Non Resident Kashmiri in India not by Choice:Lalit k kaul
Kashmiri in India (NRKI) Not by Choice
Lalit K Kaul
The title shall raise many eyebrows within and without the
Kashmiri Pandit Community. But it summarizes the Fact and Truth of my
community’s existence since January 19, 1990. The pain of being in that state
of existence cannot be wholly and comprehensively described in words yet an
attempt to do so may be worthwhile. An attempt has been made in the following lines to justify the new label (noun)
for my community.
The Pain of it:
The intellectuals, philosophers and the theoreticians are
gifted with the art of making the subject incomprehensible to a layman- a
person gifted with ordinary common sense, but the one who has suffered the
indignities associated with debasement is gifted with art of putting it in very
simple words. Two examples in support of the above would suffice.
Post genocide of my community those working in
Public Sector Units in Kashmir were relocated to different places in India. One
of them, from the many I had interacted with told me,” There is nothing common
between me and the locals in this place. Language is different. The food habits
are different. The culture is different. There is nothing that may integrate me
with the local society. There is nothing that I can identify myself with.”
There was this foreign team of psychologists that
specialized in trauma cases which visited Muthi Camp in Jammu. The team had a
long interactive session with the camp dwellers and made notes for a possible
publication in a reputed journal. When the team was on the way out, an elderly
person stopped them to ask if their mission was over and the response was Yes.
Then, this elderly person told them, “What you are seeing here is Aurangzeb Ka
Khawab.” They asked, “What does that mean?”. He replied, ” Aurangzeb wanted to
cleanse Kashmir of Pandits so that he may succeed in causing mass scale conversions
in India. What he couldn’t achieve the Muslims in Kashmir have.”
No man of letters can describe the pain
better than the simple language of the two laymen who had experienced the
trauma of expulsion from land of their birth and cultural heritage.
The Pain of Acculturation:
The process of acculturation has been defined
to be of four types like 1) Assimilation, 2) Separation, 3) Integration, and 4)
The NRKI community chose Integration also
called Biculturalism for survival. For, the community chose to adopt the
cultural norms of the host culture to the extent it could while maintaining
their culture of origin to the extent it could. So, one came across members of
NRKI observing Thursdays as fasting days, worshipping Santoshi Mata as one of
their Goddesses and not eating non-vegetarian on the occasion of Shivaratri,
etcetera, etcetera. The latter they did for not annoying and hurting the
sensibilities of the adherents of host culture. While making collective efforts
to build its own temples for the Goddesses it worshipped in Kashmir because of
the intrinsic faith in them, yet visits to the temples of new place of
residence were not shunned. Those who chose to maintain the tradition of making
non-vegetarian dishes on Shivaratri festival did so with adequate caution to
ensure that neighbour is not intimidated; so, the cooking was to be done at a
time it wouldn’t be noticed and that its fragrance wouldn’t go outside the
A feature of the host culture that was
adopted was to hold Reception for relatives and friends post completion of
Vedic Rites in a marriage ceremony instead of following the tradition of
organizing “Ghar Achun” for the in-laws of son or daughter or both in which
relatives and very close friends of the host family were also invited. The
purpose of it all was to get acquainted with the relatives of either
daughter-in-law or son-in-law or both, as the case may have been. One reason
for adoption of this host culture could be that in the new places of their
residence the house accommodation was not as large as to accommodate all the
guests and so the Hotel remained the only option. It could be also due to the
reason that the members of NRKI wanted to demonstrate to the locals that they,
indeed, were not different from them. But what it essentially did was to
deprive this function of the organic connect between the host and the guests. For,
it makes a huge difference when the family members of the host are serving the
guests and when the hotel waiters are. Certain courtesies take leave and a
level of indifference creeps in. It gets as mechanical as it can. To cite many
more examples is beyond the scope of this paper.
The most difficult part in this process of
acculturation is to either learn the language of the locals or depend on another
language that is understood by the
people of the host culture. So, while mother tongue is used at home, outside
home it is of no use. And, to be unable to express in one’s mother tongue in
the outside world is the immeasurable pain that one endures and in addition to
the pain, it becomes a greatest impediment in true integration with the local
society. One always remains an outsider despite one’s achievements in the
material world. No matter what kinds of praises may be sung for “diversity”, alienation of mother
tongue snatches one’s identity.
NRKI: Why this Classification?
It differentiates between the exiled
Kashmiri Pandit Community (KPC) and India. It’s on par with NRIs who live in
countries other than India. The difference being that NRIs may or may not
choose to retain their Indian citizenship whereas the KPC chooses to retain its
Indian citizenship in absence of any alternative. The other difference is that
while NRIs may return to India of their own free will the NRKI can’t return to
Kashmir of their own free will to the places where they once belonged.
