh Movement leader) after promising him autonomy and all that; Baluchistan was annexed by invading it, having signed the treaty with Baloch leaders for protecting its sovereignty and for that huge money had been extracted from the Balochs; the Pashtoons never considered themselves to be a part of Pakistan because the Durand Line was never accepted by Afghanistan since it divided Pashtoons into two halves. The geographical area where Muslim League was in power before the partition came to be known as East Pakistan and which broke-up because of self-assumed racial superiority of Punjabis over Bengalis.

The turncoat ideologue, Sri Allama Iqbal who had penned down ‘Saarae Jahaan Sae Accha Hindustan Hamara… ‘, was one of the leading lights in trying to make look Jinnah's irrational definition of a Nation as rational. But then if 2x2 could equal 5, Pakistan wouldn't have been like what it's today.

The Hand- Maiden of the US:

Always on sale for American dollars; created Taliban to fight USSR invasion because the US offered billions of dollars; nurtured Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan (TTP); supported Taliban rule in Afghanistan from 1996 to 2001. And then, again for American dollars sake, ostensibly joined hands with the US to dethrone Taliban government and marginalize the Taliban; crack-down on TTP was simultaneous. But the grand game continued behind the curtains- that of helping the Taliban to fight American and NATO forces! The billions of dollars obtained from the US were never invested for public good, but were used to fill coffers of the ‘establishment’ and promote terrorism across the border because ‘Jihad against Kafir land’ was ordained by the ‘Law of Allah'. So, terrorist groups flourished alongside of the ‘establishment’ while the people remained impoverished and the Islamic Nation aspiring to be like “Riyasat e Madina" steeped deep into debts and now the pious land for Momeen is on the brink of bankruptcy.

The height of incongruity is that the Special Adviser to the Pak PM, in his press briefing, blamed BJP-RSS combine for the loot, arson and revolt against the army in the pious land for Moemeen!

The Army under Siege:

“Amrica Nae Kuttae Paalae, Vardi Walae Vardi Walae". “Yeh Jo Dehshatgardi hai Iskae Peechae Vardi Hai". This is unprecedented. The most revered institution in Pakistan is on target and is being challenged for its authority. Shoot to kill! Kill whom? Senior army officers have refused to obey orders from their superiors; in my understanding, it is very natural for officers with good ethics to refuse firing at their own people; the news of rift within the army, notwithstanding. Yet, the people are taunting it for its inability to fight the “enemy” across the border and so are training its guns on the Pak nationals. Imran Khan has succeeded in challenging the monolith whose very shadow struck fear in the judiciary, the prime ministers and the other constitutional bodies; the monolith that claimed supremacy over Pakistan's Constitution has been, for the time being at least, overshadowed by the popularity of Imran Khan amongst the masses. This is first feather in the cap of Imran Khan.

The Parliament & Judiciary on Confrontational Path:

The SC of Pak held the arrest of Imran Khan as illegal and rightly so, but the CJ of Pak welcoming Imran Khan as an honoured guest helped lowering its esteem in the eyes of the world; a label also got stuck to the judiciary of Pak that Imran Khan is its “Laadla". While the Parliament has struck down the order of the SC for holding elections in KPK and Punjab, the politicians belonging to the parties running the government are publicly ridiculing the courts. The SC and Army combine that overthrew many a PM including hanging one of them; that duo has split only to be face to face with each other. This is another feather in the cap of Imran Khan.

The Economic Crisis and IMF ever-changing Conditions:

The chaotic situation as obtained in Pakistan due to the joint efforts of the ruling conglomerate and the opposing PTI has led to the IMF putting a very stringent demand on Pakistan. That the Pak should arrange to get $6.0 billion aid from her friendly countries before the IMF can think of releasing its $1.1 billion as a part of its package and all this aid to be got by end June, 2023. There were already conditions pending which Pak was to satisfy. The problem is that no friendly country or investors are willing to come to the rescue of Pakistan as the political situation is very volatile and nobody knows who is in command. So, the Q being asked is: Will Pakistan default? A Q more difficult than this one that Pak needs to answer: Does Pakistan want to establish Riyasat e Madina or get along with the modern civilization that segregates religion from politics? If the former dispensation, then it doesn't need IMF or China, KSA and UAE etcetera. If modern dispensation then its leadership may choose to emulate the crown prince and the PM of the KSA, his highness Muhammad Bin Salman. Economic crisis is 3rd feather in the cap of Imran Khan.


“India is desperate to do trade with Pakistan”:

Is the rhetoric and it can't get more ridiculous and laughable than this. The whole world laughs at Pakistan, no country, including “braader muslim mumaalik" and “iron brother” China are willing to go beyond a limit. No freebie declared the KSA and UAE and Chinese power generation companies are asking for payments and power generation has been stopped. Starving people, bankruptcy looming large, infamous for unbridled corruption insofar as siphoning of aid and funds are concerned; yet “Kafir” India remains “Dushman Mulk". Can any genuine friend of Pak tell her that she is non-existent in Indian minds, while geo-political requirements may put Indian government on a very high alert for the chaos in Pakistan? The tomatoes Pakistanis eat come from India, but are delivered via Dubai! Why? Because 1000 years’ war is not yet completed against India and there would be no rendezvous with Hoors unless Ghajwa e Hind is accomplished and Sharia law imposed. Our own Mehboobas, Mamtas, Kejris, Sonias, Owaisis, Abdullahs, Lones and not to forget Hurriyat are awaiting the day Sharia law would be imposed in India.

It's really remarkable that the “Law of Allah" is so inspiring that even while the Moemeen are starving, yet the “Kafirs" have to be dispatched to the “Fires of Hell". This is the main feather in the cap of Pak political leadership, judiciary, establishment, the Muftis, Moulvis & Maulanas and the associated Madrasas that has brought the pious land for the Moemeen to utter disgrace and made her a subject of ridicule in the comity of nations.

The Icing on the Cake:

Hurriyat meets with Bilawal Bhutto! To do what? Offer food for Pakistanis? Requesting a chaotic Nation to wage war against India and free Kashmir from her “occupation"? Or, to ask Bilawal to intensify terrorist activities from across the border to derail G20? Or, seeking pay cheques from their masters?

This is the misfortune of madrasa chaap historians and politicians who invent their own history with the intent of inflicting 1000 cuts on India, but end up only traumatizing their own community.

For Pakistan to Survive:

She must learn and understand that in 21st century 7th century CE can't be recreated and this fact transcends all religions and their associated world-views. First get capable of feeding your mouths with dignity and then think of Ghazwa e Hind. Hind is eternal and so Momeen shall get many opportunities to try for ultimate rendezvous with Hoors. Hurriat and other Indian Muslim leadership- political and religious- and their Half Muslim supporters too should counsel Pakistan to mend her ways and follow Prophet Muhammad advise: First do your bit, take care of yourself and only then leave the rest to Allah. For, starving mouths and empty stomachs can't bring in revolutions to change the course of the world.






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