Dehumanization precedes Genocide: Lalit k kaul
Dehumanization is a Precursor to
Lalit K Kaul
Genocide is an activity well planned
over the years before its execution and it occurs only in a Nation with
composite culture, diversity in religions (sects within) and race. It is
perpetuated/executed by a dominant group in a heterogeneous society which is
intolerant to the cultures and religions other than its own. It may be carried
out by the State against the political activists professing a political
ideology different from that of the ruling elite who may find it antagonistic to
their political philosophy and/or by the “non-state” actors against such
socio-religious and socio-cultural groups classified as out-groups. The ruling
elite is deemed to be in league with the “non-state” actors if their
administrative machinery is found wanting in checking this heinous crime by way
of not bringing the culprits to justice post the gruesome act and/or by not having
institutionalized certain checks and balances to ensure that genocide doesn’t
happen in the first place.
The Scope:
How does the process to affect
genocide start? An attempt is made to answer this question in the following
lines. The types of genocide are discussed taking the Pandit community as a
sample. It is suggested that a thorough scientific study is required to
understand genocide of the Pandit community and the instruments used to
accomplish it if a viable hypothesis for non-recurrence of genocide is to
Dehumanization: The First Step
If a group classified as out-group
in a heterogeneous society is to be exterminated then a percentage (section) of
the population belonging to the in-group need to be indoctrinated to the extent
that it thinks of the target group as not worthy of living amidst them because
everything about the target group is abhorrent. That indoctrination is the instrument
for performing the act of dehumanizing.
The underlying ideology/world-view
that supports and strengthens the process of dehumanizing is denial of the identity
to an individual/group(s) other than the dominant group. The “minorities”
categorized under race, ethnicity, culture and religion, and political ideology
are to be looked down upon as 1) uncultured and therefore uncivilized, 2) pariah
because of their non-conformity to the dominant religion, 3) lacking mental
faculties commonly associated with the human beings, and 4) anti-State if
belonging to a political ideology different from the ruling one.
While (1) and (3) were employed by
the colonial masters as the basis for justifying colonizing the human and
natural resources of more than 3/4th of the globe; (1) and (2) were
employed by such religious doctrine which arrogated onto itself the tag of
being “ultimate and superior” as the basis for justifying the massacre of
people (belonging to other faiths) across the globe and ensuring their
compliance with the alien religion under duress; (4) was employed as the basis
for imposing totalitarian regime on the people.
Though race, ethnicity, culture and
religion, and political ideology are the factors that may trigger the process
of dehumanizing yet the most potent from among these are religious, racial and
political ideologies. While dehumanizing may be generally classified as an
inter-race dynamics yet it being intra-race cannot be ruled out. “Race” means
people with common ancestry, blood and culture and may have had a common
religion for few millenniums yet the people belonging to a common race may
choose to adopt a new religion by choice or under duress thereby chances of a
schism developing between the two religious groups become more real than imaginary.
Similarly, post kingdom era, the advent of a variety of political ideologies,
if adopted by the people of a common race/nation, are liable to cause
disharmony within the race.
Fundamental to both political and
religion based dehumanizing is the complex of being not only superior, but also
providing the ultimate path for emancipation of human race from its multiple
Thus, one finds oppressive regimes
led by such political ideology that prefers totalitarian system and therefore
it does not countenance any expression of thought by way of speech- in any
human endeavour- that is found to be at variance with their doctrine. Human
beings are differentiated from the plant and animal world because human race is
endowed with ever evolving mental/thinking capabilities that the animal and
plant worlds are not. Therefore a political dispensation that curbs free
thinking and expression denies that identity to the people that differentiate
them from animals. This kind of identity denial- act of dehumanizing- is
tantamount to Genocide of Intellect as it coerces the people to fall in line
with the dominant political world-view else face extermination (genocide). Fanaticism
born out of a complex is no different from being superstitious
(irrational/illogical) as it is dogmatic. Being dogmatic is tantamount to being
assertive (inflexible) and when combined with political power becomes a toxic
cocktail of pride and prejudice that leads to a centralized power center
authorized to annihilate all the incompatible that comes its way and since
masses have been dehumanized (loss of identity) they reduce to being mere
objects that are dispensable (genocide).
