Despite Rajouri Reasi Doda & Counting Kashmir Problem Remains Resolved Nehru Blunders Rectified: Lalit k kaul


Despite Rajouri Reasi Doda Doda & Counting Kashmir Problem Remains Resolved Nehruji"s “Blunders" Rectified

Lalit K Kaul

All the claims made by BJP led government in the Center and the party itself on achieving in J&K that no other non-BJP government in the past had been able to, have been buried deep into the ground by the events that have been happening in the UT post declaration of Lok Sabha election results from the Valley. The content of election campaign by PDP and NC was ominous.. It was ominous for those who had been independently analyzing political situation in J&K post August 5, 2019 and reason to celebrate for those who had once again succeeded in fooling the policy makers in Delhi by refraining from countering the policies by coming on to the streets. For, their time was to come and therefore it was important to maintain lull before the storm and utilize the available time for preparing for full scale assaults. The campaigns of Apni Party and People's Conference were not such because their candidates had BJP support. Those who had been independently assessing political situation in Kashmir without being swayed by media hype generally came from exiled Pandit community and there were many of them who spoke to digital media and print media about the fact that nothing was normal in J&K.

The election results gave the internally sponsored executers the confidence that Muslims in the Valley had rejected in totality the Delhi initiatives and associated narratives and that kind of public negation of what India stands for was what the executors in the front-end needed for their confidence in carrying out terror attacks. All the apologists of NC PDP PC Apni Party including local Congress outfit, etc. -insofar as their Indian character is concerned- need to digest this fact that the executors are the front end of these parties.

Indian Media- Print Electronic Digital- is like a Chameleon:

All along, since August 5, 2019 the print, electronic and digital media in unison sang praises for Modi-Shah duo for having ushered in peace, prosperity and normalcy in J&K and having corrected all the “blunders" of Nehruji and Congress. Every anchor, editor, U-tuber brought in their own “panel of experts" to sing praises for Modi-Shah duo for their “policies", G20 summit and proposed UAE investments. They showed Tricolour fluttering at various places in Kashmir, Muslims showering praises on Modi-Shah duo, etc. etc.

Post Rajouri, Reasi, Doda, Doda terror attacks including killing of two tourists in Kashmir, the print and electronic media is now questioning as to what has the duo done to restore peace and normalcy in J&K! We have now set of “experts” analyzing the causes for failures and possible remedies! These self styled experts and the media- print, digital and electronic- should know that they don't influence much less dictate political decisions made any government in place.

It reminds me of a National Daily, Times of India of 80s, which untiringly praised Smt. Indira Gandhi for every political decision of hers, including justifying Operation Blue Star! The ones who led from front this campaign were Prem Shankar Jha and Shyam Lal followed by others. Immediately after her assassination, the same bunch of sycophants started literally abusing her in editorials and center page write-ups!

The character of media hasn't changed, its form and shape indeed have!

To Look Within and Not Without is The Imperative:

There is a saying in Kashmiri which goes like:

 “If my hen wasn't crooked, why would she lay egg in other's compound"!

How apt for what has been going on in J&K for 35 years now! What's fundamental to commonsense approach is that no outsider can intervene in my household unless situation within invites it. Whatever ways and means Pakistan used to wage proxy war on India, it had and continues to have the support of local Muslims of J&K. The local Muslims who were indoctrinated into Jihad against “Kafirs” across India. This poisoning of Kashmiri Muslim mind against non-Muslims in J&K and concept of India was a collective effort of local Muslim political and religious leadership, not to underestimate the support they got from such leadership from across the length and breadth of India. The arms transfer and training in Pakistan started only around 1988 or so, but the process for toxifying Muslim mind against non-Muslims and India had started somewhere in 1975 and this was done invoking the Divine Law as stated unambiguously in Al Quran. So, a thoroughly polarized mind was created that resembled a permanent magnet which attracted only one pole (Momin) and repelled the other (Kafir). What havoc this Army of Allah caused in J&K is history and is committed to create new one as signaled in Reasi Doda and Rajouri.

If my body is ailing from cancer, it can't be cured by operating upon someone else's body! Simple commonsense I thought! The cancer is within, the other body is Pakistan!

Vociferous Demands for Repeat of Surgical and Air Strikes on Pakistan!

There is one thing unique to India and Pakistan and that's: whatever untoward happens in Pakistan, R&AW is held responsible and for the similar events in India ISI is held responsible! I once suggested to a friend that better handover Pakistan to R&AW and J&K to ISI as a final and lasting solution for the woes of Pakistan and India emanating from the other side!

