Zakir Naik defines the Place of a Female in a Society: Lalit K Kaul

 “Islamic Scholar” Dr Zakir Naik defines the Place of a Female in a Society

Lalit K Kaul

He could have done so only in Pakistan. It’s quite possible that he was invited to defile the very entity called Woman/girl. What with TTP avowedly working towards imposition of Sharia Law in Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Taliban government having imposed it since the day they came to wield political power in Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, the Pakistani government under pressure from within and without may have chosen Zakir Naik to initiate the exercise of letting females know their place in an Islamic society.

For the civilized Pakistanis- who anyway are very hard to find- their sensibilities have been hurt beyond words, as one finds it in Pakistani digital media. But they don’t matter in Pakistan where the organizations like TLP LET HM ISIS Al Qaeda etcetera are nurtured and revered.

Another purpose which Zakir Naik was to serve just before the SCO summit was to embarrass India as they expected him to speak badly about India in regard to Muslims in India. Because, for India and Indians Zakir Naik is a fugitive who excelled in poisoning the minds of Muslims against non-Muslims. His videos and his speeches of hatred have left their indelible tragic impact in the Western world too. But to Pakistani establishment’s dismay, Zakir Naik praised India and asserted that India was a much better Nation than Pakistan! Though that praise for India came in the context of his disappointment with Pakistani airline which charged him for his extra baggage while giving him a 50% discount on the total amount yet it may not be the reason. The question that comes to mind is: is he trying to come back to India? Are his days in Malaysia numbered? In the recent interaction between the ASEAN and Prime Minister (PM) of India, did anything transpire between the PMs of India and Malaysia in regard to Zakir Naik’s extradition to India? One has to only wait and watch.

Total Disregard for Woman’s Identity:

The irony, a right thinking person may say, is that Zakir Naik is born from the womb of a woman (his mother) and yet he has such disparaging thoughts about women and girls. From his utterances against and behaviour with females, looks like that in his considered opinion a female is only a commodity for men which is to be sexually relished at Man’s will and that it’s that commodity value that gets her cognizance in a society! This kind of mind-set is not unique to any particular community, but the display of such a mind-set from a person who is acknowledged as an “Islamic Scholar” raises the question: what status does Islam confer on a woman/girl in a Muslim society? Does she have an existence/Identity independent of man? Or, she is born to remain ever subservient to the Man’s will?

Uncivilized Words as Spoken by Zakir Naik:

The following lines record how Zakir Naik by his utterances dehumanized females.

Bazaaru Aurat: If a girl doesn’t find a boy for her to marry with, then, as per him, she has two options; 1) she marry an already married man or 2) she becomes a bazaaru aurat and offers her body to any and every man for satiating his sexual hunger!

Zakir Naik may be told that marriage is not “the be all and end all” of one’s life. And that one doesn’t marry to satiate one’s sexual appetite, but to raise a family and that’s one’s prime duty as without new born the societies won’t evolve. In fact in our Sanatan Dharm marriage is a duty towards one’s society and having had desirable number of children one may abstain from having sexual relationship with wife. In Sanatan Dharm woman is not a commodity, but an embodied form of Shakti.

Erectile Dysfunction:

Roared “Islamic Scholar” Zakir Naik,” If after being face to face with a woman for 20 minutes this man doesn’t get an urge to have sex with her then he has, according to him, what’s called erectile dysfunction”. It implies that if a man is face to face with his mother/sister/sister-in-law/daughter for 20 minutes then he should get the urge to have sexual intercourse with her and if that doesn’t happen then, according to him, the man has a problem and need consult an appropriate physician! According to Zakir Naik man is ever sexually hungry specie and therefore on the sight of a female he is bound to pounce upon her!

Cannot Touch a Girl who has attained Puberty:

In Hindu families daughters naturally come to wield very subtly a kind of influence over all the members of a family that restrains every family member’s speech and gestures and brings in a sense of discipline in whatever works are undertaken. The daughters are free to interact with everyone in the family without breaching family discipline and so are the elders free to engage her in studies and/or playing games with them.

Looks like not so for this “Islamic Scholar”. You know his problem? It’s his mind-set, don’t know whether he is inspired by his religion, or by some other philosophy that looks at each and every girl who has attained puberty as a commodity to be relished for sexual appetite. Since by looking at a women/girl for 20 minutes should necessarily arouse a desire in a man to have sex with her, as per his thesis; touching a girl (maiden) who has attained puberty is bound to agitate him to have sex with the girl and that too a Virgin! Wonder if he has a daughter/ granddaughter and if he ever touched them!! It can’t get more ridiculous than that where a relationship between a boy and a girl; a man and a woman; a man and a girl and a woman and a boy is seen and perceived only in sexual terms!

