Kashmir: Sunnis Vs Shias and Pandits: Lalit k kaul

Kashmir: Sunnis Vs Shias and Pandits                                                                          Lalit K Kaul

The social media, of late, was replete with appreciation of the treaty between the Sunni and Shia sects in Kashmir to follow the principle of “live and let live". Can there be a better way of civilized living? Absolutely Not.

However, what's to be borne in mind is that a treaty between two unequal is tantamount to the surrender of a weaker party to the stronger one. And history is the witness to this fact. There continued to be an unspoken and unwritten treaty of coexistence between the Muslims and Pandits in Kashmir, despite institutionalized discriminations against the latter. It was the majority community that dictated the treaty and its modulations over time; the Pandit community had no say in all that as it was never privy to the internally evolving thought process of the Muslim community towards it. The Pandit community chose to stay in the Valley trusting the majority community and what was done to the community starting 1986 is now history.

The history of existence of Shias and Pandit community in Kashmir has been more or less similar, if not same, since the advent of Islamic rule and evolution of Shia sect in Kashmir. Their respective histories couldn't have been same because Shia and Sunni have the same Book and Prophet - Sunni calling Shia Kafir, notwithstanding- but not so with the Pandit community. Both Shia and Sunni are part of Islam and not so the Pandit community; and, that's huge difference when it comes to a Sunni (religious and political leadership) looking at Shia and a Pandit. In Muslim societies, their leadership is an inseparable mix of religious heads and politicians.

Before trying to analyze the political intent/compulsion of Sunnis’ leadership in Kashmir in forcing a “treaty" with Shias’ leadership, the history of existence of Shia and Pandit community in Kashmir since 1368 is briefly reproduced in the sequel.

The Shias of Kashmir & Sunnis' Atrocities on them:

Who founded Shi'ism in Kashmir?

In 1381 CE, after Taimur invaded Iran, Mir Syed Ali Hamdani, an Iranian Sufi arrived in Kashmir with a large number of disciples and preached Islam. Shi'ism was properly introduced by Shams ud Din Iraqi whose spiritual inspiration Syed Muhammad Noor Bakhsh belonged to the Sufi order of Mir Syed Ali Hamdani and had huge following base in Iran, Qandhar, Kabul and Kashmir. Mir Shams-ud Din arrived in Kashmir in 1481 CE and then returned to Iran. Twenty years later in 1501 CE, he came to Kashmir again, along with 700 Shia Sufis, scholars and missionaries. In 1505 CE, the King of the Shah Mir Dynasty converted to Shi'ism and so did the Chak clan of Kashmir. 

Shia- the Professional:

According to the 1873 British gazetteer of Kashmir, the Sunnis far outnumber the Shias, . . . of the latter there were said to be only a thousand houses, numbering about five or six thousand souls, . . . found chiefly at Zadibal, about two koss to the north of Srinagar, at Nandapor and Hassanabad, near to the city lake. Though so few in number, the men of this sect form the most active, industrious, and well-to-do portion of the Mohamedan community. The finest papier-mâché workers and shawl makers in Srinagar are Shias, and some of the wealthiest men in the city belong to that sect.

Wave of Attacks on Shias by Sunnis in Kashmir:

The barbaric attacks of Sunnis on Shias are documented in history under the category “Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing". Is anyone surprised!!  A few are briefly reproduced in the following paragraphs.

1.       Mirza Haider Dughlat's, 1540 CE, reign was a reign of terror and Shias had no choice but to practice Taqiyya. He asked opinion of Sunni scholars on a book, fiqh-i-Ahwat by Syed Muhammad Noorbakhsh, which was declared heresy. Mirza Dughlat writes: Many of the people of Kashmir who were strongly attached to this apostasy, I brought back, whether they would or no, to the true faith, and many I slew. A number took refuge in Sufism but they are not true Sufis, having nothing but the name.

