"Terrorism" in Reasi Rajouri Doda Trikuta Nagar (Jammu City): Nehru's Blunders Modi's Rectifications: Lalit k kaul


“Terrorism” in Reasi Rajouri Doda Trikuta Nagar (Jammu City): Nehru's Blunders Modi's Rectifications

Lalit k kaul

So, it’s back to from where it started! The focus is now more on Jammu region and, indeed, it has reached Jammu city! It’s not that such attacks are not happening in Kashmir or had not happened in Jammu city in 1990s, but the latest ones in J&K have few new messages to deliver to Indian State and its political leadership (L to R). Those spearheading such attacks are within J&K and are confident that the role of the political outfits that are occupying opposition benches in the Parliament will be to only criticize the ruling coalition and not join hands with the latter for chalking out a path that would annihilate the concocted political doctrine that holds India as the Occupier/Aggressor in Kashmir and therefore must quit. One should not lose sight of the fact that such political outfits whose designs and objects are inimical to the integrity of India are in league with those who are ever busy planning Ghazwa 2047 and all the concerned know as to who they are. Such forces that combine religious ideology with secular politics and their supporters are a potent force and need to be vanquished politically, and physically too, if required; because nobody is above Nation and her geo-political and geo-economical interests, and territorial integrity.

Let us explode some myths about J&K and more particularly about Kashmir.

The Myths:

1.      Kashmir Problem: Kashmir as a region was never a political entity by itself during Sikh and Dogra rule. Therefore, Kashmir was not a separate princely state  and hence it and its people had no jurisdiction to exercise its choice from among the three options available to the then princely states: accession to Pakistan OR India OR remain an independent sovereign state. In Kashmir- which was a part of the erstwhile J&K state- there was only ONE problem. And that was that a policy of discrimination was conscientiously institutionalized against a miniscule minority of Kashmiri Pandit (KP) community in regard to admissions to university  engineering and medical college, employment in government jobs and, if employed, carrier growth prospects in their jobs; etcetera. This problem was done away with in ONE stroke by committing genocide on this community and forcing them into exile and in this process the perpetrators had the consent of all political outfits (L to R). Why and how that barbarism was inflicted on KP community is beyond the scope of this piece.

2.      The J&K State Occupation

It was a princely state that also included Ladakh and Gilgit Baltistan. Therefore, Maharaja Hari Singh had available to him all the three options as mentioned in the aforesaid lines. He offered India and Pakistan to sign a Stand Still Agreement with him. It was about both India and Pakistan not doing anything to disturb his option choosing and allow him to do so. India refused to sign. Pakistan signed and violated resulting in “tribal” raid (in which in fact Pakistani army was fully involved and it had put Poonchis in the forefront, which Jinnah was to admit later). The Maharaja approached Indian leadership for military support against the attack which was for the reason that his territory was not a part of India. He was very desperate because he had been betrayed by his Muslim commanders and army personnel in their fight against the invaders as they quit his army and joined his foe! So, he signed the Instrument of Accession with India and rest is the history. So, it was Pakistan that created a problem and then didn’t cooperate for holding a plebiscite under UN auspices as she defaulted by not honouring the very first clause of the UN resolution. Pakistan that was founded on the doctrine of Two Nation Theory which fundamentally incorporated hatred against non-Muslims and to remain faithful to her ideology slowly but surely dropped J from J&K and started screaming from roof tops and in international forums the non-existent “Kashmir” problem.