Somebody need inform this “Islamic Scholar” that a relationship between two opposite sexes doesn’t necessarily revolve around taking woman/girl or man/boy to bed for sexual intercourse. He seems to suffer from absolute sickness of mind and if not then what’s his inspiration behind such utterances? Is it his religion or his self invented world-view for man-woman; man-girl; woman-boy relationship? Getting answers to such questions could be an interesting topic for research in sociology.

Women Anchor are not Good for Society:

Giving too much importance to his personality almost bordering narcissism, he shamelessly narrates how a lady anchor was trying closing up to him and how he was trying to maintain the distance between the two. Anchors who are associated with digital media and make Vlogs do stand close to the guest while asking questions on a chosen topic because they share a common microphone. And this “Islamic Scholar” is complaining that the anchor was trying to come closer and closer while he was moving away and further away! The problem with the likes of Zakir Naik is that whenever they see a woman/girl (known or unknown; relation, friend or an acquaintance; a neighbour or an office colleague, etcetera) they desire to have sex with one and all because it’s ingrained in their blood (unki fitrat mein hai).

The Muslim Women’s Movement:

It's the womenfolk in Muslim societies who need to stand up to these mentally sick “scholars” supported by Muslim clergy and Ullema who are so obsessed with sex that every woman/girl they see they envisage her in bed with them.

The Pakistani, Afghan and Iranian women and girls did start a movement to free themselves of such sex maniacs and terribly sick minds, but didn’t have any success.

In Iran, the positive aspect of their movement was that Iranian men openly supported the women for their fight against the moral policing who thrust hijab wearing on them. The Iranian women/society has a hope that they shall be liberated from the mentally sick regime imposed on them if the ongoing conflict in West Asia and Iran’s role in it causes Iranians to overthrow the regime and have a civilized one that existed in the pre 1979 Era. In my understanding the only way to have a conclusive and everlasting victory over Islamic Jihad carried out through terrorism in the West Asia is to usher in a regime change. The erstwhile Shah of Iran’s son has given some indications towards it.

“Mera Jism Meri Marzi”: A movement initiated by some young women/girls in Pakistan. While the Moulvis, Maulanas and Muftis in Pakistan chose to publicly denounce the agitating women and girls as prostitutes and declared that they were prepared to send them customers (thus arrogating for themselves the role of pimps); the movement was all about women/girls in a Muslim society asserting their identity as a gender who, in the scheme of Mother Nature, had as much an important role to play as the men for civilized existence on Earth.

One can easily assess the mind-set of Muslim clergy and Ullema if one goes through their responses to the movement “Mera Jism Meri Marzi”. That women/girl is only a commodity which has to be at the beck and call of man and ever ready to satisfy his sexual appetite, is amply spoken about by the Moulvis in their Vlogs- be they in Pakistan, India or any part of Europe including the UK. It has been both shocking and incredible for me to hear such bearded, capped and moustache less specie.

Precisely, this is what’s called dehumanizing womenfolk and by locking them inside the 4 walls of a house is tantamount to genocide of their intellect. To declare that they have no identity and, therefore, they draw their cognizance by performing the act of satiating man’s sexual appetite, is to negate their existence which essentially is different from that of a man as ordained by Mother Nature.

The Non-Muslim Women’s Role in India:

The womenfolk in India by transcending religious barriers, biases and prejudices need to collectively fight for a dignified place for females in Indian society. For Indian society to be truly civilized, females should enjoy this implicit freedom to, 1) chalk out their life plan in keeping with their aptitudes and attitudes 2) dress-up the way they want to 3) choose a profession of their liking and 4) take a call on their marriage.

If I was asked what is a civilized society, my answer would be: Please visit Malaysia (any part of it), Sikkim and any part of Northeast in India. One can easily see the man-woman relationship in true sense of the term. A holistic relationship.

I thought Zakir Naik would have learnt civilized way of life having lived in Malaysia for so many years. But No, having heard him speak in Pakistan. Whether Muslims need Zakir Naiks it’s the choice they have to make. And it’s the duty of non-Muslims to protect their women and girls from the likes of Zakir Naik and his uncivilized followers.


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