2.       By the end of sixteenth century, famous Sunni saint Ahmad Sirhindi (1564-1624) had penned down a treatise under the title "Radd-e-Rawafiz" to justify the slaughter of Shias by Abdullah Khan Uzbek in Mashhad. In this he argues: Since the Shia permit cursing Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and one of the chaste wives (of the Prophet), which in itself constitutes infidelity, it is incumbent upon the Muslim ruler, nay upon all people, in compliance with the command of the Omniscient King (Allah), to kill them and to oppress them in order to elevate the true religion. It is permissible to destroy their buildings and to seize their property and belongings. Itqad Khan, who held the post of governor for eleven years, was a ruthless tyrant. He treated the Shias with utmost brutality. The Naqshbandi saints Khawaja Khawand Mahmud and disciples of Ahmad Sirhindi disliked Shias. During Zafar Khan's first rule, in 1636 CE, while people were picking fruits, an argument started between a Shia and a Sunni and it escalated to an all-out attack on the Shia neighborhoods.

3.       In 1803 CE, violent clashes broke out between Shias and Sunnis. The British gazetteer notes: In the times of the Pathans, the Shias were not allowed to enact the feast of Moharem. In the time of Abdullah Khan, who made himself independent of his master at Kabul, they attempted to celebrate, but were attacked and plundered, and their houses burnt; some 150 of them (for there were very few in the city) were collected, their noses pierced, and one string passed through them all, and thus linked together, they were made to perambulate the bazars.

4.       In 1872 CE, brutal attacks were orchestrated against Shias during the reign of Dogra Raja Ranbir Singh. The bitter violence centered around a dispute over a shrine but on the background the economic conflict between Shias and Sunnis cannot be ignored. The shawl market was dominated by the high-quality fabrics produced by Shia weavers of ZadibalThe British gazetteer narrates the riots as follows: The disturbances then raged for more than a week, and for some time defied the efforts of the governor, who called in the aid of troops; whole districts were reduced to smoldering heaps of ruins; and business was for some time entirely suspended, a great portion of the city being deserted. The Shias fled in every direction, some seeking safety on the adjacent mountains, while others remained in the city in secret lurking places. Many of the women and children of the Shias found an asylum from the hands of their infuriated co-religionists in the houses of the Hindu portion of the community. When order was at length restored, the ringleaders of the riot were seized and imprisoned, besides hundreds or thousands, it is said, of the poorer inhabitants. Hindus! You know!! The Kafirs!!!

  1. November 3, 2000: Assassination of Shia religious leader Agha Syed Mehdi in Budgam.  A prominent Kashmiri Shia religious leader from Srinagar, Iftikhar Ansari was thrice the target of unsuccessful assassination attempts. In June 2000, Ansari barely escaped the explosion of a landmine while addressing a religious congregation at Gund Khwaja Qasim Pattan. The blast killed twelve of his followers. On 1 September 2000, Ansari was injured by an IED explosion that killed two police including his driver.

The Pandits of Kashmir and Muslims’ Atrocities on them: Classification: Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing

Seven instances of Genocide and consequent exoduses are recorded in history. A sample is reproduced.

1.       According to Hassan (History of Kashmir), “This country possessed from the times of Hindu rajas many temples which were like the wonders of the world. Their workmanship was so fine and delicate that one found himself bewildered at their sight. Sikandar, goaded by feelings of bigotry, destroyed them and levelled them with the earth and with the material built many mosques and khanqahs…..” Hassan further adds, “Sikandar meted out greatest oppression to the Hindus. It was notified in the Valley that if a Hindu does not become a Muslim, he must leave the country or be killed. As a result, some of the Hindus fled away, some accepted Islam and many Brahmans consented to be killed and gave their lives. It is said that Sikandar collected, by these methods, six maunds of sacred thread form Hindu convert and burnt them….” Sikandar issued orders that no man should wear the tilak mark on his forehead and no woman be allowed to perform sati. Farishta says, “Many of the Brahmans, rather than abandon their religion or their county, poisoned themselves; some emigrated from their native homes, while a few escaped the evil of banishment by becoming Muhammedans”.