In the US, the distinction between the
original settlers and the migrants remains as the latter are called African-American,
Indian-American, Arab-American, etc. Implying that complete Integration is not
possible. Similarly the successive Governments of India and the associated political spectrum from Right to Center to
Left have by their attitude towards our Genocide leading to exile from Kashmir have
proven beyond debate that KPC is not integral to India. So, that day may not be
far off when KPC shall be publicly designated as KP-Indian while, as on date,
it’s being communicated to us indirectly. Like, if an Indian doesn’t take US citizenship,
then he/she foregoes certain privileges as available to American citizens,
similarly the KPC doesn’t enjoy all the safeguards as guaranteed under Constitution
of India and its Directive Principles. Like, the KPC is not supposed to have any
Human Rights (like the slaves in medieval times); no culture of its own; no religion
and no Gods and Goddesses and their places of worship, of its own; no belief
system of its own. The KPC is ordained by the powers to be to submerge in the
“diversity” of India forsaking its own identity. To strengthen this, off-late the
Pandits are being addressed to as Hindus.
What is the basis for the above thesis?
Here are the facts for the above thesis and
the Truth of this Nation called India.
First and foremost is the denial of
genocide by all the successive governments and political leadership of all
hues. It implies that the KPC is a tradable commodity that is tradable in exchange
for retaining the piece of land called Kashmir. If the genocide is acknowledged
then its perpetrators would be antagonized and they being a majority and led by
a political and religious leadership which believes in Two Nation Theory and an
Islamic State would be injurious to the integrity of India. The present
dispensation in Kashmir is assiduously working towards complete Islamization of
Kashmir. Therefore, if a limb of “Bharat Mata” is to be retained then KPC is a sacrificial
goat on the altar of Nationalism and Patriotism.
The consequence of this inhuman intent is
that no elected Parliament since 1990, irrespective of the political outfit backing
it, thought it prudent to discuss the reasons that led to our genocide and
exile. No politician raised a point of order in the Parliament to discuss the
exodus of KPC and devise ways and means to restore status-quo-ante as obtained
prior to 1986 Anantnag riots. No elected State Assembly of the erstwhile J&K
state ever discussed the means to restore status-quo-ante as obtained prior to
1986 Anantnag riots. Nor has the LG of the J&K UT ever discussed it with
the local politicians or with the KPC leadership. On the contrary the LG put
the Muslims and Pandits in the same bag when he talked about “violence” in
Post delimitation process Assembly Constituencies
were reserved for Gujjar and Bakarwal community, but no constituency was
reserved for the KPC in Kashmir.
The assertion of the extant GOI and its political
leadership including their mentor the RSS that the KPC is inconsequential in
the overall Indian context became public when Sri Yasin Malik was convicted on
charges of money laundering! Even though he is on record in his interview to
the Door Darshan (DD) sometime in June 1990 on his killings of KP men and the
rape and murder of KP women. There isn’t any better direct evidence of his
crimes against humanity than his interview to the DD unless “secularism”
compelled the DD to delete the video.
That the judiciary too is an accomplice in
the game of politicians is evident from the fact of the SC having refused to
entertain any petition from the KP organization seeking redressal for the barbarism
inflicted on KPC in Kashmir.
And, now the unprecedented farce that the
extant GOI has played on the KPC is that it has ordered investigation into the
murder of Justice Ganjoo, after a lapse of 34 years! What about those unknown
ones who were murdered and their bodies mutilated by the protagonists of Two
Nation Theory and Islamic Nizam? What about those unknown faces who died of
snake bites, depression, heat stroke and of the shock that they had been
reduced to beggars from being a well to do individuals; while living in camps
in remote places enduring the most unfavourable weather conditions? The gist of
all this is that KP lives don’t matter because they are tradable.
In denial mode:
Ironically there is a similarity between
the KPC and those who committed genocide. The perpetrators of genocide are in
denial mode for their act supported by the powers that be and so is the KPC in
denial mode about the inhuman treatment meted out to it by the powers that be.
There may be some voices raising issues with the powers that be, but a very
vast majority is content with their contemporary state of existence. And, this
attitude of ours shall ensure that one day we are lost in the Ocean that India
is, but then the consolation that would be invented would be “We are Bhartiya
and draw our strength from that identity”.
If we plan to survive with our identity
intact then we need call ourselves NRKI and confront the GOI and the entire
political spectrum with it.
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