
Showing posts from August, 2023

Non Resident Kashmiri in India not by Choice:Lalit k kaul

  Non-Resident Kashmiri in India (NRKI) Not by Choice                                  Lalit K Kaul The title shall raise many eyebrows within and without the Kashmiri Pandit Community. But it summarizes the Fact and Truth of my community’s existence since January 19, 1990. The pain of being in that state of existence cannot be wholly and comprehensively described in words yet an attempt to do so may be worthwhile. An attempt has been made in   the following lines to justify the new label (noun) for my community. The Pain of it: The intellectuals, philosophers and the theoreticians are gifted with the art of making the subject incomprehensible to a layman- a person gifted with ordinary common sense, but the one who has suffered the indignities associated with debasement is gifted with art of putting it in very simple words. Two examples in support of the above would suffice. 1.        Post genocide of my community those working in Public Sector Units in Kashmir were relocat

Nuh Hooliganism Need to Demolish Idelogy:Lalit k kaul

                Nuh Hooliganism by Muslims: the need to demolish the Ideology & not just Concrete                                                                                                                                                           Lalit K Kaul It has become a routine, since few years now. Whenever there is a Hindu religious procession the Muslims indulge in stone pelting, rioting and plunder; whereas during none of the Muslim festivals/religious processions the Hindus reciprocate in the similar fashion, but on the other hand ensure that Muslims festivals pass off peacefully. Hindus experienced rioting in Bhopal, Moradabad, Delhi and Patna etcetera and now it is Nuh in Haryana. A year or so ago, I did a Google search on “Rioting in 20 th Century India” spanning pre and post independent India. Whereas the pogroms like Direct Action Day and Moplah riots against Hindus as directed by leaders like Mohammad Ali Jinnah and others stand out to expose the limitle

Dehumanization precedes Genocide: Lalit k kaul

  Dehumanization is a Precursor to Genocide                                                                                          Lalit K Kaul Introduction: Genocide is an activity well planned over the years before its execution and it occurs only in a Nation with composite culture, diversity in religions (sects within) and race. It is perpetuated/executed by a dominant group in a heterogeneous society which is intolerant to the cultures and religions other than its own. It may be carried out by the State against the political activists professing a political ideology different from that of the ruling elite who may find it antagonistic to their political philosophy and/or by the “non-state” actors against such socio-religious and socio-cultural groups classified as out-groups. The ruling elite is deemed to be in league with the “non-state” actors if their administrative machinery is found wanting in checking this heinous crime by way of not bringing the culprits to justice