On Culture and being Cultured:Lalit K Kaul
On Culture and being Cultured
Lalit K kaul
The customs, ideas, beliefs, art, literature, architecture, music,
etc. of a particular society/nation, collectively
define its culture. This definition as much holds for Kashmiri Pandit Community
as for any other community in the world; except for those for whom their
religion decides every dimension of their life.
While art, literature, music and architecture help in
understanding how a society has evolved over a time span and more importantly
how its collective Mind has evolved to create new forms, shapes and expressions
from the real material world; the belief systems and religious practices define
the relationship as it evolved between the mortals and the Absolute- the
Ishwar; the Saguna Brahman. Such practices and beliefs are the ways to connect
with the Creator.
While all kinds of creative works- be they related to Temporal or
Spiritual world- by a section of the society do add immense value to the extant
civilization, yet they need not necessarily be a yardstick to measure how
civilized a society/nation is. For, the intellectuals in respective domains of
human endeavour are far ahead of their times and therefore their
articulations/expressions may not be immediately relevant to their society and
hence out of step with the day to day societal dynamics and its governance.
What basically sustains a society/nation are the contributions
of people with average intellect insofar as running its affairs is concerned-
be those related to matters economic, social, religious and political. And,
therefore it’s the conduct of these people and their collective sense of duty towards
their co- habitants that defines how civilized or otherwise a society/nation
is. For, no matter how robust and flourishing the economy is and how profound
the scientific discoveries/inventions are; they are no real measure of how
civilized the people are.
So then, what’s the yardstick for measuring how civilized a society/nation
is? Answers to this Q are attempted at in the text to follow.
Transition from being an Individual to a Family
Family is the basic unit of a society and in a family the
husband and wife are its basis.
So, the fundamental Q is: what are the defining parameters of
this husband-wife relationship?
The starting point is that when one gets married one need to
understand that his/her wife/husband is First a Human Being, then a Woman/Man and
the tag wife(W)/husband(H) is like giving a name to the two individuals who
have entered into a wedlock.
First a Human Being:
This designation “Human Being” has many connotations. In
addition to being understood as a two legged social animal it implies certain
attributes personified like, strengths and weaknesses; an independent thought
process; a bundle of desires, aspirations and emotions; bestowed with a specific
nature; etcetera.
Therefore, the two tied in a wedlock are bound to differ in some
measure from one another insofar as these attributes are concerned and this difference
is Divine ordained. It implies that in the set {W, H}, each element should find
a space for itself without being trampled upon by another. Thought process is
the external manifestation of the dynamics within arising due to interplay of
one’s emotions, desires, and aspirations based on specific strengths and
weaknesses. To “find a space” means that each element of the set {W, H} is
entitled to freely express herself/himself to the other one and that this Divinely
ordained process not only helps develop a cohesive bond between the two, but
also fills one’s ego with a sense of participation insofar as family matters
are concerned and hence satisfaction. If not adhered to then the behaviour of
one to another is not cultured and hence uncivilized.
Then a Woman/Man:
Ordained to be physically different from each other in order to
fulfil the duties specific to them insofar as evolution of human race is
concerned. Since W and M form a complete set, to start with, therefore they
complement each other and become the basis for the evolution of human race. For
one to take birth as a boy or a girl is ordained and therefore there can’t be
anything so special about a boy that should elude a girl and vice-versa. Man
and Woman are two entities neither equal nor unequal to one another and it’s
this axiom that both need to internalize; both are entitled to love, affection,
respect and acknowledgement without any discrimination. If internalized then the
mutual relationship transcends the Man-Woman divide to exist on a Human plane.
To inculcate within a sense of superiority over the other smacks
of arrogance and is detrimental to the mutual relationship and hence this
arrogation is not cultured and hence uncivilized.
The Only Constraint:
While freedom to express, to take decisions and to act is
indicative of a healthy environment, yet nothing can be allowed to be
undertaken that harms welfare and
interests of the family. Therefore, a cultured way of living a family life is to
arrive at a consensus between the wife and husband on what to do and what not
do in matters of concern; different thought process and other attributes,
Parent and Child Relationship:
not just about affording a luxurious life or otherwise to one’s child; not just
about affording the child best possible education or otherwise; it’s about
interacting with the child to fathom as to what’s going on in the child’s mind.
