Iltija Mufti's Remarks on Sri Ram Sri Savarkar Hindutva Reassert Islam's Ideology: Lalit k kaul
Iltija Mufti's Remarks on Sri Ram Sri Savarkar and Hindutva Reassert Islam's Ideology
Lalit K Kaul
For sure Iltija Mufti hasn’t read either about Sri Ram or Sri V D Savarkar and His Hindutva thesis. A believer is prohibited from reading books and scriptures of Idolaters because doing so is Haraam. Yet, she chose to belittle them all. This comes very naturally to Muslims because of the indoctrination they undergo in Madrasas based on their Book. Such acts form the basis of their politics as they intend to hide their crimes by demeaning Hindu world-view.
This response to her uncivilized remarks is articulated with the intention of bringing out some of the basic truths about Islam to put this religion in right perspective in the context of a pluralistic society that Indian Nation is. In doing so, verses have been taken from Al Quran.
Intolerance and Hatred:
The Ideology of intolerance and hatred towards other religions is fundamental to Islam and it’s born out of the presumption that it is the only world-view that understands the unfathomable Creation that the philosophers and the scientists since ages and across the Globe have struggled to fathom completely and continue to do so in the modern times. Because Islam claims total and perfect understanding of the Universe around us and has sealed that understanding in a Book and, therefore, it dictates that the entire humanity, the animal and plant world fall in line else face annihilation. The consequences of such indefensible claims have been that of vanquishing diverse civilizations that existed, prior to advent of Islam, based on world-views specific to them by might of the sword and thereby attempting to homogenize the Reality-that meets with the naked eye- which is essentially heterogeneous in its character.
There is this saying in Sanskrit: He who knows that he knows All knows Not and He who knows that He knows Not knows All. The Book of Islam claims to know All and none (essentially its followers) are allowed to investigate to explore more. All inventions are prohibited in Islam for the reason that they have the potential to derail a Momin from the path as dictated by Allah. Thus the human mind’s inquisitiveness that’s intrinsic to a human being is obliterated for all times to come. The Ottoman Empire showcased this anti-Nature act when it banned printing press by declaring its use as Haraam.
But then there is another angle to it. The Muslims having realized that it wouldn’t be possible to survive in the modern world if usage of all invented goods was declared Haraam, they very voluntarily chose to ignore the Book and chose to adopt modern ways of life and lifestyles. The Muslim Ullema reconciled Islam with modern times for ensuring comfortable worldly life by coining terminologies like Sharia Approved and Halal Certified while continuing to raise the pitch of hatred and intolerance against non-believers and Idolaters as dictated in the Book. This is opportunism par excellence as far as living is concerned and also a strategy to sanctify usage of arms, ammunition and other equipment for warfare, as invented by non-believers, for committing genocide on Idolaters and non-believers if they refused to accept Islam, because swords weren’t going to achieve the objective of homogenizing a naturally heterogeneous world. This opportunism is intrinsic to followers of Islam and therefore is an integral part of their politics in the modern world.
The Basis of Islam is Violence:
We are told that Islam means Peace. It is travesty of truth. The meaning of Islam in Al Quran is printed as “Submission”. That submission is total and is intolerant to any questioning. Total submission is to Allah and because Al Quran is the Will and Dictate of Allah, therefore no questions and debates on its content are allowed. Anyone who dares to do so, the punishment is Death- Sar Tan Sae Juda. Anyone- a race, a community, a religious group- who doesn’t submit to the Book foregoes the Right to Live and is culpable for going through Sar Tan Sae Juda.
It's not that only Idolaters and other People of the Book qualify for Sar Tan Sae Juda treatment, It also holds for Bohras, Ahmedias, Shias et al. As also between the four schools of thought of Sunnis.
No Dichotomy between the Theory and Practice:
There is no dichotomy between the two when it comes to mass scale killings of Idolaters and non-believers, forcible conversion of their men and boys, and forcible conversion of their girls post their kidnapping and rape. This is all too well documented in history books written by Muslim authors which proudly describe the Islamic rule in India. Muslims in Indian Subcontinent, who had converted to Islam, continued this religious practice- the outstanding ones being the Moplah riots and Direct Action Day as ordered by Mohammed Ali Jinnah.
In post independent India, the outstanding example of putting the theory into practice was witnessed in Kashmir starting 1986 (continuing) and it’s a never-ending process in Muslim majority pockets in India propelled by their religious and political leaders.
Excellent examples of translating the theory into practice have been set in Pakistan-the pious place for Muslims and Afghanistan. And, now Bangladesh is trying to catch up very fast with Pakistan and Afghanistan as far as inflicting barbarism on Idolaters and People of the Book, as per the dictates of their Book, is concerned.
The remarkable characteristic of Momin is: there may be no food in the house, but swords, knives, stones, bricks, petrol bombs and country made pistols remain in stock always in order to respond with a lightning speed to the call of Allah through a Moulvi in a mosque to go on looting and slaughtering spree of idolaters’ and non-believers’ property and their lives.