Similarly, religion based
dehumanizing is carried out motivated by the doctrine of its superiority over
all other faiths. The followers of other faiths are looked down upon and are
referred to in very derogatory terms and are categorized as a kind of out-cast
with reference to the members of this “superior” religion group and if this
attitude/mindset is sanctified by their religious texts then dehumanizing
others becomes a Divine service. Their religious heads preach intolerance
towards people of other faiths as also the treatment that should be meted out
to them, by quoting from the holy texts. Thus, the “non-conformists” are
delisted from being humans as they are perceived to be in direct confrontation with
the Law of (their) Creator and thus they are robbed of their identity. The situation for the people of other faiths
becomes particularly horrendous if the “superior” religion is endowed with a
political doctrine that aims to universalize it through the process of
conversions by whatever means possible so that a theocratic State is put in
place that follows in letter and spirit the tenets/dictates of “superior”
religion. Once the people belonging to out-group are debased to the extent of
not being humans, their genocide becomes possible.
Intra-Race Genocide and State
Kashmiri Muslims and Pandits belong
to one race. The Kashmiri society was always a multi-religious one in which
Jain, Bodh and Sanatan schools of thought- religious, metaphysical and
cultural- co-existed. The “Nastiks” were as much an in-group as the “Astiks”.
This is not to claim that there were never any incidents of friction between
them, but adherents of any faith were not categorized as out-group. All this
was to change starting mid 14th C.E. with the advent of an alien
religion –Islam. Three to four centuries of Muslim rule in Kashmir ensured a
miniscule minority status for the Hindus/Pandits and overwhelming majority for the
new converts to Islam facilitated through extermination and exile of
Kashmir may be a unique place where,
in a democratic dispensation, intra-race dehumanization followed by genocide
took place motivated by acknowledged toxic mix of religion and politics. The state
machinery’s and the ruling elite’s compliance in the whole process comes to
light when perpetrators of 1986 riots are not brought to justice nor are those
responsible for the mass scale forced exodus of Kashmiri Pandit community and
for the mass massacres which continued thereafter.
Genocide can be Peaceful or Violent:
What was witnessed in 1991 was a
violent form of genocide for which planning had gone on peacefully for nearly
two decades; that two decades of planning included poisoning the minds of as
many as possible (belonging to the in-group)-against the target group- by
citing verses from holy books, collecting all the information about the target
group related to family details, residential address and occupation, etcetera.
In this stupendous exercise the entire state machinery was taken into
confidence, while it remained business as usual with the members of the target
group. Then, the whole plan started rolling out starting 1986 and since the
State was compromised it looked the other way as did the leadership of all
political parties.
The genocide can be accomplished in
peaceful ways too. And, this peaceful genocide was ON since the day princely
state of J&K acceded to Indian Union. For the sake of convenience the
definition of genocide is reproduced here as under:
Genocide is the intentional
destruction of a people in whole or in part. In 1948, the United Nations
Genocide Convention defined genocide as any of five “acts committed with intent
to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious
group.” These five acts were: killing members of the group, causing them
serious bodily or mental harm, imposing living conditions intended to destroy
the group, preventing births, and forcibly transferring children out of the
group. Victims are targeted because of their real or perceived membership of a
group, not randomly.
From the five acts as mentioned in
the definition of genocide, the two – causing them mental harm and imposing
living conditions intended to destroy the group- are most potent instruments
for affecting peaceful genocide. More than one is a group and the two- husband
and wife- constitute basic unit of a family. Unwritten government policies when
implemented to ensure a steady outflow of the members of the out-group to
unknown places shall guarantee that after a number of decades the place would
remain cleansed of them to find them residing in places they remain alien to
because of incompatibility of their culture, belief system, way to celebrate religious
functions, and language with the inhabitants of their new found “home”. This
incompatibility is liable to cause mental harm as one is pulled on one side by
the yearning to return to roots and on the other to stay back for reasons
material and necessary for life to move on.
For the life to move on, the
generations next continue to live in alien lands and with every passing
generation slowly but surely lose connect with their forefathers’ culture,
belief system, and way to celebrate religious functions; not to speak of their
mother tongue which begins to remain confined to four walls of their house
since it no longer remains useful for interacting with the outside world and
with incoming generations is lost into the oblivion. Thus, in few decades time
the community is robbed of its culture, belief system, way to celebrate
religious functions and language and if that is not multi-dimensional genocide
then what it is!
The Bottom Line:
So long as hate preaching motivated
by religious ideology continues; the political ideology perpetuating
totalitarian rule continues to be; the hate speeches are allowed in the name of
freedom of expression even while they may be instigating one set of followers
against the another; the state machinery looks the other way and/or is the
accomplice in the process of dehumanizing leading to genocide; as long there
seems to be no way occurrences of genocide can be prevented in the future.
The experience of Kashmiri Pandits
in Kashmir and the way the Muslims planned genocide of the Pandit community
with the political outfits and the government of the day a willing partner, is
a real time situation of a very recent past and it’s that genocide and the
instruments used to accomplish it which needs to be scientifically analyzed if
any plausible hypothesis for non-recurrence of genocide has to emerge. Else,
theoretical research can go on.
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