Truth & Justice Commission-Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul: Lalit k kaul
“Truth and Justice Commission"- Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul
Lalit K Kaul
Where Truth prevails, justice is implicit.
Where un-Truth (falsehood) prevails, the first victim is justice. So, in a
socio-political environment that finds its sustenance in barricading falsehoods,
how Truth can be uncovered! A formidable task to achieve, indeed. Yet, the
credit goes to Justice Kaul for having tried to create a ripple in a stagnant
and stinking pond. That the CJI did not find it necessary to make such a
mention in his read-out, speaks volumes about where the sympathies of the SC of
India lie. The SC of India having dismissed three petitions filed by the
Kashmiri Pandit (KP) community organization that sought justice for the
community, it's remarkable that Justice Kaul should make a mention of it while
being a member of the Five Judge Bench.
The print media attributes this mention of
Justice Kaul to institute Truth and Justice Commission to his being a Kashmiri
Pandit! No surprise this for, in a country where politics thrives on caste and
religious differentiations, no suggestion, statement or proposal can be seen
without attaching it to a caste/ community/religion.
The History of Commissions in
Independent India:
It is replete with instituting a
commission; creating an infrastructure for facilitating its work; spending
Indian taxpayer’s money on reimbursements and salaries for the staff of the
commission and then shelving its findings in some dusty corner of PMO. The most
publicly known commissions were the ones which were instituted for inquiring
into imposition of emergency by Smt. Indira Gandhi and her assassination in
1984. No follow up activity was undertaken and it is in common knowledge that
those responsible for assassination of Smt. Indira Gandhi ruled this country
for decades!
The Apathy or the Diabolical game of
the GOI!
The Deputy secretary in Ministry of Home
Affairs in response to RTI application bearing Registration No. MHOME/R/P/22/00346,
dated 31-03—2022 filed by Shri P. P. Kapoor, Samalkha, Panipat, Haryana gave
the following information:
The information sought was: total number
of Kashmiri Pandits killed by terrorists throughout Jammu and Kashmir since
01-01-1989 up to date of furnishing information.
The reply: “The information sought is not
available with the undersigned CPIO and as such the information may be treated
as NIL It may be noted that only such information can be supplied under the RTI
Act,2005 that is available and existing and is held by the public authority. ….”
Read it with the dismissals by the SC of
India of the petitions filed by KP Organization seeking justice for their
genocide. And, the picture becomes crystal clear. And I have been painting that
picture very often in my blogs, FB posts and on my Twitter handle. The picture
is: there was/continues to be a national level political consensus on cleansing
the Valley of her aboriginals. But of course, the narrative of Muslim religious
leadership is that Islam was born much before Vedic religion and that it
existed since the beginning of creation post deluge and, therefore, Muslims are
the aboriginals of Kashmir!
Justice Kaul cannot be oblivious to this
historical fact and, therefore, his call for instituting a Truth and Justice
Commission becomes all the more remarkable.
The Definition of Truth:
हमको उनसे वफ़ा की है उम्मीद
जो नहीं जानते वफ़ा क्या है
ہمکو انسے وفا کی ہے امید
جو نہیں جانتے وفا کیا ہے
An ideologically motivated and
indoctrinated community has its own definition of Truth and that is the One
which serves its diabolical political interests as defined and fortified by its
religious and political leadership. Therefore the “Truth" as referred to
by Justice Kaul is at variance with the Truth of the populace with which the
proposed commission is supposed to interact. Being in the denial mode is the
Truth of those who systematically and assiduously planned the genocide of KP
community and brought it to fruition.
Being in the denial mode is the reason why
no political and religious leader of the community has denounced our genocide
and on the contrary the popular narrative at all the levels has been that the
KP community left on their own because Sri Jagmohan motivated them! It's
unimaginable to think that a well to do community voluntarily chose to become
slum and footpath dwellers overnight! Only an ideologically motivated community
can propagate and live by such unmitigated white lies that, in fact, constitute
their Set of Truth. When Ms. Mehbooba Mufti called the KP community
“Jews", she endorsed that ideology that denies Jews their right to live. In
fact, the ideology doesn't recognize right to live for any community other than
the Muslims. This has become crystal clear in Israel-Hamas war as not a single,
of the 57 Muslim nations, country denounced the barbaric act of Hamas on 7th
October, 2023.
Any ideologically motivated individual is
immune to reason and therefore it is futile to interact with him/her. Whatever
miniscule number may have remained to oppose that ideology and if willing to
come clean on interaction with the proposed commission would be putting his/her
life at risk and, therefore, may very rightly refrain from bringing out the
Truth of the KP Genocide. In fact, such incidents of killing of such people do
come to light now and then. The threat to their lives becomes more real when the
entire state’s political and administrative machinery continues to be in denial
The Justice:
हमने माना कि तगाफुल न करोगे लेकिन
खाक हो जाएंगे हम तुमको खबर होने तक
ہمنے مانا ک
تگافل نہ کروگے لیکن
خاک ہو جاینگے ہم انکو خبر ہونے تک
For the culprits to be brought to justice
and for redressal of grievances of the aggrieved, the echo system should be
congenial to it. The aggrieved find themselves in a situation where those who
rose up in arms against the Indian State with a singular aim of balkanizing
India, the plans for economic growth and development are being dished out for
them and those who stood for integrity of India are being systematically
sacrificed and neglected. For the sake of claiming success in solving “Kashmir
problem", the lambs are being thrown to wolves by using the might of state
The socio-political echo system is so
entrenched against the KP community that the Modiji's government that is in
vogue since 2014 has not deemed it necessary to discuss the genocide of KP
community in the Indian Parliament and devise mechanisms that ensures their
return to the Valley in the way which ensures their dignity and safety for
their lives and property. No political party has brought in a bill to address
to the KP community plight in order to give them justice. No private member Bill.
No mention at all!
When the entire political spectrum- from
the Right to the Left- is indifferent to the cause of this community and, in
fact, does not exist in their scheme of things, how possibly justice can be
meted out to them!
And Mind you, this is proclaimed to be the
government that cares for the people of India!
The Degenerate Political System:
A Parliamentary democracy that thrives on appropriating
votes based on caste and religious differentiations for capturing political
power, there is no space for as miniscule a minority as the KP community. Many
such communities that don't matter in the power politics stand derecognized and
therefore marginalized.
The slogans like “Bharat Mata Ki Jai” and
“Vande Matram”, notwithstanding it is ultimately the lust for power on the
altar of which many can be sacrificed.
Else, “Bharat Mata" has taken a
liking to the blood of the KP community and enjoys devouring them!
Sure, Justice Kaul's proposal shall be
confined to a stinking dust bin or a farcical activity shall be taken up only
to further prove the hypothesis that the KP community had indeed chosen to
become slum dwellers of their own accord!
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