3.      Nehruji’s Blunders: Those who learn history in Madrasas and Shakhas are taught so for the purpose of grinding their respective political axes. They take huge advantage of the fact that reading history is not a passion for common citizens, no matter to which country they belong. Some exceptions may be there. For madrasa read students: “the UN resolution were drafted by Kafirs”. Who will educate these students that there is a world beyond Al Quran and, for Shakha read ones: “Kashmir problem is due to blunders committed by Nehruji. Only if Sri Patel was allowed to handle Kashmir, the problem wouldn’t have been there”.  Who will educate these Shakha historians that Sri Patel was ready to barter Kashmir for Hyderabad and Junagarh with Pakistan? And, in fact Sri Patel had sent this offer to Liaquat Ali Khan, the then PM of Pakistan, through Louis Mountbatten only to be rejected by the latter! But, coming as it is from the mouth of our PM in the Lok Sabha tells us that to what abysmal depths politics in our country has degenerated! There have been and continue to be two Articles- 370 & 35A- that due to strikingly degenerate politics ended up with traumatizing Kashmiri society, committing genocide on KP community  followed with their exile from the Valley; and these two Articles are even today being exploited to destabilize J&K and keep communal tensions alive as professed by Jinnah’s Two Nation Theory only to experience a series of “terror” attacks in J&K. What did Nehruji basically do? Did he invent a mechanism to thrust his way on nascent Indian Nation? Let’s discover. The genesis of Article 370 is to be found from the Instrument of Accession. The link is provided herewith 


It details out the conditions of Accession of J&K with Indian Dominion. It is suggested that the readers must read point number 8 of this Instrument that talks about sovereignty. Hence Article 370. It also contains the one signed by the Maharaja with Indian Dominion.

The Genesis of Art 35 A:


The above link has an article with title “State Subject-The Evolution Story” Kashmir Life, April 10, 2019 by Dr. Nitin Chandel. Few lines are reproduced here as under:

Right now when Kashmiri’s entire political class has launched a serious campaign to preserve the demographic composition of J&K, Dr Nitin Chandel details how Kashmiri Pandits and Jammu Dogras jointly launched a tireless campaign for the creation of the state subject classification in 1932. Interestingly, the majority Muslims didn’t matter then.     

So, Article 35A was not the gift of Nehruji to “his friend” Sheikh Abdullah. It was in vogue much before India got independence. Left to Sri Patel and but for the stupidity of the then PM of Pakistan in having rejected the offer, J&K should have become part of Pakistan! The BJP enthusiasts, Shakha fed and bred, including the Modi-Shah duo should have known this historical fact!

Therefore, both the Articles 370 & 35A were not so called Nehruji’s blunders, but the natural consequences of the Instrument of Accession and already in vogue the concept of State Subject. However, now it can be stated beyond debate that Articles 370 & 35A were not the reasons for insurgency in Kashmir because even after their proclaimed abrogation, the status-quo-ante remains of which the consecutive attacks in J&K are proof enough. Of course, for some time there was a lull before the impending storm that one has been witnessing since 6th June 2024.

4.      Modiji’s Rectification:

Process started with Nehru vilification by Modi-Shah duo in the Parliament in regard to his “Kashmir Policy”; eulogizing Sri Patel for his “vision on Kashmir”. After a prolonged debate, the bill to abrogate Art 370 and 35A was passed in both the houses of Parliament. Thereby, the said Articles got abrogated, that’s to say if Article 370 existed as on August 5 2019. While whole Nation cheered; electronic, digital and the print media sang praises for Modiji’s political conviction; thereafter, one saw G20 Summit, Arab Nations Summit for investments in “Kashmir” (UAE obliged); Yoga exercises tended to confirm that Kashmir had been Indianized; boost in tourism was touted as success story of J&K post rectification of all the blunders of Nehruji. But the Leopard was biding its time for all extravaganza to be over. For the entire exterior, the Leopard’s spots remained unchanged and it swung into action post LS elections because results from Kashmir had confirmed that masses continued to harbour anti-India sentiment instigated and nurtured by Local Muslims’ religious and political leadership. The “blunders” rectified (!) yet the problem remains as in the starting of 1986! And, more horrendously now it is Jammu which is the target! Beware! Dogras and KPs for, the Man-eater is on the prowl amongst you.

Now, whose “blunders” ? Modi-Shah duo may choose to answer to the Nation and the media need to ask more questions than ever before without blaming external agencies for the internal strife; because the political cancer is within.


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