It’s about conversing with the child on one to one basis without bringing in
the so called discipline that’s supposed to define the behaviour of one to
another. Not to say that all etiquette and mannerisms should be thrown to
winds, but to emphasize that the child should be brought up in a way that
encourages him/her to express himself/herself freely in matters of concern.
a parent says that the child doesn’t listen to (or hear) him/her, the opposite
may be equally true. Ordained to Listen is ordained to Follow and if enforced
zealously not only snaps free exchange of thoughts, but also stampedes child’s
thought process and that’s Genocide of Intellect and therefore barbaric.
If a
child is unable to express himself/herself on matters of importance, as
perceived, to him/her then- keeping aside the relationship by birth- the
cultivated relationship may not be healthy as it wouldn’t be transparent. In
addition, this whole process may impede evolution of thought process in a child
and end up-on a thought plane- to be subservient/enslaved to others’ opinions
without having any of his/her own.
can’t be pushed beyond one’s ingrained limits- be they related to physical parameters
and/or related to intellect. The same is true for a child. While physical
strengths and weaknesses may be visible to the naked eye, the intellect-its
quantum and depth- are not. The latter fact makes it necessary for the parents
to interact with their child by way of helping the child with school homework
and also by spending some playtime together; asking a few questions to him/her related
to a certain topic in a subject of study instead of arranging a tuition. This
process not only strengthens the emotional bond between the two, but also affords
an opportunity for the parents to assess their child’s capabilities. The
by-product of this exercise is that it affords the child a very personal time with the parents and which the
child may use to satisfy his/her inquisitiveness by asking such questions to parents
that may not be related to studies. This process opens a dialogue between the
two and cultivates a very healthy relationship between them. And, if a parent
is unable to answer a Q asked by child then no shouting down the child, but an
honest confession of inability and by doing so a parent also puts in a Value
System in child’s mind. And, therefore it’s civilized way.
Extended Family:
marriage the boy and the girl come to experience an extended family what with brothers/sisters/cousins/uncles/aunts
and indeed parents of both the sides in picture. In our culture, marriage is
not a contract; it’s union of two families and that union is sanctified by
invoking Gods and Goddesses in all forms and shapes. Lagan is a socio-religious
function in which members of boy’s family get acquainted with those of girl’s
family. Ostensibly the atmosphere is always festive while some tensions may be
emerging behind the curtains howsoever short lived though.
weds form a new core-family and which grows in numbers with arrival of new
tag (label) like “in-laws”, historically and socially, puts one category of
“in-laws” at a lower pedestal than the other. The bottom line is: If one places
oneself on a highest pedestal vis-a-vis others then cracks develop in the
relationships that may not be physically visible, but leave indelible scars on the
soul and mind of the slighted ones. For reasons social, the affected ones may
choose to keep silent yet the mutual relationship loses its meaning and is just
carried over as a burden, for the fear of “what people will say!”. Not only is
such a relationship an ostentatious, but it’s also based on rules that defy
good culture and hence not civilized.
only way to transcend such discriminations prompted by tags/labels is to
communicate with every member of the extended family on one-to-one basis, like
one human to another. That’s to say that both the husband and wife shouldn’t
entertain any division like “your” and “mine”. If one removes the tag “in-law”
then, for example, sister on both the sides is sister and sisters are always to
be held in affection and revered. Same holds true for parents and other
relatives on both the sides. So, once this
“in-law” tag is got rid of at the mental plane, then it’s truly an extended
family because all sisters, brothers, cousins, parents, etcetera are worthy of
respect and their place in the enlarged family unit.
fact, in a true husband wife relationship there can be no demarcating/dividing
line between them. The “your ”and “mine” classification ceases to be. My money Your
money, My work Your work, My parents Your parents and all that doesn’t define a
husband wife relationship because this pair { H, W} is the pivot around which everything
related to family matters revolves. If parents have an exalted place in a
family so they have in an extended family for, the seat of a parent can’t be
annihilation of socially defined dividing lines is a sure shot prescription for
ensuring cultured way of life that promotes mutual respect and affection and inculcates
a sense of belonging towards the extended family. A joint family stands up like
an Insurance for all its members, the larger its size, the greater the
Insurance size. If man is a 2 legged social animal and so is a woman then each
one longs for and deserves emotional support; what better way can it be ensured
than having an extended large family. That’s true culture as it integrates instead
of differentiating.
the foregoing text, the basis for a cultured (hence civilized) society has been
detailed out. While it may hold its ground vis-a-vis all communities, yet this
piece was written with a singular aim that youngsters in my community read it. For,
all the social history of a community, it’s the youngsters that are motive
force of a change and this piece attempts to provide some food for thought for them.
of it is from author’s own observations, and experiences obtained in trying to
change such social customs that were repugnant to his soul and mind.
not an attempt at sermonizing anyone, but experience based expression of
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