Beyond Comprehension:
For the people of the Book it’s beyond their intellect to grasp 1) essence of Hindutva, 2) the essence of Sri V D Savarkar’s life and the Value system he embodied and 3) Eternal presence of Sri Ram in all that sustains this mortal world/Universe and in His embodied form the message He sent to the mortal world by His conduct and deeds. Therefore, no point in wasting time in attempting to engage the Muslims on these. More than their incapability to understand Hindu Scriptures, the biggest obstacle is that they are forbidden to read any book associated with Idolaters and non-believers. So it would be fruitful to show them the mirror. About their religion as testified by the versus in the Book. Only to inform them of their co-ordinates in the civilized world.
An attempt is made in that direction in the following lines:
Nupur Sharma and Sar Tan Sae Juda:
When she responded factually to a capped, bearded and moustacheless specie’s derogatory comments for her religion, in a live TV show; the Momin were up in arms and Sar Tan Sae Juda fatwa was issued faster than the speed of light. The SC judge admonished her and the spineless BJP and its government removed her from being their spokesperson. The BJP which was licking feet of Muslims to garner votes did to her what it did for that reason.
Here is a tweet by a Momin turned atheist which is reproduced here. It’s self-explanatory and validates Ms Nupur Sharma. It’s a cartoon depicting “Mohammed” and “Little Aisha”.
Fighting Idolatry:
“Believers fight for the cause of Allah, while disbelievers do battle for the cause of idols. So fight the minions of the devil' (Surah IV, verse 76). 'Fight against them until idolatry is no more' (II, 193). 'Idolatry is worse than carnage' (II, 217)”.
Law of Allah on Idolaters:
“And when the forbidden months have passed, kill the idolaters wherever you find them and take them prisoners, and beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they repent and observe Prayer and pay the Zakat, then leave their way free. Surely, Allah is Most Forgiving, Merciful”.(9.5)
“Fight those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the latter day, nor do they prohibit what Allah and His Apostle have prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection”. (9.29)
Relationship between Believers and Non-believers:
“Let not the believers take dis-believers for friends in preference to believers….” (3.29)
“Those who take disbelievers for friends rather than believers. Do they seek honour at their hands?” (4.140)
“O ye who believe ! take not disbelievers for friends in preference to believers. Do you mean to give Allah a manifest proof against yourselves?”.(4.145)
“O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and Christians for friends They are friends one to another. And whoso among you takes them for friends is indeed one of them. Verily Allah guides not the unjust people”(5.52)
The above versus infuse Momin to commit genocide on Hindus (Idolaters) and other People of the Book as witnessed in Kashmir, Pakistan, Afghanistan and now being witnessed in Bangladesh. Witnessed Hamas barbarism on unsuspecting Jews on 7th October, 2023.
Proof of Intolerance in Islam as Practiced in Heterogeneous Societies:
The "Dhimma or "responsibility/protection" is the compact which the Islamic state makes for the "protection" of its non-Muslim subjects. According to British-Egyptian scholar Bat Ye'or, the dhimma is the continuation of Jihad, the subjection of a non-Muslim people to the political rule of Islam. As part of the dhimma, the conquered people are humiliated and forced to pay for the very right to live through the Jizya. The subjects of the dhimma or "protection" are the dhimmis, whose lives and religions are tolerated, though the dhimmis themselves are subject to numerous personal restrictions that reduce them to the state of 2nd class citizens, while their religion is neutered of any possible threat it could pose to Islam. The scholars are quite clear, in agreement with the Qur'an, that the dhimmis must feel themselves humiliated and subdued, never equals to Muslims. According to the scholars, it ought to apply to all non-Muslims living under Muslim rule at all times and should be the only choice given to all infidel people in the world besides conversion to Islam or death.
Resurrection: Grossly Violates the Law of Nature:
A dead body when cremated reduces to ashes and merges with the Mother Earth irretrievably. A dead body when buried too merges with the Mother Earth irretrievably. That’s the Law of Nature and none have this capability to defy the Law irrespective of one’s powers-spiritual, material or a combination of both.
The material world runs on Causation- the cause-and-effect pair. By virtue of our deeds we create heaven and hell right here on this Earth. Like, in Kashmir, Pakistan, Afghanistan the deeds of Muslims, driven by the Law of Allah, made life hell for idolaters and non-believers. The process has now picked up momentum in Bangladesh. In Medina life was made hell for the Jews when 700 of them were beheaded in one single day very much repeated by Tipu Sultan who beheaded 700 Iyengar Brahmins in Malekote in Mysore. Like, post barbarism of Hamas inflicted on Jews on 7th October, 2023; the Jews made life hell for residents West Bank, Gaza and Lebanon- cause (7th October, 2023) and effect continues to be!
Muslims need to Introspect on Islam without Criticizing other Religions:
The likes of Iltija Mufti including the Moulvis, Maulanas, Muftis and Ullema need to look within instead of belittling loudly Sanatan Dharm and its world-view. Hiding one’s own limitations under the cover of criticizing others doesn’t help an individual, a community and a race in trying to chalk out their future in a world that’s being governed predominantly by science and technology. There is nothing worthwhile that Islam has contributed to the healthy evolution of this world; indeed its contribution has been to vandalize and traumatize societies across the Globe.
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