2.        Jonaraja gives a graphic account of the plight of the illustrious Kashmiri Pandits in the draconian reign of Ali Shah. He says,” Suha Bhatta- the convert, passed the limit by levying fine, jazia, on the twice-born. This evil-minded man forbade ceremonies and processions on the new moon. He became envious that the Brahmans who had become fearless would keep up their caste by going over to foreign countries, he therefore ordered posting of squads on the roads, not to allow passage to anyone without a passport. Then as the fisherman torments fish, so this low born man tormented the twice-born in this country. The legendary Brahmans burnt themselves in the flaming fire through fear of conversion. Some Brahmans killed themselves by taking poison, some by the rope and others by drowning themselves. Others again by falling from a precipice. The country was contaminated by hatred and the king’s favourites could not prevent one in a thousand from committing suicide …. A multitude of celebrated Brahmans, who prided in their caste, fled from the country through bye-roads as the main roads were closed. Even as men depart from this world, so did the Aryan Saraswat Brahmans of Kashmir flee to foreign countries. The difficult countries through which they passed, the scanty food, painful illness and the torments of hell during life time removed from the minds of the Kashmiri Pandits the fears of hell. Oppressed by various calamities such as encounter with the enemy, fear of snakes, fierce heat and scanty food; many Brahmans perished on the way and thus obtained salvation.”

The above two samples suffice to expose the barbarism of Muslim rulers as inflicted on Pandits of Kashmir. Those who survived mid 80s and early 90s and those who perpetrated genocide and ethnic cleansing on Pandit community, both shall be able to connect themselves with the above two samples.

The Perpetrator of Genocide and the Victim:

Kashmir always remained a region dominated by Sunnis, since Muslim rule. The Perpetrators were Sunnis and the victims were the Shias. In case of Pandit community, the perpetrators are Muslims because when it comes to dealing with non- Muslims, all sects within Muslims unite. That Sunnis led the genocide against the Pandit community isn't deniable because Pakistan can't support any Muslim uprising led by Shias since within that country nearly ever open space is filled with slogans like “Shia Kafir Shia Kafir Kafir Shia..”.

Why New Found Love for Shias in Kashmir?

There can be two reasons for this new found love. First, the impending assembly elections necessitate total and complete Muslim unity in order to ensure that BJP draws a bank from Kashmir in upcoming elections. Therefore, Shias can't remain alienated from Sunni dominated Muslim politics. On a Sunni political chess board Shias shall play by the rules set by Sunnis’ leadership else, you know !!!! The LS election results have infused confidence in anti-India and pro-Pak “mainstream" political outfits that they have retained the wherewithal to challenge all that BJP led government at Center implemented in J&K since August 2019. The Sunni leadership has been cozying up to the Pandit community in their attempts to seek their votes since they know that the Pandit community harbours a sense of betrayal from BJP to their cause. Taking charge of J&K assembly is a first imperative if their secessionist movement that seeks independence from India is to be refueled. Thereafter, they shall intensify their movement for restoration of full state status to J& K because that's the second imperative. Unless state police are under their jurisdiction, subversive activities against the Indian State can't be sustained. Independence from India is the second reason why Sunni leadership is cozying up to Shias and Pandits.

The irony is that the BJP led government at Center is helping them in their attempts by forcing Pandit community members to serve and settle down in Kashmir. The Sunni leadership expects this population of Pandit community to grow over the years. This time around, in their secessionist movement against Indian State, they are not going to harm, in anyway, the Pandit community in Kashmir because they have learnt how badly the genocide and forced exodus of Pandit community tarnished their “Azadi" movement in that it got labeled as communal and as the act of terrorism against the minorities.

The annihilation of Shias and Pandits can wait for independence to be achieved from India. Thereafter, Pakistan's model for treatment to Shias and Pandits can be employed. Under CAA, India may allow Kashmiri Pandit refugees to migrate to India and apply for Indian citizenship!

A Fairy Tale All This! No, A Not-So-Distant Reality!!







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