We have a problem of plenty in India. Like, overflowing- population, cricket bench strength, unemployment, abysmal poverty, jihadi (ever regenerating) population, political analysts and commentators and last but not the least, Defense experts. Defense experts are available round the clock on electronic and digital media. Suggestions have started pouring in that to end “Pakistan sponsored terrorism” India should conduct “Surgical and Air” strikes with much higher intensity covering much larger areas in Pakistan.

Any suggestion, idea, law, etc. that violates commonsense has its place in garbage din. I don't know what would be the response of “Modi Hai toh Mumkin Hai" team to recent series of barbaric acts, but it may be worthwhile and prudent to reassess the impact of earlier Surgical and Air strikes before planning the next when. The terror breeding hideouts and terror launching pads that were destroyed in last operation seem to have reformed in few years time to make Reasi Rajouri Doda possible. Another such operation undertaken by government of India may buy some reprieve for next few years, but not eradicate the problem for good because of the local support entrenched by the local Muslim political and religious leadership and not to ignore the role of such leadership across India.

Indian army along with air force may carry out yet again Operation Serp to cleanse forests of terrorists' hide outs. While Indian political leadership may decide as it may deem fit to respond to the challenges thrown by the terrorists, it also need to apply its mind to the other (propellant) reason for such terror attacks.

The Other (Propellant) Reason:

What is being labeled as terrorism is basically a violent tool adopted to achieve well defined political and demographic object. It's achieving cessation of Kashmir from Indian union and converting it into Islamic state. The latter has been achieved by ensuring systematic cleansing of Pandit community from the valley by employing 1) peaceful genocide (from 1947 to 1986) and 2) violent genocide from 1986 onwards. So, demographic object is more or less achieved even while the attempts are on for achieving cleansing unto the last.

The political narrative built by Jamait-e-Islami and Hurriyat that 1) India had occupied Kashmir and therefore is the aggressor and must vacate and 2) India didn't hold plebiscite in J&K was supported and energetically sustained by NC JKCONG & thereafter joined by PDP. While Jamait-e-Islami and Hurriyat were very vocal about it, but what was the stimulus for propagating above set of lies was the doctrine that Kashmir being a Muslim majority area it naturally belonged to Pakistan! This underlying doctrine too found support from “mainstream" political outfits in J&K.

The Response of Indian Government and its Political Leadership:

Irrespective of which political outfit based government came to exist in Center, none deemed it necessary to openly counter the false political narratives built by Muslim politicians of all colours in J&K. These narratives were allowed to be built up to the extent that they reached a state of frenzy and that state was further fueled by a very potent narrative that India had partitioned Pakistan and created Bangladesh. The land in due time was made fertile enough for Pakistan to plough it.

If one looks back at the Indian political leadership response to above scenario, one comes across events like 1) passing a resolution in the Parliament of India that J&K was an integral part of India, 2) Vajpayee's bus diplomacy and his plan to resolve Kashmir issue with Nawaz Sharif government and thereafter we had Musharraf Plan, and 3) Modiji trying to emulate his mentor, Sri Vajpayee. All this led one to question oneself: Was Instrument of Accession an invalid document? If J&K was an integral part of India, then where was the need for India to negotiate it with Pakistan? Where was the need to pass a resolution in the Parliament of India that J&K was integral part of India! Are UNSC Resolutions bogus, to start with?

The Indian political leadership response to such false narratives as outlined above has been such as to strengthen such narratives of Kashmiri Muslim Leadership and Pakistan! When Farooq Abdullah declares that Pakistan is a stakeholder in Kashmir, the above outlined response of Indian political leadership is his strength. Mufti Mohammed Syed thanks terrorists and Pakistan for allowing peaceful conduct of elections in Kashmir, the Indian political leadership doesn't respond in an appropriate and decisive manner to put an end to such postures.

It's such political narratives that need to be put into their proper place if normalcy and peace has to be ensured in J&K. And, for that the kind of political will that's required is not found in the present dispensation at center.

The Military Option:

I have said and written so earlier that unless the creator of Kashmir Problem-Pakistan- is decimated, this cancer shall remain to be. Even if India has the military might to annihilate Pakistan and it's sure of no internal sabotage by Muslim political and religious leadership (aiming Ghazwa e Hind) plus an assurance that China will not open a second front, yet it's only the US to decide whether to let go of Pakistan or not. So long the US needs Pakistan, India won't be allowed to decimate it through a military option.

The Priority is J&K and not POK:

No matter how vociferously the electronic and digital media declare that POK is coming next day and this it has been doing ever since August 5, 2019, India would do well to politically marginalize the narratives that have dehumanized Kashmiri society and instigated genocide of Kashmiri Pandit community. If need be, it may mercilessly implement law of the land on the traitors of India- within or without Kashmir and, rest assured, they exist in abundant numbers and ironically are “secular” formation! The threat to India's integrity and democratic dispensation is more from within than without.









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